Pickup 101 – Hot Street Pursuits
[1 DVD – Rip]* The 6 SIMPLE STEPS to a successful streetapproach that makes meeting women on the movea no-brainer (And an easy way for you to getstarted practicing what you learnimmediately)
* What elements of ‘night club game’ willliterally SCARE women away when doing streetpickup (and how you can adapt what youalready know to make it work)
* One thing you should practice all the timethat gives you a HUGE advantage in streetgame (Go from interrupting to interesting inseconds)
* The Hot Pursuit Mindset, that willSKYROCKET your success. (Leave this out andshe won’t even stop to give you the time ofday)
* The 2 powerful attraction tools fromIndirect approach methods that can AMPLIFYattraction from a Direct approach (Andexactly how and when to apply them)
* How you can get INSTANT atttraction fromwomen on the street (It’s easier than youthink, and 10 TIMES easier than club game)
* Proven methods to get her ATTENTIONeffectively (without coming off as creepy)
* The one mistake on the street that youABSOLUTELY can NOT recover from (and how youcan easily avoid it)
* The simple SECRET to using touch to openthe conversation that makes her feelinstantly comfortable (even though you’re atotal stranger!)
* Why you should NEVER be an entertainerduring the day (leave your magic tricks, palmreading, or comedy routines at home)
* The FOOLPROOF method for stopping a womanwalking (even if it’s 10 at night!)
* The surefire fix in case you STARTLE orSCARE a woman during a street approach thatwill calm and comfort her instantly (you’llNEVER worry that she will freak out andreach for her pepper spray)
* The BEST PLACE to finding a ton of cutewomen to approach during the day, that areeasy to meet, fun to talk to, and 99%guaranteed to be single.
* The commonly used opener in nightclubs thatis the WORST possible thing to say on thestreet (and what you can use instead)
* Why being honest really works in streetpickup (the more AUTHENTIC you are, the moresuccess you’ll have)
* The only time you SHOULD ever say ‘excuseme’ (And why when you need to, do it rightaway)
* Why being ‘polished’ in street game, willwork against you (No need to practice’routines’ for HOURS before approachingwomen)
* The K.I.S.S. rule of daytime conversation,(And how you can use that to get an ‘instantdate’)
* How to prevent coming off as WEIRD whenapproaching on the street (Women will beamazed at how relaxed they feel even thoughthey just met you)
* The 2 different methods of starting aconversation that ALWAYS work in streetpickup (and the important differences abouteach one you need to know to make them work)
* What to do when you STALL OUT (You’llrecover so quickly she’ll never notice)
* The reason why you should always ‘INSTA-DATE’ when ever possible (and an easy way todo this in a ‘natural’ way that won’t set offany alarms in her head)
* and much more…
tristian –
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