Entheos Academy – How to REV the Human Machine: Elevate Your Performance with Ben Greenfield
Entheos Academy – How to REV the Human Machine: Elevate Your Performance with Ben Greenfield [WebRip – 1 MP4]
Ben Greenfield is a coach, author, speaker, ex-bodybuilder and Ironman triathlete. His science-based approach to health and performance has revolutionized the way athletes and exercise enthusiasts live, train and eat.
Class OverviewYour human body is capable of “superhuman” performance if you are given the proper user’s manual. Ben Greenfield is a renowned expert interested in helping you REV your performance to the next level.
How to REV the Human Machine: Elevate Your PerformanceIn the last class, you discovered how to push the reboot button on your body and allow your body to be prepared for the bigger moves ahead that will truly get you revved. Now it’s time for those bigger moves, and in today’s class, you’ll discover how to start expanding your diet, expanding your exercises and workout routine and transitioning to the next level.
The Top 10 Big Ideas
1 Introduce New Foods In the last class, you modified your diet to eliminate common autoimmune and gut destroying triggers such as wheat, dairy, eggs and soy – along with moderating or eliminating trouble compounds like alcohol and caffeine. Although this is a good idea for the first 4-8 weeks of your “reboot”, now it’s time to begin reintroducing these foods in their healthy and natural form, in moderation. So what does this look like in practice? Begin to experiment with soaked, sprouted or fermented forms of grain and wheat, such as sourdough bread, rinsed and soaked quinoa, amaranth and millet and ancient grains such as Einkorn and Kamut. Look for raw, organic dairy in your local area and see how your stomach, body and skin tolerates milks and yogurts in their unadulterated form. Often the same farm or source from which you can get quality dairy will also offer pastured eggs from free range hens. Introduce fermented forms of soy such as miso, tempeh and natto. Begin having a glass of organic red wine with a few of your dinners at night, and start off your morning with a rich cup of organic, black coffee – preferably of an Arabica blend grown at high altitudes such as Costa Rica to ensure it is mold free.
2 Transition Into Harder Training While rebooting, your body couldn’t handle the stress of difficult training or high intensity intervals. But now it’s time to slowly begin pushing yourself to new fitness levels. Initially, you should begin by simply A) getting stronger and B) increasing your oxygen capacity. For getting stronger with injury, while also improving blood flow and heart strength, nothing beats isometrics and super slow training. For example, you can go to the gym and do 1-3 sets of 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down of chest press, pull-ups or pull-downs, shoulder press, rows, squats and lunges. Listen to this podcast with Doug McGuff to understand this type of training better. For increasing your oxygen capacity, begin to incorporate high intensity interval training, such as brief 30-60 second treadmill sprints with full recovery, hard cycling efforts of 2-4 minutes in duration, or 200-500 meter efforts on the rowing machine or in a swimming pool. The key to these intervals is to work hard during each interval and recover well between each interval.
3 Supplement Hopefully, you’ve been caring for your gut and detoxing your body during the course of your reboot. As I discussed in the last class, compounds such as probiotics, oregano, digestive enzymes, colostrum and liver/gut detox vitamins can help tremendously with this process. Now is the time to gradually back off those supplements and replace them with nutrients, vitamins and minerals for enhancing your hormonal balance and allowing you to elevate your body to the next level. Although the wide world of supplements can be extremely confusing, there are specific compounds that nearly everyone tends to be deficient in. Specifically those are: Vitamin D Magnesium Omega 3 Fatty Acids (aka fish oil) Alkalinizing Greens Although you don’t necessarily need to use a multi-vitamin, including the four compounds above into your diet can help tremendously as a sustainable lifestyle based supplementation program. Then you can simply fill in the gaps, such as using probiotics when you travel and can’t eat fermented foods, using antioxidants when you have a very hard workout day or get exposed to toxins, pollutants, etc. , or using Chinese Adaptogenic herbs when you are stressed out. For more details on these strategies, watch the supplement video at Pacific Elite Fitness.
