Joseph Matthews – Consistent Close
[3 CDs – MP3]If you are one of those “sexually starved” guys out there who’s had a hard time figuring out how to get a girl into bed, this could be the single most important letter you’ve ever read!
You wanna know what sucks about being a guy?
Going for long periods of time without getting laid! That’s what sucks. Everything else about being a guy is awesome, except for that nagging little fact that we have to really work hard to get laid.(Well, most of us anyway.)Girls don’t know how easy they have it. They walk around turning DOWN sex time and time again. They could get laid whenever they want!Us guys can’t.
In fact – I’ve even been criticized by women in the past when I bring this fact up. “Men are such dogs,” they say. “They only care about getting laid.”
Well, that’s not true. We don’t ONLY care about getting laid, right? We care about other stuff too. However, that other stuff tends to come into play only AFTER we’re not desperately trying to get our rocks off.
Why is this? Simple…For Men, Sex Is A Necessary Bodily Function!!!
For us guys, the urge to ejaculate can be as overwhelming as the urge to go to the bathroom. If we don’t “flush out our pipes” on a regular basis, we are in a world of hurt!In that respect, sex is VITAL for your typical man in order to lead a happy, healthy life.Think about this for a second…
1. Remember Wet Dreams? Those things you had growing up that would wake you up covered in your own goo? Why do you think those occur? Because your BODY needed to find a way to “flush your pipes.” This was your body’s natural process of making sure you stayed healthy by not having a “back up” of fluids in your body.
2. Ever hear of prostate cancer? Studies are now showing that men who had “regular sexual release” from age 15 on are far less likely to get prostate cancer in later years. This means that by flushing your pipes on a regular basis, you can actually PREVENT cancer!
3. Remember that overwhelming urge to get laid? That feeling you get after a prolonged period of abstinence where you simple NEED sexual release, so much so that if you can’t get it, you’ll end up pleasuring yourself? If it wasn’t so necessary, why would any of us need to do that?
This all leads us to one undeniable fact…For Men, Sex Is Necessary To Keep Us Healthy!
But more than that, sex is also necessary to keep us HAPPY. Ever met a guy who hasn’t been laid in a really, really long time? He’s usually not a very pleasant person to be around!
In fact, studies show that there is a direct connection between sexual frustration and aggression.
Clyde Barrow, of the infamous “Bonnie And Clyde” duo, suffered from impotence and was unable to perform sexually. This is believed to be the cause of his violent nature.
If you think about this for a second, it makes perfect sense…All that pent up male sexual energy has to be released somehow. Sex is an intensely physical act… but then again, so is getting into fights. If men can’t have sex, they will have to act out in order to release those pent-up urges in some way.
Because of this, I think it’s safe to say that if you go for long periods of time without sex, not only are you doing yourself physical harm (as I explained before), but you are also doing yourself a great deal of EMOTIONAL and MENTAL harm!
Lack of sexual release and intimacy can cause men to become bitter and resentful of women. It can cause them to become jaded, antisocial, and in some cases, even violent.
Here are some shocking statistics you need to know:
* Men who get laid regularly are happier than men who don’t.
* Men who have lots of sex, on average, get sick less often than men who don’t.
* Men who get laid regularly are more pleasant to be around.
* Men who have lots of sex suffer from far less stress than men who don’t.
* Men who get laid regularly are more productive.
* Men who have lots of sex are more attractive to women.
* Men who have lots of sex tend to be better lovers in the bedroom.
So as you can see, there is no doubt that sex is a truly necessary thing for men to have on a REGULAR and CONSISTENT basis!
Men who go without sex for long periods of time will struggle mentally, physically, and emotionally, while the guys who get laid live happy, healthy lives!So which type of guy are you?
Don’t Let Society Guilt You Into Being An Involuntary VIRGIN!
Here’s something you may not know…About 2% of the world’s male population will die without ever having sex.
Think about that for a second – 2% of all men in this WORLD will never get laid!
Now chew on this…The average male will have a total of 4 sexual partners in his lifetime.
That means that out of all the time you have on this Earth, you can, on average, only hope to have sex with about 4 women.
So if you’re not unlucky enough to die a virgin, chances are you’ll have to fight and struggle your whole life to find 4 women who will sleep with you.
And that’s only IF you’re able to overcome the social stigmas of trying to get into a woman’s panties.
Because of radical feminism and poor propaganda by both the mainstream media and worldwide religions, men feel GUILTY about their sexual urges!
And this guilt will actually impede you from getting laid as often as you need to in order to stay physically, mentally, and emotionally happy.
Because of this guilt that society forces upon us, some guys will never even REACH the standard “4 partners.”
And those that do will have to suffer through extremely LOOOOOOONG periods of no sex waiting to find the right woman!
In short: You are suffering from FORCED abstinence!
And anyone who’s been there knows – that is not a fun place to be!(I should know, I used to be there!)
So that brings us to the point of this letter…It Is My Mission To Help You Get Laid As Often As You Want To!
That’s right, I’m making it my MISSION to help you stay physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy by getting you some nookie.
