Internet Lifestyle System by Terry Dean
The Quickest and Easiest Way to Create Passive Income Streams You Can Be Proud Of…Free You From Your Job, And Fuel Your Internet Lifestyle For Decades
And the Best Part is It’s NOT Dependent on Product Launch After Exhausting Product Launch So You Can Create a Consistent Monthly Income Regardless of What Happens in Your Life, Work, or Business
Imagine receiving a consistent monthly income from the Internet that provides you with True Financial Freedom…Freedom that allows you to have real choices in life.
You have complete control of your schedule. Work when you want on projects you enjoy that make a difference in lives of others.
Take a break to visit the gym, go out to eat, or pick your child up from school.
Earn more than enough money to live where you want, vacation when you want, and take care of your family in the way they deserve.
Instead of worrying about whether you’ll get to retire ‘someday,’ you could retire the moment you’re generating more passive income online than you receive from your regular job.
The Internet Lifestyle is about having money – and the time to enjoy it.
Let me ask you a simple question. If all of your family’s financial needs were taken care of, how would you spend your time?
That’s what Freedom truly means…the ability to make meaningful choices instead of being overwhelmed by the financial responsibilities of daily life.
I’ve now lived this lifestyle for over 20 years!
And in just a few minutes I’m going to share with you the step-by-step system that has given me freedom along with thousands of my clients.
But it wasn’t always like this.
Back in 1996, I was delivering pizzas for Little Caesars for $8 an hour.
My wife and I rented a little two-bedroom house for $340 a month with a huge leak in the kitchen ceiling that the landlord never repaired.
We were over $50,000 in debt, and it kept getting worse. We borrowed from one credit card to make minimum payments on the others. Each month found us deeper and deeper in debt.
I remember times when we’d search the couch for change to grab a couple of burgers at McDonalds.
I tried network marketing, direct mail, door-to-door sales, and just about every business opportunity you could imagine. Nothing worked for me, and each failure just left us with more useless crap in our basement and higher credit card bills.
I was a college dropout and there didn’t appear to be any solution in sight…until the day I discovered the Internet.
That was back in the early days. I bought my first 75 Mhz PC using one of our last credit cards.
I got online, participated in those old Compuserve message boards, and started making money within the first few weeks.
I was earning more than my job in less than 30 days!
Within six months I had a consistent monthly income online.
From there I expanded into additional products, services, speaking at conferences, doing product launches, and running membership sites.
At one of these events, I demonstrated the power of online marketing by generating $96,250 in revenue from ONE email in front of a live audience.
I had one of the very first membership sites in the Internet marketing space. The customers included a Whos-Who of many of the Internet marketing experts you see online today.
And over the years, I’ve helped thousands of budding Internet entrepreneurs create the own Internet Lifestyles along with multi-millions of dollars in revenue.
Everything changed the day I discovered the Internet and just what was possible online.
I stumbled into this business after failing at everything else in my life.
And it’s led to more FREEDOM than I ever imagined.
I’ve now lived the Internet Lifestyle for 2 decades…and even took complete retirement from all online projects for 18 months in 2004 and 2005.
Income kept coming in during that break. And my passion for this lifestyle led me to focus on helping others do exactly what I’ve done for all these years. I’ll tell more about a few of these clients later on.
But this isn’t about me. It’s about you…and helping you put your own Internet Lifestyle system in place so you can enjoy your freedom, your family, and even your retirement.
Do You Ever Feel Chained to Your Job & Financial Responsibilities?
Maybe you’ve suffered through the same kind of financial problems as I have. Or perhaps you’ve followed a much better path, and you have a comfortable job.
But as you know, you’re never truly free as long as you have to punch a time clock.
A lot of people work their whole lives looking forward toward the day they can ‘retire.’
That’s when finally own their time.
No longer will you have to suffer that dreaded daily commute. No longer will you come home so tired that you end up vegetating in front of the TV before falling off to sleep to do it all again the next day.
I’ve heard people refer to retirement as when every day feels like a Saturday.
But the reality is it takes at least one million…and more likely two to three million…in the US to retire comfortably today. And that number is multiplying yearly with inflation.