4 Temperature Fluctuations At a recent Ancestral Health Symposium, I had the pleasure of attending a talk by Nassim Taleb, the author of the excellent book Anti-Fragile. In the talk, Nassim discussed how just as bones and muscles become stronger when subjected to variety, stress and tension, many things in life benefit from stress, disorder, volatility, and turmoil. The technical term for this is “hormesis”, which is the term used for favorable biological responses to low exposures to stressors. In other words, by exposing yourself to discomfort, you bounce back stronger and elevate your performance! So it’s OK to be uncomfortable and to have randomness in your life. Your ancestors did not have air conditioning and central heating – so it’s OK for your bedroom, your office or your car to sometimes be too hot, or too cold. This makes you stronger! Refrigerators have not always been a luxury of mankind – so it’s OK to sometimes be hungry, sometimes fast, and sometimes eat completely random meals you’d normally never eat (breakfast for dinner, anyone?). Sometimes lions and bears jump out and chase you – so it’s OK to skip that aerobic bike ride and instead do a short, intense, 4 minute Tabata set – and vice versa. So be uncomfortable. Expose your body to occasional, sane amounts of natural stress and disorder. This will fight fragility, keep you alive and vibrant, and allow your lungs, muscles and heart to overcome gradually adapting to the demands you place upon them. Two of my favorite ways to use temperature to elevate your body and make yourself “anti-fragile” are 1) cold exposure with cold showers, cold temperatures, cold baths, cold soaks, etc. (see Tips For Burning More Fat With Cold Thermogenesis (And Why Icing Really Does Work). for more tips on this) and 2) heat exposure with weekly 20-45 minute visits to a sauna or steam room.
5 New Sports In the same way that going outside your comfort zone from a temperature standpoint can elevate your body, going outside your comfort zone from a sporting standpoint can elevate both your body and your brain. It’s very easy to get stuck in a rut of chronic repetitive motion activities such as swimming, bicycling, running or hiking – but these are not challenging activities for your nervous system, your neuromuscular system or your brain. So if you’re serious about elevating your body (even if you already have a very consistent and good fitness program established) you must continually find new challenges that keep your body guessing. For this reason, I personally play tennis twice a week, which forces me to do things like change direction quickly, track a ball, and strategize while moving. I also attempt one new sport or fitness activity each week, such as rock climbing, snowboarding, Zumba, basketball and even ping-pong. Elevating your body means not getting stuck in your comfort zone. What sports can you think of that you could jump into this week? Check your health club or gym calendar, your local Parks & Rec website or catalog, or the outdoors/fitness/sports section of the newspaper.
6 Grease The Groove To truly elevate your body, movement must become a part of your daily routine – even if you can’t make it to the gym. This is where “Greasing the Groove” comes in. Greasing the Groove is a concept I originally discovered in a book called The Naked Warrior. The idea is basically this: Instead of doing a long workout at the gym, you simply spread your exercises throughout the day. This not only allows you to become proficient at certain movements, but also elevates your metabolism throughout the day. For example, I have a pull-up bar installed above the door of my office. Every time I walk under that bar, I have a rule that I have to do 5 pull-ups. Other examples of “Greasing the Groove” include: Doing 20 body weight squats every time you go to the bathroom Doing 25 jumping jacks for every hour that you’re sitting at your desk Doing 10 push-ups during every commercial break of a television program Keeping a heavy barbell in the garage or a heavy rock in the backyard and picking it up 3-5 times during the day Even something as simple as a standing workstation or treadmill workstation can qualify as greasing the groove. In my podcast episode “7 Ways To Burn Calories By Standing More”, you learned about how standing can increase the activity of your fat burning enzymes and keep many of your tiny core, leg, and feet muscles working all day long.
7 Train Your Brain Sports and new activities will certainly train your brain, but let’s face it: sometimes you simply don’t have time to hunt down a game of ultimate Frisbee, or to change into your shorts and shoes and head to the gym for a game of pick-up basketball or to schedule a time at the tennis club for a game of tennis. Fortunately, you can use your smartphone, pad, Kindle or computer to train your brain in a manner that doesn’t involve sweating or exercise. Two of my favorite methods of late have been using the free Lumosity brain-training app three times per week and playing a quick game of n-back three times per week. Lumosity offers a brain training program consisting of more than 40 games in the areas of memory, attention, flexibility, speed of processing, and problem solving. N-back is a game in which you are presented with a sequence of stimuli, and your task consists of indicating when the current stimulus matches the one from n steps earlier in the sequence. The load factor n can be adjusted to make the task more or less difficult. This may sounds confusing, but make sense once you start playing. I usually do these activities while I’m waiting to board the airplane at an airport, as a quick pre-lunch break from work, or in the evening as an alternative to watching TV. For even more ways to train your brain and keep your precious neurons growing and firing, check out the article 21 Ways To Hack Your Brain: A Complete How-To Guide To Enhancing Your Brainpower, Creativity, Focus, Motivation and IQ.