No need to sugar-coat it. That’s why we’re here right?
Our bodies are telling us we NEED to have sex!The problem is: Most of us don’t know how to go about getting it!!!!There’s a reason why guys like to say they “Got Lucky” when they get laid. Because to the average man, his chance of having sex with a woman is the equivalent of winning the lottery.
It’s almost as if you have the same chance of getting a girl to sleep with you as you do stepping outside your door and getting STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.
In case you couldn’t tell – I don’t like those odds!
Relying on luck is not a good way to get what you want. In fact, I’d even go so far as to say that’s a great way to ENSURE you NEVER get what you want!!!
But I’m here to tell you this: There’s a better way.
There’s a way to get laid anytime you want, by incredible women, over and over again.
And I’m going to share it with you right now…Here’s Your Sure-Fire, Step-By-Step System Of Getting Laid Whenever You Want! (And No, It Doesn’t Involve Hookers!)During my adventures in the “dating field,” I have had the pleasure of meeting many incredible women.
And while I was doing that, I was trying to figure out the best ways to get these incredible women to sleep with me!
After much trial and error, I finally stumbled upon a system that allowed me to consistently get women into bed, over and over again.
What used to be “Work” now became “Fun.”What used to be “Lucky” now became a “Sure Thing.”
In fact, this system works so well, I hesitated sharing it with anyone else for fear it might get abused!!!
I’d say this system alone is responsible for me having sex with at least 12 women this past year alone.
Now, you may not think that’s a lot. However, that’s TRIPLE the number the average man gets in his LIFETIME.
Not only that – I slept with those 12 women MULTIPLE times! These weren’t one night stands. These were relationships I had that allowed me to tap into a well of sex whenever I wanted. So with those 12 women, I probably enjoyed hundreds of amazing sexual experiences, all over the course of just a single year.
Sounds good right?
Well, it’s going to get even better, because I’m going to teach YOU how you can do the same thing!
I call this method the “Consistent Close.”
It’s a step-by-step system for “closing the deal” with your women. No more relying on luck to ensure a bedroom tryst. Now, you’ll know exactly what to do to get exactly what you want!
In Consistent Close, you’ll learn…
* The Fallacy Of The “Shallow Hal” Effect And How It Can PREVENT You From
* Not Getting Laid (Learn To Avoid This Trap, And You’ll Instantly Increase Your Success With Women)
* The One Secret Every “Jerk” Uses That Gets Women To Eagerly Hop In The Sack With Him While You Go To Bed Alone
* The Difference Between You And A Goat (Yes, A Goat!) And How That Can Get You Laid
* The Single Biggest Thing Holding You Back And Keeping You From Experiencing Lots And Lots Of Sex With Women Right Now (And How To Easily Remedy It!)
* Why Having Had Sex Once Or Twice Doesn’t Mean You’re Not STILL A Virgin!
* The Biggest Excuses Men Make That Actually Causes Them To Self-Sabotage Their Chances Of Getting Laid
* How To Not Become A “40 Year Old Virgin” (Trust Me, The Reality Isn’t As Funny As The Movie)
* The Two Most Powerful Emotions That Will Destroy Any Chance You Have At Bedding Women And How To Keep From Experiencing Them.
* The Single, Fool-Proof Technique To Eliminate ALL Fear Of Women So You Can Confidently Get Sexual With Them Any Time You Want.
* How To Break Out Of Your Bad Training And Become So Confident With Women In The Bedroom, They’ll Think You’re A Real Don Juan!
* The Single, Most Powerful Way To Quickly And Easily Build Confidence That You’ll Wonder Why You Didn’t Think Of It Sooner
* Why Settle For Just ONE Woman When You Can Use A Few Simple Techniques To Have MULTIPLE Women Coming Over, Night-After-Night, To Hop In The Sack With You
* Why Going Out To Bars And Clubs Every Night To Pick Up Women Is A BAD Idea, And How You Can Have Women Come Directly To YOU.
* The Secret A Cross-Dressing Feminist Lesbian Discovered That Will Make You Never Want To Waste Your Time In A Bar Or Club Ever Again
* The Best Places To Meet Women For Sex (They’re Not What You Think They Are)
* A Step-By-Step, “Idiot Proof” Game Plan To Get A Woman To Sleep With You In Just 3 Dates
* The Single Biggest Tool Every Man Can Use To Easily Get Women Ready To Sleep With Him (Hint: It Has Something To Do With Your Cell Phone!)
* How To Make Out With A Girl In Such A Way That She Gets Hot And Horny For You In 10 Seconds Flat.
* How To Completely By-Pass Any Last Minute Resistance From The Girl And Move Right Into The Bedroom.
* The Three Rules You MUST Follow To Completely ELIMINATE Buyer’s Remorse And Keep The Girl Coming Back For Seconds, Thirds, and Fourths…
* And Much, Much More…I seriously can’t cover everything you’ll learn in this short letter. I can only tell you this: Consistent Close WILL Get You Laid!
tristian –
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