KING (Elliott Hulse) – The IV Layer Approach to Becoming the Strongest Version of Yourself Audiobook
The official audiobook for the KING book by Elliott Hulse. This is exactly how I received after purchasing it. The first release crashed their servers and they were uploaded in WAV format (2 parts) which I also have in case anybody wants it but they re-released the product in MP3 format (4 parts) and it’s 600MB now. I previewed to make sure it it was okay and it appears to be fine.This book has never been released in eBook format and never will (according to Elliott himself) so until somebody scans a copy, the only way the masses can get a hold of it is by either purchasing a physical copy (in limited quantities) or pirating the AudioBook which I am providing here for the community.This book seems to be building upon the book “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover” as he references those 4 archetypes throughout the book. Putting this in the health category because that’s what Elliott Hulse is all about. Enjoy!Website: Yourself 10-Volume Video Blueprint GB Thread: Copy Preview:Quote:THERE IS A MASCULINITY CRISISSOMEWHERE ALONG THE JOURNEY, MEN HAVE LOST THEIR WAY.Nowadays everywhere you look there is further mounting evidence of our once sacred manhood eroding away… …replaced with false ideals of what masculinity is.THIS NEW FALSE MASCULINITY IS DECEPTIVELY TOXICI want you to keep an eye out for it because it often takes on one of two forms:OPPRESSIVE TYRANNY SHEEPISH COWARDICE.You probably know men like this…Heck you might even be one yourselfHere’s what you need to know…Men who display either of these characteristics are two sides of the same coin.THE OVERLY AGGRESSIVE TYRANT BOY/MAN…THAT LIVES SOLELY TO MANIPULATE, SEIZE AND WIELD POWER.IN HIS WORLD AMBITION REIGNS SUPREME- SUBJUGATING ANY MORALITY OR SENSE OF DUTY HE HAS.This boy/man is especially dangerous because he sees everything as a zero-sum game.NOTHING IS WORTH DOING UNLESS SOMEONE ELSE LOSES.His weapons of choice are:FEAR MANIPULATION POWERIn recent years we have seen these boy/men plunge the American and World economy into the toilet with their greed. And though mainstream media likes to paint these boy/men in a favourable light… They are nothing more than petulant little boys who solely have their own interests in mind Now counter this with the second manifestation of perverted masculinity…THE COWARDIF YOU SPEND TIME ONLINE CHANCES ARE HIGH YOU’VE RAN ACROSS THIS BOY/MAN AS WELL.He is the first to:CRITICIZE, COMPLAIN, AND CONDEMNAnd though he talks a big game (largely in part to the anonymity of the internet) He is also the first to scurry into a corner and ball-up into the fetal position in the face of danger.THIS SECOND TYPE OF BOY/MAN IS DANGEROUS BECAUSE HE LIVES IN CONSTANT FEAR.Fear of the world around him.Fear of the opinions of others.Fear of failure.And fear of rejectionTHIS IS WHY HE REJECTS EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY ELSE FIRST…When it’s all said and done this weakling hides behind his keyboard/shield because he is a COWARD. Cowards are passive-aggressive men who sit on their hands and seeth on the inside. But at some point, they finally breakdown and lash out with undue hatred and violence.THE TYRANT AND THE COWARD SEEM VERY DIFFERENT ON THE SURFACE…But once you dig a little deeper you will find they are two sides of the same coin. Underneath every coward, you’ll find a tyrant in waiting. Now these two manifestations of perverted masculinity are extreme examples along the same spectrum, unfortunately many men nowadays fall somewhere along this spectrum… Whether they know it or notSADLY, THIS ENDEMIC TOXIC MASCULINITY WREAKS HAVOC ON THE WORLD AROUND ITSuicideViolence Towards WomenDepressionRapeAlcoholismSelf HarmDrug AbuseHeart DiseaseGang ViolenceCancerAll symptoms stemming from this perverse brand of manhood.IT’S HIGH TIMEWE ADMITTEDSOMETHING ISVERY, VERY WRONGWTF IS GOING ON HERE?Some people blame music. Some people blame the media.Some people blame religion, Politics, Isis, The boogey-man,Satan.OR THEY SAY IT’S A LACK OF:Role models, Common sense, Family values, Government spending or a lack of Jesus. and though they are all good guesses, the truth is the real reason masculinity has fallen into a state of chaos is because…OUR KINGS ARE DEADPlease see this thread in the forums section: want people to get in on the Crown Yourself 10-Volume Video Blueprint GB if we can get enough people as it’s something I’m really interested in!
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