Entheos Academy – How to Cultivate Your Vitality with Pedram Shojai
Entheos Academy – How to Cultivate Your Vitality with Pedram Shojai [WebRip – 1 MP4]
Pedram Shojai is an author, filmmaker and lecturer specializing in meditation and Qi Gong. He is a reputable Doctor of Oriental Medicine known for his down to earth approach to stress management. How to Cultivate Your VitalityVitality is the innate energy of life that we all have within us. We are born with it, and on our deathbeds, it leaves us. A well-lived life is filled with Vitality and the wise take time to cultivate it. The more Vitality we have, the more clarity we maintain, the less often we get sick, and, frankly, the more power we can carry in our careers and personal lives. So how do we cultivate this inner Vitality? The Top 10 Big Ideas
1 Get Your Lifestyle In Order By this I mean Diet, Exercise, Sleep, and Mindset. I’ve been teaching Qi Gong and Tai Chi for years and can promise you that the students who drink diet sodas or only sleep 2 hours at night are the ones that will fizzle out. We need sleep. Good food powers the energy of the system. We’ve been designed to move, jump, climb, and lift heavy objects, and we certainly didn’t evolve stressing about the mortgage the way we do. Lifestyle is the journey- not the destination.
2 Have Goals In Life Hanging out in the breeze and getting blown around by the changing winds is a sure-fired way to get exhausted and feel lost in life. Setting a daily practice with 30/60/ad 100 day goals are key. Why? Because that’s how navigation works- we get our bearings and adjust our trajectory. This practice locks us into our meaning and purpose and there is no vitality if our mind/body/spirit are not connected and on the same page.
3 Play Yes play. We are hard wired to goof off and play- have some down time. All the elevated cortisol that’s choking us out in our society stems from slavery economics where we’re chasing money to pay for things we don’t really need but want. We then shop for leisure and buy stuff just to feel better. Get out and play (whatever that means to you) and see how the creative principle of life force energy re-emerges in your life.
4 Meditate “All the Power that ever was or will be is Here Now”- From the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trimegus. Castaneda called it “stopping the world”…the zen guys call is beginner’s mind, wu wei in Taoism. What are they all getting at? Chill out. Observe your breath and stop doing so you can experience being. There’s no shortage of energy in this Universe- only impedance or the blockage of that flow which is self-induced. Learn to get out of your own way and see the Vitality emerge in your consciousness and then into your body and life.
5 Practice Qi Gong or Tai Chi If I were to tell you that there are practices out there that are specifically designed to enhance your energy flow and increase your Vitality, would you be interested? Most people reach for a cup of coffee instead- the quick fix that doesn’t work. Luke had to train in the Force and he became a Jedi. There is no mastery without training…sorry.
6 Cut the Caffeine Yeah you heard me. We borrow energy from tomorrow to get through today and plan on paying it off some day in the future. Well we all know that day never really comes so we just run on fumes and borrow more till our adrenals crash and we get sick…last I checked that’s the opposite of Vitality. The good news- practice tip #5 and you won’t need to borrow energy- you’ll be rich.
7 Spend Time With Loved Ones Yes the Oxytocin released from the heart has huge health benefits and, more importantly, we’re tribal creatures who’ve lost that connection. Having people in your corner that support you and have mutual love and respect for you is HUGE. Do not discount this. Love people and thy will love you back. Bond with them and bask in the sunshine of tribal bliss.
8 Rest When Tired Yeah that’s tough in our world but our minds and bodies are subjected to so much stress that a little down time goes a long way. There are numerous studies that reinforce this and show how optimal performance is enhanced with some down time. Even if it is 30 seconds, pull out of the river and breathe and restore- your hectic day will be waiting for you.
9 Get Good With Money We call it currency for a reason- it flows through us and is supposed to support us in life. Instead, most of us freak out about it all the time and it closes our energy field and flow. “As Above So Below” – Get good with money by being of service and making your purpose something way bigger than your individual needs. You’ll see the floodgates open with this and amazing things happen. Money is freedom to move around and do with your time as you please. That sounds cool to me.
10 Travel See the world and get some perspective. Life in the West is very different than other places. We tend to get bogged down into a worldview that is reductionist and self-limiting when we are stuck somewhere. Don’t let the TV lull you into a dreary sleep. Wake up and get out there. See the world for yourself and chances are the inspiration from this will stoke an inner fire that will be the basis of your Vitality. After all, what’s the point of being healthy anyways? We need meaning and purpose. Go find some.
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