MyBeliefworks™ for Increasing Psychic Intuition by Jimmy Mack
This MP3 is INCLUDED with purchase of the Mastery Certification Program
Sample clearings:
“I am open to receive clean, clear and vibrant messages from this and all other worlds now.”
“I release the need to know and remember all information because I maintain contact with the universal all-knowing power”
“I believe, think, know and feel that I am ready, willing and able to accept the responsibility that comes with knowing more than most and I know when to share this wisdom and when to remain silent.”
“It is safe and comfortable for me to delete out having to know everything and always asking why and for explanations where no rational ones are needed.”
“I know the feeling, awareness and sensation between cues and I come to that place of neutrality that can allow a deeper knowing to come upon me here now.”
Includes over 30 mins of audio with over 120 clearings
1 MP3 audio and 1 PDF written transcript
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