Judy Satori – Purpose activation program
[Webrip, 58 mp3 + 3 pdf]There is no fixed rule for how many times, or when to listen to any of the audio tracks in this four month program. These directions are a guide for you to follow. Listen to your own intuition and follow it.
Month OneSUNSHINE BEFORE THE DAWNThis book transmitted to Judy by the Galactic Council is designed to help you remember the truth of who you REALLY are and why you’ve chosen to incarnate on Earth. The book is energy-coded — and so when you read these words, your soul memory will be activated.
Then you will begin to open to your soul’s guidance and activate your true purpose and potential.
Read once…or if you wish, a chapter each day and really meditate on what is being said to you.
EMOTIONAL FREEDOMThese audio tracks will break you free of emotional patterns and thought processes that block your ability to walk your path of soul purpose.
There are 13 audio tracks so you can listen to one per day and the focus as you wish on any that you react to most, or that make the greatest difference.
TRUSTING SELFThese audio tracks help you step into your power and clear sabotaging beliefs and energy distortion so you can trust yourself.
They are designed to build a stronger, clearer concept of self, and to help you access what your soul wants for your future.
Listen to the entire CD at one time three times during month one and two or as desired.
Month TwoPOWER AND PURPOSEThese audio tracks are to do with reclaiming your power and beginning to step into your true soul purpose. There are 13 sound tracks. Listen to one per day and then concentrate on any that call to you.
Month ThreeSPEAKING THE LANGUAGES OF LIGHTListen to this CD as desired. When you feel that the time is right, listen daily to the audio tracks on the third Mp3, the energy activation tracks from Thoth. These audios will activate you to speak your own spiritual Language of Light.
Listen to these activation codes daily for 21 days. Experiment and find your voice. This program is a profound catalyst to help you access your own unique spiritual gifts and abilities.
UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGES OF LIGHTThis is a class to help you better understand the process.
Listen after you have completed listening to the Speaking the Languages of Light program, and before you begin the 21 days activation process.
Month FourINITIATIONThis set of audios is the capstone teachings of the four month process. Work with the Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet, Maat, Hathor and Isis to prepare you to walk your path of purpose.
To initiate really means to prepare and this 30 day process of spiritual initiation will take you on a journey of soul discovery and soul expansion.
Follow the instructions by listening to the first audio track of this program.
About JudyJudy Satori is a spiritual catalyst, activator and way-shower. Her role is to help usher in a new beginning and a new way for life for us on Earth. She is an energy conduit for Spirit, a ‘stepdown transformer’ between Heaven and Earth, between Source and Soul.
Her mission is to activate human potential in a way that has previously been impossible. Now that the Earth has shifted to the faster pulsating energy of the fifth dimension, human beings can begin to be energetically recreated to return to the ‘perfected pattern’ that is our birthright.
Streams of light, energy and most importantly sound flow through Judy that generate peace and love in those exposed to her work. These transmissions also activate specific changes to the human genome – the DNA instructions for human life creation, activate previously dormant soul and human mind power potential and enhance physical vitality.
Judy transmits through her voice, hands and eyes energy words of new creation in the form of very rapid ‘Languages of New Creation’. These languages are from God and are of love.In-Joy
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