John C. Pierrakos – Core Energetics – Developing the Capacity to Love and Heal (1987)
Core Energetics unifies all human aspects of physical, emotional, rational and spiritual into a powerful system to understand ourselves — Barbara Brennan, author of Hands of Light. Powerful and scholarly, Core Energetics is a precise explanation of a process by which the author teaches healing by helping us truly inhabit our inner space…Explaining in full psychological detail his theory and therapy, Pierrakos presents us with a masterpiece of body-mind holistic thinking. — Body Mind Spirit MagazineThis is a definitive book on somatic therapy…. Pierrakos worked for twenty years on energy mobilization to release the body of chronic muscular tensions, drawing on the Reichian and Bioenergetic systems….this book adds a spiritual dimension to the work. …the author’s passion as a healer land teacher, his compassion for the suffering person, his enormous capacity to give, these are evident in reading his book. He truly is a spokesperson for the human core. — AHP Perspective (Association of Humanistic Psychology) –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.About the AuthorJohn C. Pierrakos MD is a psychiatrist, body-therapist and an authority on consciousness and human energy fields. He began is work as a student and colleague of Wilhelm Reich, then as a co-founder of Bioenergetics and finally as the founder of the Institute of Core Energetics in New York City. He still maintains a private practice, lectures and teaches all over the world. He is the author of Core Energetics and Eros, Love & Sexuality. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this always a big appreciation goes to trance33 for doing all the amazing OCRs for everything I have been scanning and I don’t always mention her name.
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