8 Explore Just like new sports and brain training will keep your body guessing and elevate your body, exploring your environment can also be a fantastic way to throw curveballs at your physical and mental structure. In the podcast episode “How Something Called “Fitness Exploring” Will Totally Change The Way You Think About Your Workouts.”, I speak with my friend Darryl Edwards about using your environment for exercise by doing things like using playground equipment in your neighborhood for a workout, or going out on a trail run or hike and lifting boulders, tree logs or using large rocks and other natural objects as obstacles. Hiking, hunting, orienteering, national and international travel, adventure racing and even a Spartan race can be other fantastic ways to explore. Be careful not to put yourself into a very dangerous survival situation, but also don’t be afraid of getting lost or going outside your comfort zone. For example, drive to a national park with a trail map and see if you can follow the map and complete a trail – or look up a local orienteering, hiking or snowshoeing group and go explore new territory. This will be a refreshing challenge for your body and brain. You can also look up local adventure races in your area.
9 Sign Up For An Event Once you’ve reached your fitness or body transformation goals, a common pitfall is to become demotivated or even depressed because you suddenly have a “what’s next?” conundrum. To ensure this never happens to me, I am always signed up for a new challenge, typically in the form of a triathlon, running event, adventure race, cycling ride or some other event I can mark on the calendar and use as motivation. One of my favorite websites to find local challenges in the form of triathlons (and adventure races) is TriFind.com. The Spartan race website is also chock full of obstacle races that may be close to you. When you sign up for an event, a magical trigger goes off in your brain that instantly inspires you and gives you fresh motivation to stay physically and mentally fit. So to elevate your body, follow the rule of always having something “on the calendar”. To really take things to the next level, have a 3 month event, a 6 month event and a 1 year event in progressively harder sequence. To see a sample of how I’m doing it this year, check out: Look, Feel and Perform Like An Ancient Spartan Warrior – How To Become An Absolute Physical Beast.
10 Testing/Tracking As you elevate your body, you’ll find that it helps tremendously to use testing services such as WellnessFx, DirectLabs and 23andme to peer into the details of what’s going on with your body, your gut and your genetics. It also helps to do daily testing of your nervous system and recovery using a tool such as HRV testing. For example, every morning I test my heart rate variability (HRV) for 5 minutes. For details on why, check out Everything You Need To Know About Heart Rate Variability Testing. In addition, 3-4 times per year, I do a blood panel with WellnessFX.
This allows me to look at important parameters such as inflammation, thyroid health, cholesterol, acidity/alkalinity, and much more. Once per year I do a comprehensive gut profile at DirectLabs, which allows me to see if I have any parasites, the bacterial balance in my gut and my levels of digestive enzymes. And everyone, at least once in their lifetime, should use a service such as 23andme to look at their genetic risk factors. For example, I tested with WellnessFX and found out that I have a higher than normal risk for Type II Diabetes and prostrate cancer. Now that I have this knowledge, I can do things like regular my consumption of blood sugar raising compounds, use blood sugar stabilizing ingredients such as apple cider vinegar and cinnamon, and use prostate supporting compounds such as lycopene rich tomatoes. For the nitty-gritty details on exactly what you should consider tracking, read the article “25 Ways To Know With Laser-Like Accuracy If Your Body Is Truly Recovered And Ready To Train”.
You are now 100% optimized to live a healthy, productive and elevated lifestyle! So what’s left now? Believe it or not, some people want to take these concepts to an even higher level – and go achieve amazing feats of physical performance like an Ironman triathlon, a Spartan race, an adventure race, the Crossfit Games, or other extreme tests of the body and mind. In the final class, you’ll learn exactly how to squeeze every last drop potential out of your body so that you can experience what it feels like to truly take things to the next level!
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