Katy Bowman – 22 Alignment Snacks
WELCOME TO THE “ALIGNMENT SNACK” SERIES.There are currently twenty-two 20-30 minute classes—perfect to squeeze into your day–that deal with various body parts, issues and topics. Next to each class is a short description of what that class contains.LEVEL OF DIFFICULTYI filmed this series 10 week post-partum. They are extremely gentle yet effective and they are an excellent way to begin introducing your body to new movements. (Please ignore the occasional yawn and breast-milk stain. All part of my real life!)ALIGNMENT SNACKS: ADDUCTOR MADNESSClass focuses on the inner thighs and quads, not to mention some psoas, rounded out at end with a bit of shoulder / scapula workALIGNMENT SNACKS: A BALANCED APPROACH TO HIP STRENGTHThis session focuses on strength around hip movements, specifically while balancing on one foot, and also while pseudo-squatting, on one foot. Some shoulder work thrown in.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: A REAL PAIN IN THE NECKKaty’s daughter was 10 weeks old when this series was recorded. Today Katy is very sleepy, and has a few good yawns that couldn’t be edited out since they were right in the middle of instructions. On the up side, this is a very mellow class, and an excellent neck and shoulder opener.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: ALL AROUND THE THIGHS WE GO!The thighs have a whole lot of long muscles draping around the femurs. Let’s stretch the lot of them. 35-minute class.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: ALL FO’ THE PELVIC FLO’Katy explains how the pelvic floor is affected by other muscle groups, while taking you through a 20-minute class to serve the pelvic floor.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: BALANCE… WITH LATERAL HIPSGet your practice balancing, standing, stepping up, on one foot, getting those lateral thigh muscles activated.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF SHOULDERSThe shoulder joints provide great swaths of movement potential, that may be limited some tight connecting muscles. In this 35-minute class Katy gently guides your shoulders into many of those swaths.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: EVERYBODY NEEDS A LITTLE SHOULDER BOLSTERThis 35-minute class features mostly chest opening, and is mostly lying on your back with shoulders and head on a bolster. The other parts include stretching various shoulder muscles, as well as some hip opening, and hamstring stretching.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: GOTTA GET DOWN TO (ARM) SWINGTOWNStretching the shoulders for the purpose of allowing reflex-driven arm swing during the natural gait cycle.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: HIPS DON’T LIE – THEY SITIn this class, stretch the muscles that serve the hips, from a seated position.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: LEG GOES FORWARD; LEG GOES BACKThe psoas and hamstrings are the main muscles targeted in this 37-minute class full of hip flexion and hip extension.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: LET’S DO THE TWISTA class on the ground, the midsection gets a good workout with plenty of twisting and crescent stretching, punctuated with just a taste of hip and leg work.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: QUADS AND HAMSThis class focuses on the muscle groups on the fronts and the backs of the thighs, to bring some length and awareness to these, the quadriceps and hamstrings.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: RHOMBOID MADNESSThis class explores subtle shoulder strength and scapular mobility, including rhomboid pushups, forearm press-ups, and some other fun shoulder openers.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: STRETCHING THE STANDING MUSCLESHow do you stand, actively? What muscles are required, and have you stretched them lately?ALIGNMENT SNACKS: TAKE A LOAD OFF YOUR CHEST… AND YOUR HIPS, TOOIn this class you’ll open your chest while lying against a bolster, and while you’re down there, stretch a lot of the muscles serving the hips as well.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: THE BACK BONES CONNECTED TO OTHER BACKBONESTo stretch the muscles serving one part of the back, it is important to stabilize other parts of the back. The end result is a thorough working of some of the hardest working muscles.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: TWISTIN’ THE NIGHT AWAYA thorough exploration of the twist, in many of its different forms and aspects.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: WALK THIS WAY! STAND THIS WAYStretch those muscles you need for walking. Do it while standing – it’s harder that way!ALIGNMENT SNACKS: JUST A DAB OF ABSA 19-minute class focused on coordinated strength of the mid-section.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: WITHIN REACHYour arms reach forward, outward, upward, push you off the ground. All this and more in this class.ALIGNMENT SNACKS: FRANKIE SAYS: RELAX THE PSOASKaty gives a brief lesson on the psoas, and then schools your psoas. Mostly passive psoas lengtheners, with some downward dogs thrown in.
More information about Medical:
Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease,
typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others.
Medicine has been around for thousands of years, during most of which it was an art (an area of skill and knowledge) frequently having connections to the religious and philosophical beliefs of local culture.
For example, a medicine man would apply herbs and say prayers for healing, or an ancient philosopher and physician would apply bloodletting according to the theories of humorism.
In recent centuries, since the advent of modern science, most medicine has become a combination of art and science (both basic and applied, under the umbrella of medical science).
While stitching technique for sutures is an art learned through practice.
The knowledge of what happens at the cellular and molecular level in the tissues being stitched arises through science.
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