Troy Francis How To Be An Assh*le : That Beautiful Women Love
Yes, it’s hot on the heels of my last release HOW TO GET HOT GIRLS INTO BED , but as you may have noticed if you follow this website or my Twitter account, having been released from my corporate shackles recently I’ve had a lot more time to devote to writing, plus the idea for this book came to me almost in a flash and demanded to be written.The book does what it says on the tin. How often do we hear that ‘nice guys finish last’? How often do we read that it’s the assholes, the jerks who get all the hot girls? ALL THE TIME! And there’s this sense, isn’t there, that you are either a ‘nice guy’ or an ‘assh*le’. And if you weren’t born with the ‘asshole gene’ then sorry, you’re just going to have to make do with the scraps along with all the other beta, nice guy losers.You will learn:The true meaning of the ‘dark tetrad’ characteristics narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy and sadismPrecisely why these are so enormously attractive to women How you can take elements of these characteristics to modify your own behaviour when you approach the very hottest girls How to think and behave like the alpha bad buy who doesn’t care and gets all the most beautiful girls without trying.But there’s another piece to the puzzle. You will also learn all about radical differentiation (a term first coined by Ross Jeffries) and why it is so vitally important in attracting girls: Why radically differentiating yourself from other guys is hugely sexually attractive to women How you can find your true core and change the way you present yourself to others accordingly How to separate yourself from the sheep and truly become yourself Develop strong boundaries in your interactions both with women and other menYou see here’s the realisation that struck me when I was researching this book : if you are able to harness dark tetrad characteristics to radical differentiation perfectly then you would be irresistible to the hottest women:DARK TETRAD CHARACTERISTICS + RADICAL DIFFERENTIATION = IRRESISTIBLE TO THE HOTTEST WOMEN
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