Matt Marshall – The Mass Gain Method
Matt MarshallFormer skinny guy and founder of Fitness Under OathI used to be so skinny girls didn’t want to stand next to me in photos because I’d make them look fat. No matter what I did, no matter how much I ate or how hard I trained I couldn’t seem to gain weight.I was a skinny kid who couldn’t gain muscle. Until I figured out these secrets.My name is Matt Marshall. Over the years I’ve tried almost everything you can think of to outwit my horrible genetics and finally pack on size. After years of trial and error, I finally uncovered something that really works for skinny guys. But to successfully gain lean muscle without piling on the fat, you must follow these six rules of bulking:Rule #1: “Book-End” Your Carb IntakeCarbs are great for accelerating muscle gains. But carbohydrates can also pack on the fat if you’re not careful. That’s why the winning strategy for packing on lean muscle mass is to “book-end” your carbohydrate intake around your workouts. In other words, eat carbs before your workout and immediately after your workout. But during other times of the day, do not consume any carbs, opting instead for protein and fat.This method will allow you to pack on muscle size without getting fat.Rule #2: Never bulk for longer than 6 weeksTo gain maximum muscle size without turning into a sumo wrestler, you should bulk like a smash-and-grab robbery crew: Get in and get out fast. That’s why I recommend bulking for six weeks maximum. There’s science behind this strategy:When you first start over-eating, your body will use more of the excess calories for buildng muscle and fewer of the excess calories for storing fat. But if overeat for too long, the balance shifts and your body will start to store more fat. By keeping our bulking sessions short, we can take advantage of the advantageous hormonal state our body goes into at the beginning of a bulking plan.Rule #3: Feast-Fast-Feast to prevent excessive fat gainsMaybe you’ve heard you should eat 5 or 6 small meals a day to pack on muscle mass. This is a myth. If you’re constantly eating, you are never giving your body a chance to recover between meals. In short, you’re overloading your digestive system and you body will not be assimilating the nutrients you need for maximum size. A better strategy? Eat only 4 meals per day, but try and eat as much as you can at each meal. By giving yourself more time between meals, you can take advantage of a natural growth hormone spike that occurs when your stomach is empty.Rule #4: Proper “T.U.T.” for Maximum MuscleTime under tension (or T.U.T.) is crucial for creating maximum muscle gains in minimum time. Listen, you can get super strong just by lifting heavy weights for 1-3 reps. But to really maximize muscle SIZE, you’ll want to use lighter weights for higher reps.Rule #5: The right kind of cardio speeds speeds muscle gainA lot of “gurus” and internet “experts” tell skinny guys to stop doing all cardio if they want to gain weight. This bad advice. Because doing the right kind of cardio can actually help you gain MORE muscle mass and help prevent excessive fat gains.The right kind of cardio? Short bursts of high-intensity activities – like sprinting or swimming as fast as you can for 30 seconds or less. These short bursts of activity have actually been shown to increase protein synthesis, boost testosterone, decrease cortisol and increase growth hormone. The key, of course, is doing just the right amount.Rule #6: Follow A Proven Plan For DRUG-FREE trainersThis one is pretty self-explanatory, right? But you’d be surprised how many times I’ve seen skinny guys trying to gain mass by following a plan that was clearly developed by a guy who uses steroids. Trying to follow a steroid-users muscle-gain plan is like trying to play at the high-roller tables at the casino with 25 cents in your pocket – it ain’t gonna work!After years of trial and error, I’ve finally uncovered a plan that actually works for drug-free, genetically-UNgifted skinny guys. Introducing…Introducing The Mass Gain MethodLook, I’m not going to pull any punches with you. As a former skinny guy who had to bite, scratch and claw for every ounce of new muscle… I know how frustrating it can be when you’re trying to figure out how to gain size and strength.One “expert” tells you one thing, while another “expert” says the exact opposite. The supplement companies all tell you gaining size is impossible unless you’re taking their high priced products. While the big guys at the gym are giving you different advice…. but in the back of your mind you know those guys are either a) genetically gifted or b) taking steroids, or most likely C) Both A&B.It’s not a secret – most of the guys who managed to pack on size and strength fast used steroids. Of course…. then they lie about it. They tell guys like you and me that their results are from “training hard and eating lots of protein.” Somebody needs to say it so I’ll be the first: Bullshit.That leaves guys like you and me – drug-free guys with crappy genetics – up a creek. Because we’re left trying to figure out exactly how to crack the muscle-gain code without relying on steroids or exceptional genetics. You could spend years trying to figure this stuff out. You could experiment with dozens of different training programs, failing time and time again. You could trying dozens of different eating plans… failing over and over again and maybe even getting fatter (without gaining muscle each time.)Or… you could make a smart move and use “The Mass Gain Method.” It’s a step-by-step plan with a history of DOCUMENTED results. See for yourself:Real People. Real Results.