Fred Davis: Awaken NOW: The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening
This method sets up conditions in which most people can and will tell themselves the obvious truth. That’s the funny thing about this. You’re not somehow devoid of grace or mystically disconnected, or anything remotely akin to that. No one is. Everyone who is not consciously awake is in common everyday denial.You are lost in the dream of separation, and the idea here is to allow you,Awakeness, to snap that spell if you want to.Here are the four stages of the dream:1) We make stuff up.2) We believe the stuff we make up.3) We suffer because we believe the stuff we make up.4) We come to spirituality to try and overcome the suffering we’re causing ourselves by believing the stuff we’re making up to begin with. This book can help short out that unconscious circuitry. Ever since you became a seeker, you’ve been like a dog that’s chasing its tail. Strangely, it’s possible for you to chase your tail for virtually forever. Most seekers do. Most seekers will live and die waiting for the grand day when they catch up with their tail.Most doesn’t have to mean you. Yours can be a different path. In fact, it is already a different path. That’s why you’ve been drawn to this oh-so-sharp teaching. What I know with 100% certainty is that at some point you are going to quit running in that circle. You can chase your tail almost forever, but not forever. We all (meaning all One of us) eventually wake up–in one so-called lifetime or another. Why not in this lifetime? In fact, why not quit running today?
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