Pria Pump DIY guide by CJ Major
Hey man, it’s CJ Major (M9) here…
And I want to tell you a little PE secret.
It’s something almost nobody talks about… but in my experience it explains 99% of PE “failure cases,” meaning guys who tried PE before but saw no gains.
And once you know about this, you can make sure it never happens to you… and you can guarantee yourself massive results in record time.
I call it the “knitted sweater secret.” Here’s what I mean…
Have you ever wondered why some guys make easy and fast gains, while others struggle?
The answer to this is that some guys enter the GAIN ZONE. Others don’t. Let me explain.
There’s an initial break-in period with PE.
It normally takes just a few weeks. Once you’re through it, you’ll be in the “Gain Zone” where visible results start to come faster and easier.
You’ll know you’ve reached the Gain Zone because the normally smooth surface of the shaft will become slightly bumpy, like a knitted sweater.
Feeling this “knitted sweater texture” is the best indicator that you’re on the right track with PE… and that you’ll soon start seeing massive gains.
It’s a super important observation, but after decades of studying PE and coaching hundreds of men, I find I’m the only one who’s onto this.
Anyways, many guys make it into the Gain Zone easy… using the powerful techniques you’ve just accessed by joining Legendary Enlargement.
But for some men, even the most dedicated… results are slow. And that’s why I want to tell you…
How even “hard gainers” can get into the Gain Zone quickly and easily!
Look, just like some men have an easier time building muscle… some guys just respond better to enlargement methods than others.
I called the unfortunate men who struggle “hard gainers.”
In my 22 years of experience coaching hundreds of men, I estimate that about 10% of men are hard gainers.
If you have tried PE before without getting any result.
Now you know why!
You’re almost certainly one of those “hard gainers” yourself…
As many already know, I’m not your “run of the mill” coach…
Since in my philosophy, I have this “no one is left behind” mentality, I had figure out a solution for the hard gainers. I want this to work for you!
As you will read in Monster 101, when you start PE, you need to break the tunica walls to reach the Gain Zone.
Usually, it takes 4 to 6 weeks of workout with the Diamond Method to reach this zone where gains are possible. Some men never reach that zone because of how uniquely their penis walls are hard to break.
I was obsessed with this problem!
I spent hours researching, tweaking and refining absolutely everything that I could while looking for the solution.
And since my clients are always asking me questions about every gadget and gizmo under the Sun that promise accelerated results…
I’ve had to do a lot of my own leg work to review them and find out exactly what works and what doesn’t.
And what I discovered surprised even me… you see… certain pumps really can improve your results!
Here’s why:
When you do the Diamond Method exercises as I recommend them… you’re engorging your penis chambers with blood…
It’s necessary that you get and hold pressure in the penile chambers tissues to “trigger” growth and division in the cells of your manhood.
Without this “trigger”… there is no growth!
And pumps are a very helpful device to allow you to achieve this…
But there’s a problem!
Most pumps create general pressure on everything that is exposed to the vacuum force…
Which means that a lot of the pressure causes fluid buildup between the skin and the penis chambers. This is called “edema” and basically it’s just general swelling.
The reason this “general swelling” isn’t helpful is it doesn’t create the pressure where you neet it…
On the internal tissues that actually grow and expand when you get an erection.
Think about it like this… most inexperienced guys that work out tend to use machines instead of free weights.
But every personal trainer worth his salt knows that free weights are way better for building a powerful physique.
The reason why is when you use a machine… you limit the range of motion so that the force of the lift doesn’t stress the muscle fibers you want to grow.
So most of the effort is wasted.
The Same Thing Happens With Standard Penis Pumps
Even though they should theoretically help “automate” your results…
They just don’t deliver those results in the most efficient way possible.
And I realized that if I wanted to help my clients get the results they demand…
Especially to clients that are “hard gainers” that see slow progress…
I needed to find a better way.
Now, being a mechanical design engineer by trade, having almost 2 decades of experience designing products including designs for the surgical device industry…
I started investigating simple alterations I could make to standard penis pumps that could turn them into automated gain machines.
And after several different tests and trials, I finally hit pay dirt…
A Simple Do-It-Yourself Alteration You Can Make to Any Penis Pump…
To Convert It Into An Almost Done-For-You Gain Machine!
And once this alteration is made, ordinary pumps become a whole “new animal.”
I call this device a Pria Pump® because it allows you to achieve something scientists call “priapism” in a safe, controlled way…
Priapism is a persistent erection where the erectile tissues of your manhood are filled to their maximum capacity or even slightly beyond…
Now, if you’ve heard about priapism before it was probably in a negative way because these erections can often be persistent and painful if they are uncontrolled…
But… the beautiful thing about the Pria Pump® is that it allows you to accomplish this “maximal erection” in a controlled way.
That way, you naturally direct pressure onto the critical tissues of your manhood so that your body triggers the growth you want…
…and do it much, much faster than you could otherwise…
And since you have control… there’s no potential downside from stressing the tissues or nerve cells too much…
Which can cause cellular damage and even reduce the pleasure of sex and your body’s ability to trigger an erection in the first place!
That’s why a Pria Pump® is so much more powerful and effective than an ordinary penis pump…
In fact, quite frankly it’s like the difference between a Ford Taurus and a Lamborghini. This is a hard gainer’s tunica walls breaker!
