Patterns of Persuasion by Richard Bandler
Richard Bandler’s
Patterns of Persuasion Full Transcript
Patterns of Persuasion
Tape 1 – Track 1 Help Wanted Ads
Ah, I was noticing… ah, I was reading the newspaper, and, I was reading, ah, help wanted ads. And in the help wanted ads, ah, they were, there was a column where they were hiring people to do telemarketing. And these were the following things that struck me as interesting: In order to do telemarketing, “There is no experience required. No previous experience,” And, it says, “you can make millions of dollars.” Now, I don’t know what kind of people that’s going to bring out, but my guess is, is, What I’ve found through the years, is that there’s something very twisted, in the communication arts. Now I don’t know, if any of you went to college,… When I went to college, they had something called breath requirements, And it had nothing to do with breathing, by the way… that’s kind of a form of welfare, where they made us take a lot of classes that I don’t think anyone would have taken otherwise… And one of the classes that I took, was a literature class from a guy who had a P.H.D. in poetry. Now, you can get a P.H.D. in poetry… but not negotiating, not selling, and not in managing. You can get a MBA from Harvard, but not to be a salesman. Now, it strikes me, because I’ve studied great hypnotists, I’ve studied great communicators … from all kinds of different realms… and the ones who had the widest range of flexibility, the ones who did the most complex things, most elegantly, were the people who were engaged in sales. I was first hired to model some great salesman, long time ago… and first I, modeled a guy named Ben Feldman who sold six million dollars of life insurance, every year for 20 years. That’s a lot of life insurance. That meant that there weren’t too many people saying, ‘naaah, not interested.’
You sat down in front of this guy, it was only a question of How Much. Now, I know that, in business, and I’ve – for years, I used to – when I’ve taught – I’ve taught everything from china salesman, to car salesman, to furniture salesman… and when I got hired by companies, and I always told them that I wanted to go in, and spend a day or two, just selling things in their business, to find out how it worked… They always looked at me, and said, ‘is this going to cost us anything?’ And I said, ‘Well what do you pay your salesmen to do it? I’ll settle for that, that sounds fine.’
Especially when it’s things like Mercedes… you know,
When you sell 7 of those in a day, boy, the guy squirms. But see, I had this interesting notion that hadn’t occurred to any of them, because, the way it worked, … 3 people in 1 room, and each person who came in – like the first guy got to take the first one, and the second guy got to take the second one; since I was 3rd, I didn’t stay there… Right, … sit in this room, and do this, and I said, “Are we open now?” and he said, ‘Yea’ and I left! They said, ‘Where are you going?’ And I said, “The people are out there.” And they said, ‘Yea, that’s why we advertise.’ And I said ‘Mmhm. And obviously it hasn’t been that effective cause there’s no one here.’ Now it wasn’t like I walked right out… I waited a couple of hours… tried doodling. And then I tried something – I tried opening the phone book and calling people at random. It’s not the best technique at all, I only sold one car that way that morning. Ah, actually, I actually had to drive out and get the guy and bring him over there, cause his car was broken. He had a Volvo. Certain years… there was a while there, where Volvos were the top lemon in the country. And this guy had gone through, he had, he had gone through so much, he ended up sueing Volvo… he had letters stacked up this high, so, for this guy, to be able to be interested in buying a new car… the Volvo people weren’t going to get his business, that was for sure. But they finally had given him the check, and I just happened to call him shortly thereafter… and he told me, the first thing he said on the phone, was, “A car? You have no idea who you’re talking to. I promised myself I would never, ever, buy a new car. The only thing I’m ever going to buy is old, junky cars. Because that whole business is a rip-off… you buy a car, then it’s not worth anything…” and he went on, and on and on,… and when he finished, I said,
“That’s why I’m calling.” He said, “What,” and I said,
“I was sent especially to call you, because I’m the only one, who can sell you a new car.” And he went, ‘How do you qualify for this?’ And I said, “You have to be severely abused, by someone else.”
“Shall I pick you up in half an hour, or do you need a couple of hours to get ready?” Now, inside of this communication, because, I know that if anybody else would have called him – not to mention the fact that these other guys didn’t call people. They thought – You know what they told
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Lord –
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