That’s almost an insane amount for the average person to save, especially when respected investing experts such as John Bogle are telling us to prepare for lower stock returns for at least the next 10 years.
Pensions have all but disappeared.
And the Social Security trust fund is predicted to run out in 2034. Social Security Disability is already struggling today!
According to the US Census Bureau, “80% of Americans age 30 to 54 believe they will NOT have enough money for retirement.”
And sadly they’re probably right.
The majority will continue at the grindstone for years past their prime…till eventually health problems force them into a retirement they’re not financially prepared for.
The world has transformed over the past few decades.
We now live in a wisdom economy instead of an industrial economy.
And it’s left the majority struggling to catch up.
It’s NOT your fault.
But If you’re going to experience freedom while you can still enjoy it, you have to take control.
You could start a brick-and-mortar business. But starting up a business with a physical location is EXPENSIVE and risky. Not to mention what a hassle it is to deal with employees today….all the red tape, personal attitudes you have to deal with, and constantly growing government bureaucracy.
That leaves the Internet.
In just a few minutes, I’m going to show you the quickest and easiest way to create passive income streams you can be proud of, free you from your job, and fuel your Internet Lifestyle for decades to come.
You have several options.
You could go the Internet start-up route. That means coming up with a brilliant idea, finding partners, and then literally begging for capital at the same time you’re putting together a team, software, and everything else it takes to run a large business.
According to both Fortune and Forbes magazines, 9 out of 10 start-ups fail, the majority within 120 days!
The biggest issues they run into are a lack of financial backing, offering a product that no one wants, and in-fighting among the partners.
When your goal is to create a big business like this, your destiny is intertwined with a dozen or more other people. All it takes in one weak link for the chain to break.
And even if you succeed with that route, many start-up CEOs are quickly burned out, because as they often confess, it feels like they’re constantly running one marathon after another.
Every waking moment is invested in their idea, and it only takes one slip-up from anyone on the team to doom the entire project.
I personally couldn’t handle that kind of stress!
Instead, I prefer simple passive income streams that require little upfront investment, no long-term partners, and you can quickly test your product ideas before you move forward.
Another option is simply promoting affiliate products. There are thousands of companies who will pay you a commission for every product sold from your referrals. Or you could even join Cost-Per-Action programs where they pay you for each lead you generate…even before a sale is made.
And that’s a fine business model. I personally earn good money from a dozen of more affiliate programs every year. Everyone should integrate multiple streams of income in their online approach, but in my system all these additional checks are ‘extra spending money’ on top of your regular passive income.
The big negative with promoting affiliate programs as your primary business model is you need to constantly attract new leads, advertise, and grow your list.
The model I recommend will allow you to tap into OTHER People’s lists, traffic, leads, and customers. Let them do the heavy lifting for you!
When you just promote affiliate products, you’re the one sending leads and customers to others. You’re constantly hustling to generate more traffic. And you only receive a PORTION of the profits.
It’s tough to generate consistent passive income with that model. But it’s an awesome way to add extra spending and vacation money to your passive income.
You could start a blog. Again nothing wrong with that. I use a blog in my system, but it’s tough to cut through all the noise with a blog today.
In 2013, there were already a reported 152 million blogs on the Internet with a new blog being created every half second. And that hasn’t slowed down in the past few years.
A blog can be a way to attract visitors to other offers. I’ll show you how to make a blog extremely profitable…even with just a small amount of traffic. But a blog isn’t required in my system…
You could create a service based business such as consulting, web design, or Adwords management. These are excellent business models and I’ve personally worked with clients in all of these fields.
But you’ll primarily be trading hours for dollars. As dentists have often said, “If you’re not drilling, you’re not billing.”
Coaching is another of my multiple income streams. So I’d be glad to recommend it to you. BUT a big secret in any service profession is attracting the right clients. It’s easy to fall into a feast and famine situation. You have too much work at times while other times it seems you fell off the face of the map and you’re struggling to keep the lights on.
Adding passive income streams along with your service is the quickest and easiest way to even out those highs and lows. You’ll have a consistent base monthly income coming in, and those systems continually attract the premium clients you love working with.
