Product includes: Dimensions 15 × 20 × 05 cm | Weight 0.150g
Language: English
Delivery: Digital Download
You will get : Dimensions 15 × 20 × 05 cm
The information on this DVD will work effectively for civilians, law enforcement and the military.
This DVD contains all the information, tactics, techniques and strategies you need to acquire the potential skills to evade almost any attack when a knife is pulled on you. You’ll acquire the skills you need to instantly turn the most dangerous situation to your advantage.
It covers the concepts of distance: what a person can do with a knife at a greater distance, what you can do and when to run away.
This DVD shows numerous situations where the knife is pulled on you and touches your body.
It covers the best techniques to use when the knife is being cut or thrust at you. You will learn many techniques on how to defend yourself against a knife when it is facing the front of your body, back or even behind you at your neck. You will learn and acquire enough information to understand the roots of all concepts.
Tom Muzila is a former member of the US Army Special Forces (Green Berets), during the Vietnam era. He specializes in counter terrorism, guerrilla warfare, survival war strategy and all types of combat shooting.
Muzila has been a professional bodyguard and protection specialist for over 35 years and has protected numerous dignitaries, politicians and celebrities. He has trained military units, law enforcement agencies, police, SWAT teams and bodyguards over the years. Tom Muzila has a bodyguard academy and is also part of the Orange County Reserve Sheriff’s Deputy Department.
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