Swipevault.com – Swipe Vault (Swipe Files)
“Would You Like to Build a Successful Online Business Using Proven Blueprints, Systems, Traffic Sources, Video Sales Letters, Landing Pages, Hocial Media Secrets, Automated Funnels, Copywriting Tricks, And Everything Else That The Top 1% Of Online Business Owners Are Doing To Generate Big Profits Online?
Read This Letter To Discover How To Ethically ‘Swipe’ What’s Working Right Now And Use It To Start, Build & Grow A Profitable Online Business.
From: Chris Luck, Founder & CEO of Swipe Vault
Subject: Your Invitation
Dear Fellow Online Business Owner,
If you’re serious about starting, building, or growing a profitable online business, you need to pay close attention to what I’m going to share with you on this page.
I’ve been building businesses online since 1999. I’ve had some monumental failures (before I knew what I was doing) where I waste thousands of hours of time and tens of thousands of dollars.
But after a lot of hard work (and testing) I started to figure things out…
In fact, I went on to build 13 multi-million dollar online businesses and still make a lot of money every day from these efforts.
Here’s my biggest piece of advice for you if you want to succeed online…
“Don’t Reinvent The Wheel!”
You’ve probably heard this phrase many times. Well, it truly applies to the world of Digital Marketing and making money online. So many Entrepreneurs try to start a business online (or grow an existing one) and they make a major mistake…
They try to come up with some “new” idea they think no one has ever done before. Or they think they’re going to start a business in a market where there’s no competition.
We’re 20 years into the development of the Internet. Every possible market and business model has already been tested. Many failed, while others continue to thrive everyday.
Could you come up with a creative new idea for the next Facebook, Pinterest, or some other grandslam success? Maybe. But the odds are against you. You would have a better chance if you bought lottery tickets.
If You Want To Succeed Online,
You Have 2 Options…
Option 1 : Risk the odds against you and attempt to come up with an unproven idea that will become a huge success.
Option 2 : Swipe what’s already making money and working for the top 1% of digital marketers & Entrepreneurs that’s proven to work – and do it too.
If you choose Option 2, then the opportunity I’m about to give you will change your life.
I’m going to give you the greatest gift I could ever give an Entrepreneur.
I’m going to hand over the keys to a place I built called Swipe Vault.
It’s a private online community with over 1,200 people (just like you) who are sharing sales pages, video sales letters, webinars, funnels, landing pages, squeeze pages, automated evergreen funnels, social media secrets, marketing ads, traffic tactics, copywriting tricks and proven business ideas that you can ethically “Swipe” to build a profitable business online.
And you’re going to get access to of it…
(Plus a whole lot more)
I’ll tell you why in just a second, but first, I have a question for you…
Are You Feeling Lost?
Do you suffer from the Law Of Distraction?
Do you feel like you’re lost in a maze of insanity, with endless twists and turns, always trying and often failing to build or grow your online business?
Are you spending hours tirelessly searching for “what’s working now”…
…And yet have no surefire way of knowing what that elusive thing actually is?
Are you wasting hours on Facebook and forums searching for ‘the answers’…
Where it seems like every single digital marketer has a completely different explanation…
And you still aren’t sure exactly sure what the questions are?
Are you blowing your money buying products from supposedly qualified experts, never really knowing who you can trust?
Do you feel like you’re on an endless journey to acquire all of the skills, knowledge and expertise required…
When all you really want to do is simply BUILD a profitable online business – to improve your life and the lives of your family?
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If There Was A Magical Place Where You Could Just “Swipe” What’s Working Now?
If that magical place actually existed, our lives would be infinitely better…
Wouldn’t it?
Of course it would!
You wouldn’t have to waste your time and money trying to “figure out” what you need to do…
Just “let others” do all of the hard work for you, and when you’re ready, you simply swipe what’s working.
Well, this magical place didn’t exist…
Until today.
Today Is Your Lucky Day…
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Chris Luck.
Let me tell you, I used to work hard. Really hard… just like you and millions of others all over the world…hardly getting by, living paycheck to paycheck.
And, just like you, I always wanted to live the “American Dream” but no matter what job I had, I could never get anywhere close to making enough money to live the life I always wanted.
