Kathrin Zenkina – Rich Babe Academy 2020
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Getting in touch with your BIG why
- Learning what money REALLY is & how we’ve been misled from the TRUTH
- Getting to the subconscious ROOT to your financial stresses and struggles
- Learning where you are subconsciously holding yourself back and why
- Changing your current money story FOR GOOD
- Digging deep into self-sabotage
- Your first regression hypnotherapy journey to remove the blocks holding you back
- Getting through the discomfort of CHANGE
- The two energies of transformation & how to use them in daily life
- Getting your energy to a high vibration to become an energetic match to money
- Distinguishing the differences between your EGO and your HIGHER SELF
- Putting your Higher Self into the driver’s seat of your finances
- Deep dive into the Rich Babe Process step-by-step
- Transforming your relationship with money
- Forgiving your past and letting go of financial resentments
- The most powerful forgiveness meditation you can do to clear yourself of the past
- Shifting and reprogramming your money beliefs to create a brand new reality
- Creating your BIG vision for your financial future
- Breaking down the big vision into more focused goals
- The Ladder of Believability (my most powerful trick in setting financial goals that manifest)
- Exactly how the subconscious mind works in creating your reality
- Eliminate ALL of your limiting money beliefs that are restricting your financial flow
- Creating your go-to Rich Babe Manifesto
- A potently powerful hypnosis that will continue to rewire your brain while your SLEEP!
- Learn the ART of manifesting money
- Master the paradoxes of manifestation
- The 7-step process to manifesting ANY amount of money
- How to use your intuition in your finances
- Releasing all resistance tied to the Rich Babe Process
- Having absolute certainty in yourself as a 6, 7, or even 8-figure earner
- Making your success inevitable and manifesting money on autopilot
- Speeding up the manifestation process
- Quantum leaping into your new reality
- Creating the “Rich Babe” version of you
- Learning the most effective way to “Act As If”
- Raising your standards to create a fulfilling, joyful, rich and pleasure-filled life
- Overcoming low self-worth when it comes to tapping into your divine abundance
- Raising self-confidence and going fully after what you want
- Manifestation tools and games to help you be a lifelong manifestor
- Making wealth your NATURAL state
- Going beyond the Law of Attraction
- The 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation
- The 5 Levels of Life-long Change
- Making wealth a part of your identity so that it lasts a lifetime
- All of my personal resources for Wealth Consciousness content
Business online course
Information about business:
Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”
Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner’s personal possessions.
A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business.
Lord –
This is Digital Download service, the course is available at Vincourse.com and Email download delivery.