Dave Riker – SS Language and Conversation Course
Description Would you like to learn the language of speed seduction? What if you could easily and naturally use words, phrases, commands, sends, and all the language tools as easily as speaking now? Do you know how some people are able to have fun, fascinating, interesting conversations with just about anyone, anywhere? And how can some people even have a conversation to go exactly where they want? Would you like to have that ability? What if you knew these skills so well, so thoroughly, that you don’t have to “think” about them or ask yourself “what to do next”, but rather they actually become a “part” of who you are and something you just have. “do”? Now you can acquire these skills and more by using…. Dave ® seduction and conversation! “Dave R has an astonishing linear understanding of astonishing skill with Speed Seduction ® AND an incredible ability to present a structured, step-by-step approach that any man can use to enhance his success with Speed Seduction ® material.” Ross Jeffries, creator of Speed Seduction ® Hi again guys, Dave Rike is here to tell you about my Seduction® Language and Conversation Course. Would you rather listen to an audio presentation about the product? If so, use the player on the left to listen now. Over the years that I’ve spent time and really seen the best students operate, I’ve recognized many of them to the point of being able to “speak this way.” They no longer have to worry about details, words, phrases, topics, or even how to manage conversations. For them, it just “happens.” But I’ve always wondered, … how can I create a program or course that will allow EVERYONE to reach that skill level (or at least well on their way to doing so)? For many students who have reached that level, they did it by A LOT of work or sheer brute force, or for many of them it was just “easier” in some way. It was something about who they were, or how they were connected, that just GOTIT. But what about the rest of the guys out there? Can we really change the way you talk? Do you teach yourself this new language? Do it so that you finally don’t have to “look up” words or try to “remember” things because you just know? Can we make it so you can easily discuss the topics that will REALLY get results? Can we make it so that the whole concept of “patterns” now becomes the way you can speak, anytime, anywhere, at WILL? We can make it so that you can easily handle conversations, get them where you want them to go, and get the results you are looking for? If possible. And that’s what Dave Riker does I have broken down these concepts, techniques and skills in a series of discussions, lessons, exercises and assignments that you will teach and train the acquisition of these skills by yourself! Please understand that it is about much more than Speed Seduction ® meeting and women. This is also about learning to speak and present yourself in an interesting, fascinating, and charismatic way. Once you learn how to do this, your “results” will improve this and many other areas of your life! This is an important point. The language and conversskills taught in this course apply to much more than meeting women. These tools will improve the way you speak in any situation. When at any time “a part of you, but something that can be spoken. You can and will become the type that people love to talk to because you really know how to make conversations fun, interesting, exciting, and fascinating to everyone around you. The Speed Seduction ® Language and Conversation Course is used in three main areas of study. Speech and language techniques This section will help you with speaking skills in that laid back, interesting, aging way that women LOVE. We work on your voice, on being able to project the right energy, passion, and simply have people love to hear you speak!
We also broke down all those “bits and pieces” that are used ALL the time in SS. The commands, trance words, phrases, etc. you’ve heard over and over again, but tried to “memorize” (and, for many guys, with limited success). The training exercises in this language course help you become SO familiar with them that you don’t have to “think” about it, you just do it! Plus, by REALLY figuring out how the best students speak, we’ve learned about a whole set of language techniques that have never really been spelled out before. Things that “naturals” (the guys who are naturally capable of meeting women) do. Things the best students to do! Ways to bond feelings to you, to then anchor to you, to make women feel good when you’re around, to get women interested and fascinated just to hear you talk (Don’t worry, these techniques are VERY easy to learn and master now that have been broken in this way.) And ALL of this comes along with exercises and assignments, things that YOU do, step by step, to make you become TRAINED just TALKED IN THIS WAY! Conversational management Have you ever been stuck in a dead end conversation that goes NOW? Have you been talking about topics that are BORING or that you couldn’t get ANYONEexcited? This part goes far beyond anything that has been presented before. In this section, you will be taught and trained in various conversational tools that allow you to easily and quickly take conversations wherever YOU go! We break down conversations and give you tools that allow you to focus on having fun, positive and interesting conversations. The more you do that, the easier it gets, and the more people will see YOU as someone that is fun to spend time with! Then we go further in showing how to have conversations that get REALLY interesting … that have a fascinating, emotional, exciting component to them. And then … we move into conversations that go … even further … when the time is right. The key parts of these techniques are broken down into a specific model and steps, and specific skills, that they teach you and that you will practice, so these become