Entheos Academy – How to Make Vaccination Decisions for Your Children with Aviva Romm MD
Entheos Academy – How to Make Vaccination Decisions for Your Children with Aviva Romm MD [WebRip – 1 MP4]
Aviva Romm is a Yale-trained physician, home birth midwife, award winning herbalist and author. She is also a mother, teacher and speaker dedicated to vitality and optimal health for women and children.
How to Make Vaccination Decisions for Your Children
Are you struggling with whether to vaccinate your child? As a mom and a doctor, I get that it’s a really tough decision. We want to keep our kids safe — and we want to keep our kids healthy. It seems that what we hear about vaccinations make these competing goals. Vaccines have reduced the rates of several serious diseases — or have even eliminated them altogether. But for some illnesses, parents wonder if the vaccine risks are more of a concern than the illness itself. In truth, there is no single right answer to the vaccine dilemma. The decision needs to be based on numerous factors including likelihood of exposure to the illnesses and whether there will be international travel, and ready access to medical care should it be needed. Also, it is important to realize that it is not a fixed decision and there are a number of reasonable options, including delaying the start of vaccinations, using an alternative vaccination schedule, or vaccinating selectively. The most important thing you can do to make a clear, optimal decision for your child is to: 1) get educated on the facts, and 2) take the fear out of the decision-making process. This class will give you tools for both!
The Top 10 Big Ideas
1 Make Your Own Informed Decision When making the vaccination decision, pay attention to information sources that offer a balanced perspective. Avoid being swayed by emotional rhetoric and scare tactics – on “either side” of the argument. There is a reasonable middle ground.
2 Minimize the Vaccination Risks While the risk of vaccines causing certain problems, notably autism, remains unproven, vaccinations are associated with a known set of mild side effects, and rarely, more severe reactions including seizures and even death. Avoiding vaccinations when your child is ill is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of adverse reactions.
3 Know the Risks of Not Vaccinating Several vaccinations have led to appreciable declines in the rates of certain diseases. And there has been a recent increase in the rate of measles and pertussis, in part due to more parents declining these vaccines. While vaccinated children may still contract these illnesses, it is important, if you choose not to vaccinate, to learn about the risks of vaccine-preventable illnesses, how to avoid them, and what to do if your child contracts one.
4 Foreign Travel is a Game-Changer If your lifestyle includes foreign travel, this increases your child’s risk of exposure to certain diseases. Some countries also might not let you in without certain vaccinations, so you will need to either get these or change your travel destination!
5 There’s No Right or Wrong Answer – Get Comfortable With Uncertainty There is no easy answer to the vaccine dilemma, and no “right or wrong” choice. There’s only the best decision that you can make for your children in any given moment. Both choices carry some uncertainty. Get comfortable with your decision so you don’t overlay unnecessary fears and anxieties on your kids.
6 Don’t Get Stuck There are many vaccination options: fully vaccinating, selectively vaccinating, delayed vaccinations schedules, and not vaccinating at all. You don’t have to feel stuck with an either/or decision. You can always change your mind: if you chose not to vaccinate, you can add in some vaccinations as your child grows, or if you started to vaccinate, you can discontinue.
7 Follow Your True North In making the vaccination decision I recommend that parents ask themselves: “Which decision could I live with more – if my child either got sick and I hadn’t vaccinated, or if I “followed the rules”, vaccinated, and my child had a damaging vaccination reaction?” Your instinctive response to this question can help guide how you truly feel about vaccinating your child.
8 Talk with Your Child’s Doctor…or Find Another Make an appointment with your child’s doctor solely to discuss vaccinations outside of the context of a well-child checkup or at a sick visit. Try to understand the doctor’s viewpoint and share your own concerns. This conversation can help you decide if you have the right doctor for your family.
9 Know Your Rights and Understand Potential Legal Limitations Parental rights vary by state and by school. Investigate the laws and regulations regarding vaccinations in your state so you can make school and other decisions accordingly, and obtain appropriate waivers, if needed, in a timely way.
10 Keep Your Kids Healthy Many other decisions can also have a tremendous impact on the health of children’s immune systems, their disease resistance and resilience. Breastfeeding, avoiding antibiotics, a healthy diet, stress management, and time outdoors are just a few of the many choices we can make to optimize our kids’ well-being and should as important as the vaccination decision.
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