Renaissance Periodization – “Training Volume Landmarks”
Instructions on how to find your personal training Volume Landmarks Guidance on how to optimize your Volume Landmarks while dieting Includes worksheet templates for Volume Landmark tracking Applications of the Volume Landmarks for a variety of sports and athletic career maturity levelsHow Much Should I Train is for anyone looking for a deeper understanding of how to modify training programs for best results. The Volume Landmarks can be applied to all areas of sport, fitness, and health promotion. This book outlines how to properly dose training volumes in an individually periodized approach, with considerations for dieting and athlete development over time.The Volume Landmarks are a set of tools to help ensure the athlete is always making progress, by steering clear of both undertraining and overtraining. They also play a vital role in guiding athletes towards progressing in key areas without having to make the sacrifice of deconditioning in others. In a nutshell, the Volume Landmarks provide a clear and unambiguous approach for how to periodize training volumes over time.
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