Yuvraj Kapadia – Forgiveness to Freedom – Karma of Forgiveness
workshop by yuvraj kapadiaLack of forgiveness is one of the most popular contributors to failing relationships. This workshop bestows you with an understanding of the power of forgiveness and teaches you how to continuously forgive yourself and others, reduce your karmic accounts, and restore your sense of freedom. Participants will:Understand what karma is and the energy level of all their karmic responses towards people and situationsWitness the dynamic interplay of karma and forgiveness, and how this impacts their experience of lifeUnderstand why they have attracted the people and events in their lives which keep the drama of pain and pleasure ongoingIdentify how their attitude and behavior governs the direction of their lifeGet in touch with their own creative force and experience forgiving themselves profound medition of forgiveness to release karma
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Outstanding Course:E. Barrie Kavasch – Native Harvests
Lord –
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