Johnathan White Lifestyle – Multi-Orgasmic Man 2.0
Week 1:
Getting clarity and removing self-sabotaging habits
Beating Porn Addiction
Transformational Breathwork
Clearing negative emotions
Balancing the internal organs for radiant health
Sexual Vitality Breathing
Breath as a tool for ejaculation control
Week 2:
Microcosmic Orbit – the pathway for full-body orgasm
Internal Energy Secrets: how to supercharge your practice and tangibly experience energy
Qigong warmups to pack the hands with energy
Dragon Orbit Qigong practice to powerfully activate your body’s energy
Secret Wudang Mountain Microcosmic Orbit Meditation method
Tummo breathing to instantly energize, dissolve stress, and get into peak state
Week 3:
Grounding your sexual energy
Connecting with the power of the Earth
Earth Pulsing qigong to increase sexual vitality
How grounding increases sexual potency and helps control ejaculation
Zhan Zhuang Power Standing: develop rooting power, focus, and full-body energetic charge
Week 4:
Orgasmic Breathing
Sexual Qigong
How to do Kegels properly: create a STRONG and RELAXED pelvic floor to contain high levels of arousal
Charging the energy meridians and Chakras with sexual energy
Semen Retention Lifestyle
Week 5:
How to keep the pelvic floor relaxed for complete ejaculatory control
Arousal control mastery
Advanced Power Lock for full-body orgasm
Yin Power Lock
The finger lock dry orgasm technique for instant non-ejaculatory orgasm
How to channel your sexual energy into magnetizing your ideal life
How to avoid overheating and release excess energy
Week 6:
Immortal Breath – Activating the glands with orgasmic energy
Discharging sexual energy from the genitals to avoid ejaculation
Charging the entire body with aroused sexual energy
Partner application: F*ck like a King
Exchanging Sexual Energy
Tantric Connection and Sexual Healing
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