From fast food to a Fortune 500 company, I tried everything to secure the financial future and support my family.
No matter what I did, my bank balance was always close to zero at the end of the month and, our credit card debt kept piling up.
I hated my jobs, my bosses, the debt, and most of all…
I hated not being able to provide my family the life I wanted to give them.
But then, something changed.
Somebody went and created the Internet.
I was in college when it happened, studying Computer Science (of all things!) and I stumbled upon the world of affiliate marketing.
It was like I’d struck gold.
It blew my mind that I could turn on the computer and get paychecks in the mail for telling people to go to websites on the Internet!
It was utterly fascinating, and I was addicted immediately.
Making this kind of money is what I call “Mailbox Money” – and it’s incredible.
I dropped out of college and focused exclusively on building businesses on the Internet that are designed to make money online (and a lot of it).
In fact…
I’ve Made A Completely Verifiable $25,028,183.02 Online Since 1999…
Now let me be really clear here… it would have been extremely difficult if we didn’t know where money was already being made online.
Back in 1999, when I first got started online… (just like you might be right now)
I was lost.
I wasted my money on useless training products.
I spent hours searching for “the answers”…
But all that testing, trying, failing and ultimately succeeding…
Paid off.
I now live a life, which I am proud to say I been fortunate enough to make my own…
I’ve never taken my dream home, vacations abroad, and most importantly, being able to give my family the life they truly deserve for granted.
Achieving financial freedom through my online ventures was the single most freeing thing that I’ve ever made happen my life.
But I’m here to tell you… it wasn’t cheap, and it wasn’t easy…
In fact, I spent $87,000 in buying programs, products, systems, solutions, courses, checklists, guides, trainings, tutorials and methods before I figured it all out.
It was a very long and painful journey full of nothing but trial and error.
I always thought to myself…
Wouldn’t It Be Nice To Have A Place That Gave You Everything You Need To Build And Grow An Online Business That Could Print Cash On Demand?
Seriously, how COOL would a place like that be?
For the last 15 years, when I wanted to discover a new business idea, marketing method or traffic technique, I had to take that risk of investing a significant amount of money buying every product I could on the topic.
I’m sure you can relate.
Then, hours went into extracting the golden nuggets of information, one word at a time in a library full of hundreds of thousands of pages of ebooks and endless hours of video training and webinars.
In fact – I still do this now, which is a large part of WHY you’re here and I’ll explain that in just a minute, but first – there’s something I want to say…
Before You What I Guarantee Will Change Your Life Financially,
I’m Going To Make You
4 Promises…
The reason I’m going to make you these 4 promises, is because what you’re about to experience is not at all like anything else you’ve seen before.
Here we go…
Promise #1:
This is not one of ‘those’ sites or sales pages where by the end of this page, you’re still not exactly sure what you’re signing up for.
I’m going to show and tell you absolutely everything you’ll be getting if you choose to accept this invitation – so you can be confident that this is the perfect choice for you.
Promise #2:
I will not overwhelm you with too much information, confusing directions or techniques will never work.
You’re about to access to a vault of information has already been proven to deliver only the most tried and tested methods, in separate, easy to follow training videos – so you can have instant “on demand” access to the exact information you want – whenever you want it – 24/7.
Promise #3:
If you sit back and just swipe what’s working, I have absolutely ZERO doubt in my mind that you will be able to build and grow a successful online business.
This isn’t one of these ‘cross your fingers’ and hope it will work opportunities. There’s no need to ponder whether this will actually do what it says on the box.
Promise #4:
This is NOT too hard or complicated for you to understand and deploy.
I’ve created simple step-by-step training videos for you to learn how to swipe, what to swipe and how to make it all come together.
My mission today is to give you something I could only dream about when I got started.
It’s literally the “Ultimate Shortcut” that people (just like you), can use to build and grow a successful online business…
As fast and easy as possible.
You Need To Find Out Where Money Is Made Online And Just Join In Too!
Steve Jobs always said, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”
What this famous quote means is that just about everything has already been done before, and anything we create is usually inspired by other things we’ve been exposed to.
However, the ‘steal’ part is simply saying that it’s easy to just copy and do the same thing, but to just claim it as your own (and add your own twist).
