How to Make Girls Chase by Chase Amante
Chase Lover – How to Make Chase Girls Table of Contents / List of Topics Covered
-How to hold on to your fear
-How to attract women
-What are the three types of compliance?
-Why is it so important to move quickly from a representative to a relationship
-How to cut through or even SKIP the whole lengthy dating process
-What are the 2 types of value and why are women discouraged by the type of value most men use
-What’s the voltage gap?
-How to use the social impulse to meet many women in a hurry
-How to preopen to women and warm them up to meet you
-Why it’s a bad idea to let women start thinking of you as interested in becoming their boyfriend
-How to get women to invest in you the moment you meet them
-How to physically climb into the bedroom and turn a girl you like into a girl you love
How do you get the girls to chase?
Well, the idea is to present enough of your value and make them think they can have you.
Then, get them to put a lot of effort into the interaction and use techniques like chasing frames to get them to chase you.
Sounds simple and logical, right?
All that and more is presented in microscopic detail in this 400+ page book, “How to Make Girls Chase” by Chase Amante.
After reading this book, you might get the feeling you can do it, make girls chase.
But before we get to the good stuff, don’t you want to know who the author is?
Who’s Chase?
Honestly, I didn’t know about Chase Amante until I stumbled across his blog. And, what do you know, he knows what he’s talking about.
Let’s see, according to his book, he learned everything from his friend and teacher Sebastian, founder of Focus and one of the first guys to teach about the social arts.
And also Vin DiCarlo, one of the first students and collaborator of Sebastian in Enfoque when he was still active.
If you’re familiar with their material, you’ll know they use the VAC (Value, Accessibility, Compliance) model and the “natural” approach to play.
Obviously, Chase’s attraction model is similar to the one that uses the three elements of Value, Investment and Accessibility as the main concept in their book.
His style is also discreet and versatile. Instead of someone becoming bigger than life and being the center of attention or the life of the party, his approach to meeting women is more relaxed.
Let’s move on to the book itself…
How to get girls to chase
I can probably describe this book in three words. It is long, detailed (for the most part) and… well, maybe just two words.
It certainly has a lot of detail. I guess that’s what he meant when he said he had everything he knew about the social arts.
There are two main sections of the book.
The first focuses on the basics, or becoming the “romancer” and the second on closing the deal as the “seducer” does.
Don’t worry about those terms for now. So, let’s do it if we have, we have a long book to cover.
“No matter what kind of life you want or what kind of lover you want to be, you’ll find it here, the step-by-step instructions to become the man you’ve always dreamed you could be.
Did you deliver it? Let’s find out…
On the one hand, I like how it started. He asks what you want.
So, if you don’t know yet if you want a girlfriend or a couple or maybe just a night, this is a good time to sit down and think.
This will help you get through it when it’s too hard, and believe me, if you’re like most men, meeting and seducing women can and will be really difficult.
Your emotions will be challenged and your comfort zone needs to be pushed.
If you don’t know what you want, you won’t persist. And if you don’t persist, you will find yourself a few years later settling down with a woman because you thought she was the best you could get.
So, get your goals in writing as recommended in the task section of the first chapter.
Yes, there is a task or fieldwork for each chapter, and you should do them as you go along.
If you have taken a professional course before, you know how important the practical part of any course is.
Go ahead.
This book has two sections. The first is about…
Becoming the Romancer.
This is where you handle your basics, which Chase recommends you do throughout the book. Seriously, you’ll always be remembered.
That shows you how important it is to get your foundation down. It’s where you address the core of your identities that becomes your foundation.
That includes the foundations of your body so that women will look at you with desire and be someone they would like to know.
Your voice so you can generate intrigue and capture their interest.
Social foundations where you talk about using social power to get attention without much effort.
This is clear from a chart where the “social strategist” uses less effort than the social beginner who exerts more effort in a given situation.
And then there are the fashion fundamentals to make you look interesting, attractive and cohesive. It makes you look informed and socially aware, powerful and sexy.
Again, he emphasizes that you should handle them before you go on to anything else in the book. And he gives you things to focus on.
As he progresses each month and continues to improve his foundation, he will become more attractive without doing anything else.
With your foundation handled, it’s time for you to…
Meet women.
Here, he gives you places to meet women, openers you can use to start a conversation with women, get to the “hook” …
… where the woman has decided that she wants to continue talking to you and make a commitment and contribute to the interaction.
And there’s that phase of discovery of the relationship and the relationship, which you shouldn’t exaggerate.
Use it as a spice to make your interaction fun and engaging. And once you know the woman is interested, quickly move on to the next step.
Good news! Here’s another comparison chart on how to create intrigue for girls to wonder about.
(Don’t like comparison charts? It clarifies things and makes it much easier to understand).
In the next chapter then.
The basis of your ability to attract women.
