Judy Satori – The 21 Energy Keys of Re-Creation
[1 CD – 4 MP3s]
The 21 Energy Keys are ‘Light Language’ sound and light energy activations transmitted by the Elohim, the Creator aspect of God. Each time you listen you will entrain more to the benefits of each key. Repetition will enhance the results. Each sequence of 7 keys is designed to be listened to 21 times. How to Use the Mp3s Scroll down for activation program. Please ensure that you use this program according to instructions for best results. LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE CLASS FIRST, AND THEN YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE MP3 TRACKS 1, 2 AND 3 FOR EASY REPETITION. The first three tracks, 1, 2 and 3 are the audio tracks that you listen to as part of the entrainment process for 21 repetitions. They have been abridged and edited to cut out extraneous information and keep only the pure energy entrainment so that the activations are quick and easy to use. The complete version of the 2 1/4 hour Auckland event is on 4th MP3. You may listen to the information tracks whenever you wish, but don’t mix the energy tracks. The Expected Outcomes As Explained to me By Spirit
Lord –
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