This leads us to my favorite online income model…passive income streams from digital information products.
But what I’m about to show you is radically different from what others do or teach.
You’ve probably seen those big product launches where dozens of promoters fill your email box with hyped up messages about the next hottest thing since sliced bread.
There is a lot of excitement behind the product launch model, but there is a TON of work going on behind the scenes.
Usually these products and bonus packages are huge. They can take 6 months or more of your life to create…without having a clue of just how successful they will be.
While you’re spending all that time on the product, you also have to schedule the launch itself months in advance.
Become a beggar who desperately pleads everyone with an email list to promote for you.
By the end of the event, you’ll owe reciprocal mailings to every Tom, Dick, and Harry…and they’ll definitely call on you to mail for their “next big thing” whether you’re comfortable with it or not.
I’ve spoken with many people who’ve followed that model and they almost always mention how ‘icky’ they feel about some of the products they’ve committed to promote in the future.
You also better tell your merchant account and Paypal upfront about the launch, or you can quickly find your accounts canceled as they get nervous when you start processing a bunch of orders after having zero volume for months. They’re afraid you’ll take the money and run…and they’ll get left holding the bag when a load of refunds come pouring in.
If it’s your first time, at best they’re going to put a reserve on a portion of your money which you won’t see for up to 6 months.
You’ll pay 50% commissions to your partners…plus 10% to 20% to your JV broker…along with cash and prizes for those who win your launch contest.
On launch day, you better hope and pray your website converts…or all that work, all those relationships, and all those promises you made are out of luck.
If everything performs as planned, you could pocket a substantial sum. Of course, now you’re back to ground zero and you owe a lot of mailings to others. Time to start planning your next launch.
I’ve done this long enough to know the big launch model is NOT right for me.
I like steady, consistent passive income. And I’m all about a low stress existence.
Frankly, I’m also a little lazy. My favorite projects are evergreen. You work once and get paid on it forever.
You choose your market. You can use a few little tricks to virtually guarantee buyers are hungry for what you offer. Once you see a ‘green’ light, you create the product quickly. Get in the marketplace. Make some money. Watch your monthly income grow consistently each-and-every month.
You don’t need a home run every time you’re at bat. Instead you can win the game by consistently getting base hits.
Create a product this weekend. Start collecting money from buyers next week. Get it to $1,000 or more per month. Put another product together quickly.
Over the next 12 months, you could create multiple passive streams of income like this.
Each of these is like owning another little oil well that just keeps pumping for you 24-7.
You don’t bet the farm on any one project.
Some projects will be little base hits while others will be home runs…massive gushers that continue to produce for years or even decades into the future.
For example, one time I purchased a license to someone else’s ebook. It wasn’t even MY information. Over the weekend I added an additional special report to go with it. That stupid little project returned over $5,000 a month for YEARS all by itself.
Another time I did an audio interview with an expert and paid a transcriber $60 to create a written version of the product to go with it. The paint-by-numbers sales letter was written in about 2 and a half hours. Within the next week, the product earned $11,124 and continued to produce several thousand per month.
All told, that project required less than 8 hours of my time total for finding the expert, doing the interview, putting together the website, and launching the offer.
I could share story after story of different projects like this.
Often I’ll invest more time than this in a project, but I’ve found over the years that my time investment has little to do with the long-term income potential of the project.
It’s all about following a proven system you can use over and over again to create your own…
Terry Dean started his online business from scratch in 1996. He went from delivering pizzas for Little Caesars for $8 an hour to quickly building a million dollar Internet business promoted primarily through the Internet.
He has spoken at multiple conferences around the world and has even demonstrated the power of email marketing by earning $96,250 from a single email to his list in front of a live audience in less than 72 hours.
What They’re Saying About Terry Dean…
“With Terry’s help, my business launched and grew to a six figure business within the first year. The next year it has almost doubled again in income.”