automatic for you. You can reach a skill level that allows you to get from any subject to an OrientedTopic seduction, in a very short time, and have it all sound very natural and interesting. Patterns and themes These sections are based on language and speech tools so “memorizing patterns” is a thing of the past! In this way, no problem can be done. Of course, we are referring to some of the “patterns” you may have seen before, but we move quickly on in the learninghow to discuss topics that you find interesting, in ways that are fascinating and charismatic, and in that compelling way that women love! The concept of Topic Oriented Seduction will also be taught. – Think about EASILY knowing how to discuss talking and about dozens on dozens of topics that are the guys who work with women! Now know them well, you can only talk about them! Well, YOU WILL by the time you are done with this course! All these sections build one on top of the other, step by step. All of these sections are taught in a way that one skill builds upon the next. Learn the little details, and move into the bigger ones. Learn the language tools well and then learn about having conversations and using those language tools IN those conversations. Imagine what it would be like to just talk about almost ANY topic that comes our way, and move the conversation into more and more areas of interest. So when you need it, be able to create the language you need, there, in the moment, on the go! Like a jazz musician who can jam a solo, or a world-class soccer player who can provide and weave and run through any number of opponents with ease, you will be able to speak on almost any topic and create the language you need to get results! And if that wasn’t enough … Examples, examples, examples, examples, EXAMPLES! One of the keys to learning any new language, or any new technique is the use of EXAMPLES! When you listen to the example, after the example, after the example, after the example, after the example, you cannot HELP but have it all in one part of you! This entire course has THOUSANDS OF EXAMPLES throughout to help you learn. Also, there is a special section dedicated to providing REAL examples of how to use these skills! Orale! That’s a lot!
Now I know this sounds like A LOT of information, and it is. And it might sound almost intimidating – I can hear it now – “How can I learn to do all of that? You can, and you will! All tips have been broken down. You can and will become the man who can just “talk this way”, YOU will become the man who can just “DO THIS”! There is an enormous amount of technology, educational techniques, and methods that are integrated into this course. It works on many levels, all at once. They teach you skills in a normal “learning” way, they give you a series of exercises and tasks to train you and help you to really develop (and know) the skills for yourself, and you are also “reprogrammed” using linguistic and hypnotic methods, to make it easier and easier for you to use and work these skills in your own life. Dave Riker’s interview, by Hypnotica. Are you interested in many of the study areas that go into a product like this, such as teaching methods, language, linguistics, and hypnotic constructions? Maybe you are curious about the process of going from an idea, a sketch, a recording, and to a product? Maybe you’ve just wondered why it took Dave Riker 2 years to get this done !? My friend and colleague Hypnotica (www.hypnotica.org) sat with me and we discussed a lot of these details and more! What comes with language and conversation? The course is comprised of more than 11 hours of lectures that were recorded and edited with high quality equipment in a studio-like environment. You can hear everything that is said. No more of those moments of you listening and thinking about yourself … “what did he say …? What was that?” There is a manual / workbook (146 pages!) That follows along with the lectures. It has diagrams and charts to aid your understanding (many of which are in the Conversational Management section). It has many lists and examples of language bits and pieces that you can learn and use. The workbook also contains many areas for you to write down details of your own work while doing exercises and assignments. In addition, specific “Formulas”, both strategic and tactical, that give details about what each technique can do and how it can be used. And the main sections of the workbook are cross-referenced to audio lectures, so you can easily reference between lectures and the workbook you want. Self Help – Online Self Help Course More information about Self Help: Self-help or self-improvement is self-guided improvement, financially, intellectually, or emotionally, often with a substantial psychological basis. There are many different group self-help programs, each with its own approach, techniques, associated beliefs, advocates, and in some cases leaders. Concepts and terms that originate in the self-help culture and the Twelve Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and codependency, have become firmly embedded in mainstream language. Self-help often uses publicly available information or support groups, both online and in person, where people in similar situations come together. From early examples in self-driven legal practice and home counseling, the connotations of the word have spread and are often applied particularly to education, business, psychology and psychotherapy, commonly distributed through the popular genre of self-help books. According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, potential benefits of self-help groups that professionals may not be able to provide include friendship, emotional support, experiential knowledge, identity, meaningful roles, and a sense of belonging.
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This is Digital Download service, the course is available at Coursecui.com and Email download delivery.