Mateusz Grzesiak – Kryteria wejść do uczuć (pakiet)
Description [POLISH] Mateusz Grzesiak – Criteria for getting into feelings (package) [DVD – 5 MP4s] Host: Mateusz Grzesiak Subject: NLP Recording duration: 5 products with a total duration of 4 hours. 16 minutes. • How acceptance works and what is done with it. Recording duration: 1 hour. 12 minutes. Acceptance is the recognition that what is happening should be happening. When it happens, we agree with everything that is happening in reality and we stop fighting it: internal and external conflicts disappear. By accepting fear, we stop running from it, experiencing what will not kill us, it will strengthen us. Acceptance dissolves all disagreements, because we begin to experience that everything is as it should be. Acceptance is the foundation on which flexibility develops (I agree with what is happening and I choose how I want to relate to it) and utilization (I agree with what is happening and use it to make it valuable.) • How it works and what is done with prudence, moderation, joy and tranquility Duration of the recording: 37 min. This section describes the mechanics and science of the states related to the highest vibration and happiness, including: – prudence to be able to choose the appropriate means to achieve its objectives – moderation with which material goods are used according to their purpose. you find the golden mean – that is, the balance between lack and excess. – joy of being able to feel, enjoy and be grateful for what is. – peace in which there is no fear and you are absorbed in what is happening. anxiety works and what to do with it Length of the video: 1 hour. 9 minutes. For fear to arise, you must recognize that: – there is an evil that threatens – you have something (thought, object, person) that is necessary / necessary for life and you can lose it – you are helpless and powerless in the face of events in life ( I can’t cope, they will do something bad to me) In the recording, Mateusz explains how fear works and how to work with it to turn it into courage. • How guilt works and what do you do with it Duration of the recording: 48 min. To make you feel guilty recognizing your car as bad or not forgiving yourself for your blemishes and mistakes. It is created in the child automation process when there is a focus on mistakes, not what can be improved. In this video, learn about the consequences of using blame, the mechanics of blame, and start working to stop blaming yourself for your imperfections. there is shame and what is done with it Duration of the recording: 27 min. Shame is necessary in childhood when a young person learns the social rules and what is good and bad according to the beliefs and values of the caregivers. In the following years, when the mind is growing, the better educated person can draw conclusions about how to function and does not need the emotions of shame to distinguish good from bad and learn more effective behavior. In practice, however, people are drawn to child shame even though it is no longer indispensable. Learn to work with shame. This video is completely in Polish language. M. Grzesiak is considered the best NLP coach in Poland
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