Kads Chowdhury – The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind
[(12 ebooks – PDF) + (5 MP3)]
It’s the laws of mind. And I’m going to show you exactly how to use this true secret once and for all, so that you’re finally manifesting your dreams like wild fire, at long last.
You see, the true secret to achieving your dreams has been clouded so much, that it has still remained a secret. The true secret to manifestation is not the law of attraction and never ever was. It has always been the laws of mind.
Listen, a secret is a secret for a reason.And this true secret has not been revealed for very good reason: People cannot stomach it! My guide will explain exactly how to actually achieve your dreams…using the true secret once and for all.
The laws of mind can be summarized as this: All power to manifest lies in your mind, because existence is mental in nature. To achieve your dreams, requires a change in your state of consciousness through the combined steps of energy, intent and action.
Lord –
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