Here you will find ways to improve and show your value as you want women to see it using techniques and methods …
… Including what everyone should know: what women value, how to decrease the negative effect of explicit value, and the basics of storytelling.
After value, we move on to the next cornerstone of attraction:
One of the most basic means of measuring a girl’s desire
You know that women value and pursue men they’re very interested in, right?
So, in this part, you’ll know how to get women to invest by using fulfillment to get them to do things for you.
And there’s this really cool way to generate a lot of multiple subsequent investments through compliance stacking.
Then there’s the main chapter on Accessibility (in addition to the other sub-sections and sub-chapters at the end of the value chapter).
If you’re not familiar with this, it may seem complicated at first, but here it is clarified.
You’ll learn to recognize accessibility issues, which is useful if you can’t understand why some women don’t respond to you the way you think they should.
And the subtle part of accessibility that is easy to miss but equally important. You’ll appreciate it more if you’re good with a certain kind of woman and not other kinds.
After that, you’ll get a surprise: the end of the first section where it beautifully summarizes the Essence of Romancer.
Talk about what you should have achieved and learned as you prepare for the next section, which is about putting it all into action now that you know the basics of attraction.
And now that you’ve become attractive, you can …
become the seducer
… To obtain concrete results and close the deal, where he learns the right mentality to meet women and take them home.
This section begins with the “mode” she is in when you meet her, which influences her receptivity to you.
One thing to keep in mind: you can’t control your side, but you can control your side to position yourself as the man women want to date.
Here’s an interesting part about moving fast. He says that men who move fast are more attractive and more effective than men who take things slow. Do you agree?
Then, closers know how to move around a woman’s body, so they know how to touch women in an intimate and exciting way.
You will read here the … ways to touch women in the right way.
The following is about the setup for the next time you see her after meeting you and getting the contact information.
It tells you to avoid using the word “number” because it is linked to a weak and needy question. (You may disagree with this, but it’s more about “how” you ask it.)
) After you get the number, follow up soon, get in touch, and then set up the meeting. He gives you the ideal place to meet, as well as to deal with flakes.
I especially like the next one because I know it’s power.
More specifically, he’s chasing frames. Including how to handle your frame challenges, all well and good.
Then there is the strong urge, which shows extreme persistence that produces results, and refuses to accept NO for an answer in a seductive way. This works. Give it a try.
And after all that… you’ll realize it was all just a setup for this:
Making girls chase using what you’ve learned in mentality, dating, touching and framing.
You will find here how to do it at the beginning, middle and end of the seduction, including how to know if she is chasing you and how to encourage her if she is not.
Then comes another interesting chapter about girls who want to make you their boyfriend, as you are becoming more charming and sexy, that is the positive side. But now she’s more likely to resist quick intimacy with you.
Now it’s time to…
take her somewhere.
Make a good point here: you should focus on learning the whole process rather than just parts of it, as you will only progress more slowly.
So, ask the women to go home with you. Why?
Because if you don’t ask them, they won’t invite themselves. Here you will know how to do it, with examples and dialogues.
And another important part of the seduction: climbing windows. It’s the moment when the girl expects you to take things further.
Make sure you do it when she opens up. I miss it and it’s gone, most of the time, forever.
Don’t miss it.
When your logistics are down, then and only then can you get intimate: the moment to “complete your seduction”.
Be sure to make the first move. Here are some tips to help you.
That’s it, right? Not exactly.
Then you have to…
create your own process.
First she gives you her own process so that you can make your own series of steps to follow to find success in meeting women.
Don’t worry, it’s painless.
He guides you through every step from…
where to find women,
how to meet them
what you do once you get to know them,
how to bring women home and
what to do for intimacy.
And then, it gives you the essence of the seducer to sum it all up.
To complete everything, it includes two field reports.
He tells you, in detail, how he took the girls out on a night out. It’s basically a demonstration of how it’s done.
And that’s the whole book in a nutshell. Believe me when I say… it’s loaded.
You can’t really get an idea just by looking at the table of contents. You’ll have to go deep to appreciate it.
Moment of truth. Drumroll please.
I think this is one of the longest books on attracting women and dating I’ve ever read. It’s filled with a lot of information and detail.
Listen: it took me a while to finish reading this book. And I have some interesting new ideas to ferment in my head. And, of course, try it.
If you haven’t already immersed yourself in learning the social arts, I’m pretty sure you’ll be surprised by this book and the massive details that explain things.
Of course it’s written in plain English, but some of it will confuse you and others will light up your head like a light bulb.
And that’s what you’re looking for as you read on.
Ignore the confusing stuff for now. Come back to that later. Focus on what makes the gears of your mind turn and what makes your body move with emotion.
You don’t have to read it all at once. You can concentrate on polishing your basics first and keep a steady pace.
So, should you get it? No, you can read his blog if you want and get what’s in his book for free.
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