Brian Tracy – Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires
Brian Tracy shares the secrets of self-made millionaires. Take this information, implement it so that you can live life on a whole new level and become a self-made millionaire.
1. “More people are going to make more money in the next few years than has been made in all of human history.”
2. “If you do what other successful people do you eventually get the same result that they do.”
3. “I was told if you don’t get a good education you won’t do well in life and so on, I believed that for a long time until I found out there is hundreds of thousands and millions of people who dropped out of high school who went on to become millionaires and billionaires as well.”
4. “Don’t let anything hold you back. Don’t let any experience that you’ve ever had in your life act as a brake on your potential.”
5. “There are hundreds of thousands of people who have had it worse than you could ever dream of who’ve gone on to accomplish wonderful things.”
6. “Out of frustration, I began asking this question, ‘Why is it some people are more successful than others?’. So I began asking other successful people, ‘What are you doing differently from me?’ And they told me and I did it and I got better results.”
7. “What I discovered which changed my life and which brought us here today is I discovered The Law Of Cause And Effect. The Law Of Cause And Effect, sowing and reaping, action and reaction is the great universal or Iron Law of the universe. What is says is that everything happens for a reason, that there are no causeless effects, that even if we don’t know what is causing the effect we trace it back it’s the basis of the scientific process of all medical research of all marketing of all business is if can define an effect that you want you can trace it back and find somebody who at one time did not have that effect and then find out what they did and then do the same things and you will eventually get the same results.
8. “Success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident.”
9. “Success leaves tracks. So if you just follow the tracks of other successful people, no matter where you’re starting from, you’ll eventually get to the same place they get to.”
10. “I read, learned and attended courses, and especially applied what I learned. The first thing I asked in my business is, ‘How does it work?’, ‘How do people succeed in this field?’, And then I buried myself and immersed myself, I spent hours and hours studying and then I did what the most successful people did.”
11. “Nature is neutral, nature doesn’t care who you are, all that natures cares is that you do what successful people do. It’s like following a recipe, it does not matter who makes the cake, as long as you follow the recipe you will get the same results.”
12. “There are a lot of people who are not as smart and not as talented as you who are doing vastly better than you, not because they’re better but because they’re just following proven success methods.”
13. “There’s nothing that will make you madder than to see somebody who’s dumber than you who’s making more money than you.”
14. “We use proven success methods, we just find out what they are doing and we do that over and over and over again.”
15. “Please understand that nothing works the first time. ‘What is the average number of times that a person tries with a new goal before they give up?’ The average is less than one because most people give up before they try even once. They say, ‘That’s a great goal, I’d love to be financially independent’. And then they give up, they don’t even try because of this and because of that and so on and then they move away to a wonderful place called ‘Someday Isle’, the island where nothing gets done, and where most people live.”
16. “I began to study self-made millionaires.”
17. “Becoming a self-made millionaire is not the important thing, what is really important is the person you have to become to become a self-made millionaire. You have to become a totally different human being. In order to achieve something you’ve never achieved before you have to become someone you’ve never been before.”
18. “You must develop the qualities on the inside to become a self-made millionaire are incredible qualities that make you a vastly better person, not only better in terms of character, determination, discipline, decision-making, strength and so on but they make you a far better person, they round out your character in a far better way so that the real payoff of becoming wealthy is the person that you become.”
19. “What I’ve found in my research is that there’s a series of qualities self-made millionaires have if you have these qualities your success is virtually guaranteed, and if you don’t have these qualities the qualities are learnable.”
20. “Point 1: All business or sales skills are learnable. All financial skills are learnable. You can learn any skill.”
21. “Point 2: You’re probably only one skill away from doubling your income right now. You’re probably only one skill away from setting yourself on the road to becoming a self-made millionaire that turns out to be the case for almost everyone. And if you don’t know what that skill is you’ve got to go to work and find out because it is a learnable skill. You can learn what you need to learn to achieve anything that you want to achieve.”
22. “The success secrets of self-made millionaires, give yourself a score of one to ten and if you are weak on one of these it can be enough to hold you back, if you’re strong on all these then there’s no limit to what you can accomplish.”
23. “The first key quality to develop is to dream big dreams. Practice what is called back from the future thinking and project forward, develop a vision of yourself as happy, healthy, wealthy, thin, practice what top people practice which is what is called idealization. Project several years ahead and imagine that your life is perfect in every way, imagine that you have no limitations, imagine that you have everything and you could be or have or do anything you want in life. If your life were perfect in five years what would it look like? Identifying your vision and dream for the future is the starting point of great riches and great success in life.”
24. “Take a sheet of paper and make up what is called a Dream List, imagine this is kind of like a kids Christmas list and that it just allows you to just run wild and just write down everything you could think of that you could possibly want. When you write out everything you could possibly want you activate The Law Of Attraction.”
25. “Number two is to do what you love to do. Whenever you find people who are really successful in life they are people who do what they love to do, they love their work. The great rule for success in life is to find something that you love to do and then find a way to make a living doing it. When you find what you love to do it’ll be something that gives you energy, it motivates you, it enthuses you, it’s probably something that you are meant to do from the time you were born. When you ask self-made millionaires what work do you do they’ll often say I’ve never worked a day in my life, I just do what I like to do.”
26. “Number three is to commit to excellence. All people who are successful are excellent at what they do. Being in the top 10% is where the money is, so what you have to do is pay any price and make any sacrifice to get into the top 10% in your field, here is the good news, if you’re doing what you love to do you will want to be in the top 10% in your field.”