It’s important to understand that I’m not implying you should ever steal anything – and never was Steve Jobs.
However, Apple, Inc. went from being bankrupt to becoming the most valuable company in the world by this process.
The iPod wasn’t the first MP3 player.
The iPhone wasn’t the first smart phone.
The iPad wasn’t the first tablet.
The iMac wasn’t the first all-in-one computer.
Steve was really smart. He let others take major risks in validating whether people will buy a product or not. Then, once a demand for a product was ‘proven’, then he would “join in too” and sell his own version of it.
This is EXACTLY what YOU need to do if you want to shortcut your success online.
Step 1 : Find out where money is being made.
Step 2 : Swipe what’s working.
Step 3 : Join in and make some money too.
It really is that simple. You shouldn’t try to invent something new.
Stop Gambling With Your Money On A New Shiny Object That’s Full Of Empty Promises & Flawed Advice…
Today is the day the odds are in your favor.
Today is the day to go all in.
Today is the day to invest in a what’s working.
Today is the day to get access to place that has everything you need to succeed.
Today is the day to finally build and grow the successful online business you deserve.
Finally, you can stop wasting your money buying course after over-expensive under-performing course by un-reliable self-proclaimed ‘expert’ salesman.
Don’t be another statistic!
More Internet Entrepreneurs Are Failing Now Than Ever Before…
FACT : Making money online is now 10 times harder than it was just a few years ago, and it’s getting worse every minute.
FACT : Self-proclaimed experts are coming out of the woodwork claiming to teach you some new trick or tactic that hasn’t been tested or proven.
It’s like you’re being dropped in a foreign country and trying to get directions from another tourist who doesn’t know where the heck he is either.
Enough is enough!
I decided it was time to build a place where people like you, looking for the success you deserve, can simply “Swipe” everything you need to succeed, all in one place.
Let’s face it. Life is short. Too short.
You owe it to yourself to:
- Own A Profitable Online Business.
- Experience True Financial Freedom.
- Never Fail In Anything Ever Again.
- Experience Instant Success.
- Live the life you deserve.
And WITHOUT having to go through the pain and suffering with trying to find out what works and what doesn’t.
This isn’t a fairytale.
The truth is…
You Must Stop Testing “New” Strategies And Start Using “Proven” Strategies…
How’s that for an “Ah Ha” moment!
Here’s the thing…
There’s a right way and a wrong way to generate profits online, and up till this exact moment there’s a good chance you were doing it the WRONG way.
Once you have seen what others have figured out, then you say…
“Hey, thanks for doing all the hard work! Now I’m going to jump in and make some money too!”
That’s EXACTLY what Steve Jobs (and many other successful Entrepreneurs) have done.
The reality of building a successful online business all comes down to just text, graphics and ads that anyone can create. ANYONE… even you!
Here’s an awesome 100% true fact:
There’s A Private Online Spying Community That Will Give You The Power To Shortcut Your Success To Making Online Profits That It Almost Seems Like Cheating!
…More on that community in a minute.
First, let me ask you this…
If you could use similar strategies taken from a proven, incredibly successful digital marketer or entrepreneur and put them to work for you…
What do you think would happen?
That’s right, you’re going to get similar results! That’s just a fact.
For every Coke, there’s a Pepsi sitting right beside it.
Unfortunately, too many people are trying to base their entire business on some new and unproven strategy sold to them by someone who’s never even done it themselves.
- People that fail, try to think of a new product to create.
- People that fail, try to think of a new market to sell to.
- People that fail, try to think of a new traffic strategy.
- People that fail, try to think of a new way to sell online.
And to make matters worse, this is all happening as they throw their money away in a desperate and painful downward spiral to try and make a TINY profit.
It’s no wonder people are failing in record numbers on the Internet!
Even though that strategy is used by 99% of digital marketers…
It just doesn’t work that well anymore. It never has, and you have to have deep pockets and an incredible amount of gumption to make it happen.
Top 1% Of People That Make Millions Of Dollars Every Year With Their Online Businesses Are Swipe Experts.
I’m not kidding.
Some of the most successful businesses that have ever existed both online and offline have made their fortunes from finding & ‘swiping’ proven ideas, tweaking them, making them their own and raking in the profits.