#1) Josh D. from Walker, Louisina followed the Mass Gain Method. He reports “I experienced the best gains I’ve had in a while using this brutal approach. Over the course of four weeks, I gained a total of 9 pounds of muscle, as well as an extra ¾ inch to my arms. My waistline even went down a ¼ inch. The guys I workout with kept telling me “Dude! How the heck have you gotten bigger??? Girls are also taking notice too.”#2) Ryan B. from Warren, MI. Starting weight: 194lbs, starting waist size: 32.75. Four Weeks Later: Weight: 203lbs. Ending Waist Size: 32.5lbs. Gain of 9 pounds while LOSING fat.Guys with better genetics do even better on the program. A college football player gained a whopping 14 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks and a running back on the same team went from 205 to 226 lbs in only four weeks. Both players improved their 40 yard dash times AND vertical jumps so you know each pound gained was pure muscle. I’m not saying you will gain 21 pounds of lean mass in just 4 weeks – that’s probably a little ambitious unless you are a gifted athlete. But there’s no reason why you couldn’t pack on at least 10-15 pounds of lean mass over the next 4-6 weeks.Give Me Four Short Weeks And I’ll Give You A Bigger, Stronger, More Massive BodyIn just four short weeks, I can transform your physique. That’s not any empty promise. That’s a fact. Everyone who finishes this program packs on size and mass FAST. But I’m not going to lie to you – it won’t be easy.The training is tough. And you’ll need to follow the program to the letter. The Mass Gain Method consists of four training sessions per week – two longer sessions (45-60minutes) and two shorter sessions (10-15 minutes). You must also follow the nutritional plan included in the guide and do your best to get plenty of sleep during the next four weeks.In short, if you want to stay up late watching Looney Tunes and eating Cheese Puffs – this isn’t the program for you. But if you’re willing to train hard and eat right for the next 4 weeks, you’ll be rewarded with brand new size and strength. Your shirts will be tighter on your arms, back and shoulders. Your jeans will fit snug on your thighs while simultaneously getting looser on the waist. After 4 weeks, you might have to buy some new clothes.But don’t worry, I’ve got your back there too. Thanks to my…$100 Finishing BonusI will pay you $100 to gain muscle. How cool is that?Here’s the deal: Order The Mass Gain Method. Follow the program as written for 30 days. Fill out the cheat sheets within the book. Finish what you started. And after 4 weeks, send me your workout logs and other stats. If you do that, not only will gain size and mass but I’ll also give you $100 bucks. This is my way of motivating you to complete the program.Let’s be honest: You and I both know that most people who purchase fitness plans never start them… much less see finish them. But I think you’re different. I think you’re better than most. That’s why I’m putting up $100 bucks of my own money to bribe/motivate you to start & finish the program.But don’t sit on your thumbs. After I’ve received ten success stories I reserve the right to end the reward program.Here’s How To OrderThe Mass Gain Method is just $29.95 – an absolute steal when you consider I’m actually going to pay you a hundred bucks when you finish the program. The Mass Gain Method is a digital ebook (PDF) available for download immediately after you complete your order. You can order with any major credit card or with Paypal.Just click the “add to cart” button below to get started. And don’t worry, if you have any issues with the download just call or email us and we’ll get you squared away.P.S. Hey – I’m serious about this. This program is tough. It’s doable… but it’s not a walk in the park. So I’m thinking about raising the price because I really don’t want a bunch of tire-kickers cluttering things up. So very shortly I’ll be raising the price to around $50. So order now to lock in your savings.Disclaimer: Always check with your doctor before beginning any diet or exercise program.The Mass Gain Method is a digital product. After you complete the payment, you will get access to the members-only area with eBooks available for instant download.
More information about Medical:
Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease,
typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others.
Medicine has been around for thousands of years, during most of which it was an art (an area of skill and knowledge) frequently having connections to the religious and philosophical beliefs of local culture.
For example, a medicine man would apply herbs and say prayers for healing, or an ancient philosopher and physician would apply bloodletting according to the theories of humorism.
In recent centuries, since the advent of modern science, most medicine has become a combination of art and science (both basic and applied, under the umbrella of medical science).
While stitching technique for sutures is an art learned through practice.
The knowledge of what happens at the cellular and molecular level in the tissues being stitched arises through science.
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