Michael Beck,
“Over the past 8 months – Terry’s input has taken my business from an average profit of $7000 per month to over $35,000 per month – and it is only going to get higher. Last month my membership program increased by more than 30%…”
Paul Wright,
Before Terry, I spent most of my time working in my business. After Terry, I spend most of my time working on my business. (I’ve hired employees to do much of what I did previously, and the business has nearly doubled in size over the past year). Oh… Almost forgot, my wife and I’ve spent the past 6 months “working on the business” from Hawaii.
David Tingley,
“I started working with Terry Dean as a coaching client in 2008, and since then I’ve gone from working 6 days a week and being stressed out to working only 3 days a week, with more free time while increasing my productivity…I spend half the year in North America and half the year in tropical paradises like Costa Rica.”
Frederic Patenaude,
“We started working together approximately 12 months and the results have been phenomenal. We’ve more than doubled revenues and the team has grown from 2 to 5 people. At the same time I’ve been able to reduce the amount of hours I work. I used to work 70 hours per week. I now work about 35 to 40. And I can take vacations whenever I want!”
Florian Meier,
“Terry has been my secret weapon for my success in both my companies. I’ve worked with Terry for several years now. And I’d say he’s helped me put hundred thousand dollars per year in my bank account, either from savings from costly mistakes or from new revenues that has led to more profits.”
Salim Omar,
“Terry helped me with a sales letter for my coaching program. And I’m delighted to say that, I was able to fill the program with just one email. All I had to do was announce that the program was open to my list and send them directly to the sales letter that Terry helped me write…”
Marcus Santamaria,
“I’ve been in business for 14 years, Terry Dean was one of my first online marketing mentors. Today I run two online companies generating $1.2 million a year, and it’s amazing that I still continue to learn from Terry. He has a unique ability to hone in on the most critical issues that can impact your income, then dissects the strategy behind it.”
Milana Leshinsky,
Internet Lifestyle Retirement System
This isn’t about big launches, although I will show you how to do stress-free mini-launches to grow your list and create big paydays.
Instead it’s about quickly and easily creating passive income streams you can be proud of, free you from your job, and fuel your Internet Lifestyle for decades.
It’s been over 20 years for me now.
David Perdew refers to me as one of the Grandfathers of Internet marketing even though I’m only in my 40’s…
Here’s what Steve Duce said the live demonstration I did in front of an Internet conference years back…
“Terry, what you did at the Internet seminar in Jacksonville was incredible. Twice now I’ve seen you make an offer to your subscribers and each time you made over $30,000. This last time $96,250. Many people claim to make a lot of money online. It’s a whole different ball game to be able to go before a crowd and actually ‘show’ everyone.”
Here’s what a few of my customers and clients are saying about me…
I could share hundreds of comments from others over the 2 decades I’ve been doing this.
Of course I can’t promise you’ll achieve these kinds of results, or any results at all. But I can promise that the Internet Lifestyle Retirement System is the quickest and easiest way to create passive income streams you can be proud of, free you from your job, and fuel your Internet Lifestyle for decades.
The Internet Lifestyle Retirement System comes with 8 main modules that lay out the complete A-to-Z step-by-step system…
Module 1: Addicted Buying Audiences: Step-By-Step Methods to Choose a Red HOT Niche Market Full of Hungry Buying Addicts!
- Why the single most important secret behind every six and seven figure business is a HUNGRY Buying Audience…and how you can virtually guarantee your success with easy-to-use online resources that are 100% free.
- 4 Simple Questions you should always ask to determine how ADDICTED an audience is to the exact type of information you’ll be offering…and why you want an audience desperately searching for their next fix!
- Why the vast majority of beginners set themselves up for boredom, frustration and failure by choosing the wrong market…and how to find out what you’re truly most passionate about (Hint: It’s NOT about making lists or sitting in your room contemplating your navel).
- 10 Point Scoresheet for evaluating the “Addiction Factor” of any potential buying audience. Compare multiple markets and opportunities and know with CONFIDENCE you’ve selected the right one for you.
- How to FOCUS all your attention and energy on your ideal buyer avatar (eliminate the dreaded curse of OVERWHELM that stops the majority of online marketers dead in their tracks).
Business online course
Information about business:
Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”
Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner’s personal possessions.
A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business.
tristian –
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