Swiping is the #1 skill you need to master if you want to make massive amounts of money online.
It’s also the #1 thing that will shortcut your success in ANY online business you decide to jump into.
When you “Swipe What’s Working”, you can literally go from a “newbie” to “rainmaker” that can print cash on demand in any market you want to enter.
In fact…
Swiping What’s Working Is How I Was Able To Generate $25,028,183.02 Since 2007…
With the technology available today, you can “deconstruct” any business online.
What do you think would happen if you used a similar sales page and Facebook ad as your competitor that’s making over $10,000, 7 days a week?
Think about it, what would happen?
I’ll tell you exactly what would happen…
You’d most likely make the same number of sales just like they do, at the same optimized conversion rate they do.
Hopefully, you’re starting to see how all of this is so valuable.
It really is amazing…
Will this work for you? Watch the video below to find out…
Swiping is the single element that’s been responsible for more of my personal success as a digital marketer and Entrepreneur than everything else combined.
If you want to have MASSIVE success in:
Starting a new online business from scratch…
Or growing your existing business to 6, 7, and even 8 figures a year…
You’re going to have to master the art of swiping if you expect to have ANY success with your business online, this year and every year from here on out.
Don’t worry, it’s not a very tough hill to climb because…
Let “Others” Take All The Risks To Figure Out What’s Working…
Then, when you’re ready, you just “join in” and use the same PROVEN products and marketing strategy.
I know, I get it…
- It feels completely unfair.
- If feels like you are cheating.
- It feels like you have an advantage.
It’s ok! Swiping is a completely ethical and legal thing to do.
If it wasn’t, then Steve Jobs would have went to jail and Apple would have been out of business decades ago.
So would Bing.
So would Pepsi.
So would Facebook.
So would Coca Cola.
So would Ford Motors.
The shortcut to getting from where you are right now to where you want to be financially is to “swipe” the hard work of others.
You’re figuring out where easy profits can be made without having to risk time and money to run tests and figure things out.
This is the smartest way to shortcut your success and get fast results as an online business owner.
Because, as you already know…
The Internet is incredibly saturated and more competitive today than ever before.
You must have an unfair advantage to succeed online in today’s market.
Guess what?
You just found it! (More on this later)
We Have A Private Community Of Over 1,200 People (Just Like You) That Swipe What’s Working In Every
Major Industry Online…
We swipe and share the best…
- Webinars.
- Sales Pages.
- Landing Pages.
- Squeeze Pages.
- PPC & PPV Ads.
- Traffic Sources.
- Hottest Products.
- Marketing Funnels.
- Copywriting Tricks.
- Video Sales Letters.
- Direct Response Ads.
- Social Media Campaigns.
- Internet Business Ideas.
We have swipe files dating back as hold as 1917 – all the way up to “this morning”.
Our community swiping and sharing everything in one private place that we can log into from anywhere in the world, day or not, to see “what’s working now” in every major industry online.
It’s called…
Swipe Vault
It’s the most powerful business and marketing community the planet.
Swipe Vault is the #1 contributor to my success in generating tens of millions of dollars online since 1999.
As you just saw in that video, there’s nothing else like Swipe Vault.
With the incredible community of over 1,200 members that are swiping and sharing the best business, sales and marketing material online, 24 hours a day…
There will NEVER will be anything else like Swipe Vault.
And most importantly…
- Swipe Vault WILL accelerate your ability to make money online.
- Swipe Vault WILL jumpstart your success as an online Entrepreneur.
- Swipe Vault WILL give you the unfair advantage you need to succeed.
If all of this sounds like something you’d be interested in…
Then we would like to invite you join today and check it out for yourself.
When you join right now:
- You Get The Best Webinars.
- You Get The Best Sales Pages.
- You Get The Best Landing Pages.
- You Get The Best Squeeze Pages.
- You Get The Best PPC & PPV Ads.
- You Get The Best Products Ideas.
- You Get The Best Traffic Sources.
- You Get The Best Marketing Funnels.
- You Get The Best Copywriting Tricks.
- You Get The Best Video Sales Letters.
- You Get The Best Direct Response Ads.
- You Get The Best Social Media Campaigns.
- You Get The Best Internet Business Ideas.
- And much much more!
