Hypnotica – Get Over Your Ex
They say the first cut is the deepest, but in truth, no matter how old you are, getting over a broken heart is never easy.
The heartache caused by losing the girl you love hurts like nothing else. It’s a gut-wrenching feeling that leaves you broken. You can’t eat, sleep, work or study.
You don’t feel like talking, let alone going out with friends. You feel down, lethargic, emotional and empty. Your life has been turned upside down and you don’t know who to talk to or which way to turn. Life feels like it will never be the same again.
But don’t despair. There is a way to reverse these feelings, find happiness and positively move on with your life.
CONSIDER THIS….Think back to when you first met your ex-girlfriend and fell in love. You were so excited; you couldn’t eat, sleep and think about anyone else. Your life was consumed by her every word, movement and touch. All you wanted to do was forget the world and spend each waking moment together.
Now, let’s take a step back and analyze these feelings for a second. These feelings didn’t come from outer space, and even though looking back it may have felt like a spell, it was actually a neurological process driving your emotions. Basically, a series of chemical reactions in the brain were responsible for making you feel that way. Your “love” chemicals were working overtime, so to speak.
NOW CONSIDER THIS….Now that you have broken up, a new set of chemicals in the brain are making you feel a whole host of emotions ranging from loss, despair and sadness, to stress, anxiety and anger. So, although you may feel a million miles away from the happiness you once felt, the common factor at play here are chemical processes in the brain. Right now you are feeling the effects of the “breakup chemicals”.
ALTERING YOUR BRAIN STATEThe Heartbreak Reversal recordings will take you into a state of hypnosis, at which point I communicate with your subconscious mind using subliminal messaging. The subconscious mind controls our emotions, our habits and our responses to the world, and is basically where all this negativity keeping you down in the dumps is coming from.
By communicating with your subconscious mind I release the negative emotions and thought patterns surrounding your breakup. In a nutshell, I entrain your brain to get over the breakup by reversing the way you feel. I disperse the negative emotions and replace them with positive thoughts and intentions.
In addition to the two hypnosis recordings, I provide you with a mind-altering exercise that will help eliminate negative thought patterns, bringing you out of the depressive state of mind that consumes your mind and body when you think about your ex-girlfriend.
By listening to the hypnosis recordings and practicing the exercise on a daily basis, you will naturally release the attachment to your frustration, despair and negativity, and begin to settle back into state of normality.
WHAT WON’T HAPPENThese hypnosis recordings won’t make you forget who your ex-girlfriend is; they won’t make you hate her or stop you missing her from time to time, but they will help you climb out of this slump and lift the darkness off of your shoulders.
These powerful recordings will help relieve the pain, stop the constant flow of negative emotions and bring about a positive mind frame from which to move forward and take back ownership of your life.
Hypnosis coures
Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestiom.
There are competing theories explaining hypnosis and related phenomena.
Altered state theories see hypnosis as an altered state of mind or trance, marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary state of consciousness.
In contrast, nonstate theories see hypnosis as, variously, a type of placebo effect, a redefinition of an interaction with a therapist or form of imaginative role enactment.
During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration.
Hypnotized subjects are said to show an increased response to suggestions.
Hypnosis usually begins with a hypnotic induction involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestion.
The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as “hypnotherapy”, while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as “stage hypnosis”.
Stage hypnosis is often performed by mentalists practicing the art form of mentalism.
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