Metamorphosis Through Story Magic with Luisah Teish
Description RESTORE YOUR INTEGRITY BY GUIDING MASTER NARRATOR Rewriting how you see your life can turn your worst traumas into your greatest successes, and your failures into redemption stories. As you do this, you restore parts of your Self, expand your sense of wholeness, and tap into powerful spiritual energies. When you see the narrative arc of your life with a fresh perspective, you break free of old stories and enter a new field of opportunity. You are like a caterpillar that sheds its outer shell to reveal a pupa, where it pupates before transforming into a beautiful butterfly – which is why this archetypal journey shapes the storyline for metamorphosis through the story’s magical program. Even if you probably haven’t learned the deeper power of stories in school, you can learn to apply them in powerful and effective ways with a master teacher like Louise Teisch. She has taught thousands of people the basic principles of storytelling and inspired everything from books to plays to important speeches. CREATE A POWERFUL NEW STORY BASED ON YOUR EXPERIENCE. “ARCHETYPE OF SOUL” What Teish knows and can share with you are specific ways to delve deeper into your story – touching family lineages, culture, and even your “soul archetype” – and then find your way to more compelling, engaging, life-enhancing stories. She is a Master Weaver of inspiring stories that help us create a strong chrysalis into which we can transform. Teisha’s powerful approach to the magic of history will help you create new personal guiding myths. This will help you figure out how to change your narrative so that you can fly to your destination with colorful wings. In this engaging 7-week training session, you will learn the foundational skills that we all should have been taught in school – skills that will help you mine gold from your trauma and tragedy and understand the epic quality of what you have overcome. Teish shows you how to identify your archetypes, connect with your ancestry, understand the characters in your community – and turn the script around for your life and world story. When you join this exciting journey, you will: Get to know myths, legends, folk tales and fairy tales from around the world. Understand the basic structure of these stories and how to apply them in your life. Explore your fairytale world – its mythological creatures and animal totems. Rediscover the power and joy of imagination that you had as a child. Activate your inner artist and discover the talents hidden in your creative recesses. Explore archetypal symbols in your family line. Learn how to activate and embody mythological characters for more freedom and more access to your mythical imagination. Uncover the benefits of your cultural heritage. Increase self-expression to boost your self-esteem and self-esteem. Create stories of your family and community that inspire and motivate others. Flip the script over to your personal mythology to see positive drama in your major life transitions. Experience the joy of writing a personal myth and memoir – and perhaps find the Romance hidden in your life story. Strengthen your closeness and rapport with other people.
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