Plus: You get access to instant access to swipe files as soon as they are posted so that you can use to get rapid results with building your online business.
Plus: You get access to our private mastermind of over 1,200 online business owners and marketers just like you.
Plus: You get access to “Live” members only monthly webinars, where I will reveal “what’s working now” in online business.
And much much more!
Swipe Vault Is The Shortcut You’ve Been Looking For That Will Accelerate Your Results With Starting, Building, And Growing Your Online Business…
In any market, anytime and anywhere, period.
Everything inside Swipe Vault is tried and tested for rapid results and maximum success.
FACT : You will never hear or see me “hard selling” anyone on anything. I don’t want to be sold, and I don’t want to sell. Never have, never will.
FACT : There are over 24 million people are working from home right now. That’s a lot of people, and every year more people are leaving their jobs to live the dream of working from home.
How is it possible that all these people are earning a successful living from home right now with an online business than any other time in history?
Because when you have the RIGHT tools it’s easier than ever before to make a life-changing amount of money from the comfort of your home!
When You Join Right Now, You’ll Get Access To All You Need To Get Fast Results & Generate Profits Online.
Swipe Vault is specifically designed to give you everything you need to start, build, and grow a true, self-sustaining, successful online business so that you start making “real” money…
Everything you need to succeed is waiting for you…
There’s no need to gamble your hard earned cash anymore.
When you join Swipe Vault, My team and I are going to take all of that risk completely off of your shoulders…
Right here. Right now.
If you want to succeed online, then you need to align yourself with a team of successful digital marketers that you can trust.
And I’m 100% absolutely certain Swipe Vault has everything you need (and more).
The Swipe Files Currently Available Inside Swipe Vault Are Valued At Over $50,429,523,856…
Yes, over 50 “BILLION” dollars. That’s not a typo.
We know this for a fact, because my team put together an itemized list of every sales letter, sales page, sales video, webinar, online and offline madison avenue ad campaign that we could find verifiable earnings data for, and the total was revenue generated was over $50,429,523,856.
My accountant, business advisors and colleagues are telling me that I’m absolutely out of my mind for charging anything less than $4,500/mo for this.
As I’ve said before, I genuinely care about you!
I’m here to help as many people as possible. That’s my mission.
And to accomplish that mission, I know that the only way to do it is to charge as little as possible.
Come inside and try it out!
My sincere hope is you’ll love what you see and choose to stay.
If you do, GREAT!
If not, that’s ok, too.
This is an incredible price and an incredible bargain to have instant access to everything you could ever need to succeed with building and growing an online business, all in one place.
Trust me when I say that I know EXACTLY what it’s like to gamble away hundreds of dollars on countless unreliable courses and training that you read about on Facebook or comes to you in an unsolicited email.
It’s time for all that to STOP!
It’s time for you to start a new chapter in your life for as low as $97 to give Swipe Vault a test drive.
Swipe Vault Is The Shortcut To Success You’ve Been Waiting For…
You have to act fast : Remember, we just had a few spots open up and they will go fast.
Once they’re filled, we’re going to be closing the doors to Swipe Vault once again.
Because if we let anyone and everyone join Swipe Vault, we would have too many people getting access to the same database of swipe files, and implementing and deploying the same marketing strategies.
If we let that happen, it would disrupt just about every major industry and brand online, causing complete chaos.
As soon as there are a certain number of members, We’re going to have to close the doors to the public.
So if you are interested in the benefits and fortunes that Swipe Vault is capable of providing to you, we highly recommend that you join right now.
Buy joining us right now, you can secure your spot before it’s too late.
This Is As Good As It Gets!
Do you REALLY want to keep figuring things out on your own?
Do you REALLY want to keep gambling your money on un-proven products?
Do you REALLY want to keep testing random ideas that may never work?
Or are you ready to take the next step and shortcut your success?
If you choose (not) to be a member of Swipe Vault, then you will have to continue down the lonely, expensive and time consuming journey of figuring things out…
Constantly trolling the Internet and struggling, alone…
Wasting hours of precious time and effort…
Desperately trying to figure out the latest skills and strategies to create, build and grow your online business…
Wasting money on countless courses from unreliable and untrustworthy sources.
It’s time for all that to STOP.
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