With the simple alteration that converts that ordinary pump into a Pria Pump® you have a device that will make any man, including hard gainers, reach the gain zone.
For those who would be able to reach the gain zone by regular training, time to enter the gain zone is reduced from 4-6 weeks to only 1-2 weeks.
And if that was not good enough by itself, the Pria Pump® also reliably increase girth, and is an excellent “Shock loading” device!
You see, some guys have a harder time making length gains because their penile chambers are simply thicker.
This could be due to their genetics… or it could be the result of previous PE exercises.
In either case, the answer is “Shock loading.”
Shock loading breaks down the resistance of the penile walls to stretching… making length gains easy and inevitable.
In this way, you can prime your manhood for maximal length and girth gains in minimal time and make your transformation with your Legendary Enlargement™ system that much faster and easier.
With the Pria Pump® you literally use the device in the way I’ll tell you inside of my DIY Guide for merely a few minutes per day…
…and your manhood will permanently reside in the critical gain zone for the rest of the day.
I’ve even included a video that tells you EXACTLY how to identify if you’re in the “gain zone”… so there’s no guesswork or confusion.
You either do a brief enlargement exercise session, or even wear an extender device…
The choice is yours!
The Pria Pump® DIY Alteration Guide
Naturally, you’re the kind of man that doesn’t just want a bigger, thicker, and more impressive manhood…
You don’t just want to be the talk of the town, having your lady gush behind your back about the Earth shifting orgasms you’re giving her with your powerful member…
You want to get those results almost automatically… without the frustration, guesswork, and hours of exercises that most enlargement programs demand…
Which is why the Pria Pump® DIY Guide is the perfect compliment to your Legendary Enlargement™ system…
Because it allows you to take an ordinary pump that delivers mediocre results…
And convert it into a high-performance, automated penis enlargement machine.
I’m Talking Faster, Easier, and BIGGER Results Than You Likely Think Is Possible!
The best part is… you need no special tools or equipment, and no expensive materials to make this masterpiece.
It doesn’t require any special skills whatsoever to turn an ordinary pump into a Pria Pump® for automated gains.
If you can trace a circle and fill a bike tire… you have all the carpentry experience required.
You can build it with about $20 in materials that you can order online in under 5 minutes and have shipped directly to your doorstep.
And the very first time you use this device, you WILL understand exactly what makes it unique…
You’ll immediately experience the controlled priapism that puts you in the “Gain Zone” for accelerated gains…
…and you might even notice a longer and thicker manhood within a week’s time!
That’s not a typo… I’ve had so much positive feedback from guys in my tribe that I’ve stopped getting surprised when I hear results like this.
Of course, I don’t want to insist that this will happen for you… every man is different.
But it’s definitely within your grasp to attain this.
You could seize your destiny and be there faster and more easily than you ever imagined…
Or you could waste time and fail to get the results you’re seeking quickly and easily.
The choice is yours but I caution you to choose wisely… because while the benefits of a big, thick, mighty manhood are nearly unlimited…
Your ability to seize this offer is not!
This offer is only available TODAY at the price below as a unique one-time opportunity to get automated results.
It is much more efficient than anything else I teach in Legendary Enlargement. This is why I reserve the teaching of it to students who have acquired the program so that they will use this technology responsibly.
Don’t get me wrong. Legendary Enlargement is the state-of-the-art PE science.
But the Pria Pump is like the nuclear bomb of PE. I cannot let uninitiated men get their hands on that technology. They don’t know all the basic principles to use the Pria Pump safely.
If you choose not to say yes to practically automated gains… you will NEVER have the chance to get it again at this price.
This isn’t because I want to pressure you, it’s because offering this information at this price is a serious opportunity cost for me.
Recall, I’ve been offered up to $500 for a single consultation.
I’m a busy man… because I’m not just the world’s best enlargement coach…
I’m also an in-demand mechanical design engineer, and a family man with all the obligations entailed.
I’ve already gone over the number projections with my accountant and we both agree that I simply can’t afford to miss out on the revenue from offering this at such a low, one-time-only price…
But given how much commitment you’ve already shown towards giving yourself the gift of a longer, thicker manhood…
Given that you may likely have already tried other systems that simply didn’t work for you…
I want to reward your resolve and show some good faith for giving me a little of your trust and reward you with this unique opportunity.
So right now, on this page only…
I want to give you the chance to achieve automatic, done-for-you gains for an unbelievably low one-time investment
Under any other circumstances, I would charge $197 for the Pria Pump DIY Guide.
It is quite simply unlike anything else out there…
Not only does it give every single man the opportunity to finally achieve the gains that he desires…
Including the hard gainers who’ve struggled with everything else they’ve tried…
But it does it with far less effort, far faster than anything else out there.
But since you’ve already invested in yourself today with the Legendary Enlargement™ system…
Since you’ve already said YES to yourself… I know that you’re a rare and exceptional man.
So today only, I’m going to give you a HUGE discount off the usual price.
You’ll have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to convert an ordinary penis pump into an automated, monster manhood making machine…
Not for $197…
Not for $177…
And not even for $147 like you might be thinking…
Hit the button to upgrade today your order with the immediate Pria Pump DIY Guide PDF file download, and enjoy a more prominent, thicker, more memorable penis as soon as next week for just…
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