John Romaniello – Captivating Copywriting
Now, don’t get me wrong. Making money isn’t magic. Most decent marketers can create income on demand.
That’s not it.
The magic is how excited people were to read it all. How these pieces still make money today. How I’ve used each of them over and over to make 7-figures, without doing more work.
The magic isn’t just the money, but the magnetism: the way each of these cast its own spell that has ripples to this day.
For example: that olive oil email I mentioned?
The first time I sent it out to my mailing list, it generated over $25,000.
That was a pretty good day.
Over the last few years, I’ve sent it out in newsletters, put snippets of it on social media, even used it in some of my keynotes.
Each time, it makes money.
Now, it’s certainly not my most profitable piece of copy, but it’s one of my favorites.
I mean, we’re talking about over $160 thousand dollars generated by writing about olive oil.
In one email. Which I wrote at the gym…between sets. Over six years ago.
More importantly: to this day, people still tell me it’s one of their favorite things I’ve written.
And every time I use it, people are excited to read it, even if they don’t buy. (And many of them do.)
THAT is magic.
So, let me ask you:
- Even if you don’t love marketing
- Even if you mostly focus on social media
- Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer
- Even if you’re overwhelmed managing all the moving parts in your business
You can craft brilliant word-art that does both…
What you need it to do: inform, education, and convert.
What they need it to do: inspire, entertain, and connect.
This is so important.
But most entrepreneurs (especially coaches) gloss right over it. Or worse, ignore it completely.
Every time I snoop around the coaching industry, I’m amazed at how many people are half-assing it (at best).
We’re talking slipshod pages with no structure, emotionless emails that ruin the reader experience, or captions telling people what they’re getting (instead of why they need it).
And I hear all the excuses:
- “My webpage doesn’t matter, all my clients are on IG”
- “I have a direct outreach strategy, so I barely market”
- “My audience loves me, so everything is easy”
- “I let my content do all the work”
Oooof. Okay.
All of that is wrong. So, so, so very wrong.
They just can’t see how wrong it is, because it’s working.
“But,” let’s pretend you asked, “how can it be ‘wrong’ if it’s working?”
Just because something’s working doesn’t mean it really works. Not forever, not long term.
Back when I was coaching professional athletes, we had a phrase in the gym:
“some people are successful not because of what they do, but in spite of what they do.”
And there are a lot of online business owners who are pretty successful in spite of what they’re doing.
They’re doing a lot of things wrong, but they’re working, so…good enough?
There are hundreds upon hundreds of coaches, consultants, and other business owners out there leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table…
….who knows how many clients unserved?
People just like you are keeping their businesses small by doing “good enough.”
And the worst part is: they’re setting themselves up for failure.
For example…
- What happens when IG goes from “dying” to dead and you can’t use it to fill your programs any more?
- That’s good for low-end offers…for another 6-8 months. Then it’ll just be another annoying marketing tactic people roll their eyes at.
- “Die-hard” audience? Love it. Are you going to the next platform with them? Or are they gonna stay…just for you? (Aw, it’s cute that you think so.)
- You can have the most amazing content in the world, but if you’re not getting them to buy, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby.
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