27. “Everybody who is at the top started at the bottom. If your willing to pay the price, work hard and make the sacrifices you can get into the top 10%. To achieve mastery in your field takes 5-7 years. Go to people at the top of your field and ask them how they got there. Everybody who puts one foot in front of the other and keeps moving eventually gets there.”
28. “Number four is to develop your unique talents and abilities. Every single person is designed from infancy with special talents and abilities that if you develop them to their height can enable you to accomplish anything you want in life. What are you good at? What are you good at today? What should you be good at? What could you be good at? What will you be good at?”
29. “Number five is to see yourself as self-employed. The top 3% of adults in our society see themselves as self-employed. They see themselves as in charge of their own lives. One day I suddenly realized that I was responsible and that I was in charge of my life and no one is coming to the rescue, it was one of the great turning points of my life. All exceptional people are highly responsible people.”
30. “Number six is to develop a clear sense of direction. It means that you need to become intensely goal-orientated, we find that all successful people are goal-orientated. You can’t hit a target you can’t see, you’ve got to know what you want in every area of your life.”
31. “The keys to success have only been two as H.L Hunt said, number one is to decide exactly what it is you want and write it down and make a plan to achieve it, and number two is to determine the price you’re going to have to pay to get it and then resolve to pay that price. Life is always just. You have to pay the price in full and in advance. What is the price that you have to pay to achieve the success that you desire? Write it down, make a plan and work on it every day.”
32. “Identify your major goal, put a deadline on it, and make a list of all the things that you can do to achieve the goal, and do something every single day that moves you towards your major goal. This will change your life in ways that you cannot imagine. Identifying your major definite purpose is the secret to becoming a self-made millionaire, it’s the secret to great success in life.”
33. “Number seven is to refuse to consider the possibility of failure. Fear of failure is the greatest single obstacle to adult life. It’s not failure that holds you back it’s the fear of failure. There’s no such thing as failure it’s feedback. Fail, get feedback and move forward. To become a self-made millionaire you’re going to fail over and over again. Always seek the lessons in your failures to get smarter for next time. Your biggest problem contains your biggest gifts at times.”
34. “Number eight key is to dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. What takes you from rags to riches is personal development. Personal and professional development. Knowledge and skill are the keys to the 21st century. If you’re not constantly learning you’re falling behind. Three keys to learning, 30-60mins a day in your field, read books. Take every course that you possibly can in your field. Listen to audio programs in your car. The more you commit yourself to being the best that you can be the more you like yourself and respect yourself.”
35. Number nine is to develop a workaholic mentality. In order for you to win you’re going to have to work harder, work better, and work smarter then others do. The average hour’s self-made millionaires work is 59 hours. Work when you work.
36. “Number ten key is to get around the right people. This is a key to becoming a self-made millionaire. 99% of your success in life is going to be determined by your reference group, those whom you habitually associate with. We are like chameleons and we absorb through the skin the attitude, the opinions, the behaviors, the style of dress, the style of speech of the people with whom we associate most of the time. Associate with winners and you will start to become like them. Our relationships determine 85% of our happiness or unhappiness in life. Most important thing you do is to choose your relationships with care and only associate with people you like and respect and enjoy being around.”
37. “Number eleven key is to be prepared to climb from peak to peak. Life is never one continuous train, it’s always up and down, you have to go up to the peak and down into the valley before you climb the next peak, so all of life is cycles and trends.”
38. “Number twelve is to develop resilience and bounce back. This is one of the key qualities of self-made millionaires. You’re going to be knocked down over and over again and you have bounce and not break. You must mentally prepare for the downturns before they occur. Take it, learn from it, and pick yourself up and keep going. The hallmark of superior people is how you respond to a crisis. Superior people look for the solution to every problem and they become intensely solution orientated. ”
39. “Write and define your problems clearly, ‘What is it I’m worried about?’ And write it down, and the very act of defining a problem clearly often triggers the solution to the problem”
40. “One technique with regards to your major definite purpose and if you only do these two things, as a result they will transform your life. You’ve identified the one goal that can have the greatest positive impact on your life, take that goal and write it down on the top of a piece of paper as a question e.g ‘How can I make $10 million dollars?’ And then write a minimum of 20 answers to this question. This is called mind-storming, more people have become millionaires with this simple idea than any other single method of creative thinking ever discovered. Once you have the 20 answers take one answer and take action on it immediately, and that will keep you going to the next one and the next.”
41. “Number thirteen is to become an unshakeable optimist. Optimists think and talk about what they want most of the time. Optimists look for the good in every situation. Optimists thave hree wonderful qualities, the first is they learn more things, the second is they try more things, the third is that they persist, they never give up. When optimists decide they are going to become wealthy they just never stop until they achieve that goal.”
42. “Number fourteen is to develop the qualities of courage and persistence. The antidote to the fear of failure is the habit of courage. Two types of courage are required to succeed, the first is the courage to begin, the second is the courage to endure, to keep on keeping on, to persist, and to make the decision in advance to never give up.”
43. “The final quality is the quality of self-discipline. It’s the ability to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it whether you feel like it or not. The quality of self-discipline is the quality that will make you a big success. It’s the ability to force yourself to do what you know you should do. Persistence is self-discipline in action, and the two qualities are tied into self-esteem. And every step that you take makes you stronger and stronger and you will become a person who when you decide you want something you will not stop until you get it. When you develop this quality there will be nothing that is impossible to you.”
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