Josh Macin – Detox Dudes – The Transformational Detoxification Masterclass ( 2019 )
[ Webrip – 45 MP4 , 3 PDF ]
The Transformational Detox Masterclass Was Designed to Solve the 7 Most Common Challenges that Our Community of Over 30,000 People from 80 Countries Is Dealing With.
Do any of these sound familiar? Do you feel sluggish? Fatigued? Brain Fog? Do you feel like you are past your prime? Other health protocols / diets not cutting it? Do you feel numb, unfulfilled or depressed? Unmotivated or weak? Lack the energy to do what you truly want? Other cleanses have been too hard or confusing?
About My Detox Journey…I was suicidal for three years from toxicity…After being suicidal for three years, living in a 24/7 state of panic, despair, and gloom I was introduced to some deep truths. Can you believe that back a few years ago my mission each day was just to not kill myself? And this was after spending $150k on my health, drinking ayahuasca thirty times, fasting for months out of the year, and religiously practicing yoga and meditation…Now, I am completely depression-free, feeling incredible in my body on a regular basis, more peaceful than most people I know, financially successful, and living my passion every day. The truth that I was forced to learned in those three years is that we are being absolutely inundated with chemicals and toxins on a daily basis. In the past 100 years alone, over 100,000 new chemicals have been introduced into the environment and our natural detox mechanisms have not had the chance to evolve.
Lord –
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