Entheos Academy – How to Accidentally Lose Weight – and Keep It Off with Jonathan Bailor
Entheos Academy – How to Accidentally Lose Weight – and Keep It Off with Jonathan Bailor [1 video (MP4)]
How is it that the most intelligent species on the planet is the only species that supposedly needs to worry about their weight? We’ll discuss the proven science that radically simplifies slim. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!)Your ProfessorJonathan Bailor is a nutrition and exercise researcher, author, and speaker who specializes in using high-quality food and exercise to simplify health and fitness. He is the author of The Calorie Myth (2013).
The Top 10 Big Ideas
1. What Have You Got to Lose Other than Body Fat?Studies show that counting calories does not keep off body fat over the long term, 95.4 percent of the time. To put that into perspective, quitting smoking cold turkey has a 94.5 percent failure rate. Put these to facts together: we are more likely to give up the third most addictive substance in the world (trailing only heroin and cocaine) without any help than we are to shed weight using the “gold-standard” advice you have been taught your whole life (the gospel of what I was taught back in my personal trainer days). See why an approach we know doesn’t work continues to be advocated. Hint: Law of Large Numbers.
2. Ensure “Different” Is Actually DifferentThere are only two high-level ways to change your eating and exercise: quantity or quality. For example, are you going to eat less of the foods you are currently eating (quantity), or are you going to eat different foods (quality). Are you going to jog even more, or are you going to pick a different form of exercise? If you feel like you’ve tried everything, the good news is you haven’t. You’ve likely tried different flavors of the quantity approach. You’ve been sold products and services that “help” you eat less and exercise more (quantity). See how a truly different approach (high-quality eating and exercise), gives you truly different results (long-term fat loss). Hint: The Amazing Skidmore College Study.
3. Biology Doesn’t Work Like Math, it Works Like BiologyDid you know that if your body in fact worked like the Calories In – Calories Out equation you’ve been taught, you should have gained about 470 lbs since 2006? See how every study ever conducted on the matter has proven that conventional calorie math doesn’t add up. Hint: The Shocking $700,000,000 Study.
4. Naturally Thin People Change EverythingOnce you have empowered yourself with proven fat-loss facts, your body will burn fat automatically. Does that sound too good to be true? Have you ever met anyone who eats as much as they want, does not exercise, and still stays skinny? Put differently, have you ever met anyone who’s body burns fat for them automatically? We all have. So the question is not: “Is automatic lifelong fat loss possible?” Millions of naturally thin people have already demonstrated that it is. The question is: “How can you and I burn fat automatically, like naturally thin people?”See how understanding the biology of naturally thin people can help you make your body work more like theirs. Hint: Eat More Doesn’t Have to Mean Store More.
5. Counting Calories CANNOT Be RequiredI know this is a huge departure from what we’ve been told over the past few decades, but look where that information has taken us and keep in mind that nobody knew what a calorie was—forget about counting them—until the concept was introduced to the chemistry community in 1824. It then took until the 1980s—ironically, the beginning of the obesity epidemic—for the concept of calories to make it into the mainstream. See why obesity, diabetes, and heart disease were essentially unheard of before the mainstream knew what a calorie was. Hint: Your Body Is Brilliant.
6. Hunger ISN’T HealthyOne of the most basic human needs is to avoid hunger. Nobody can live their best life if they aren’t properly nourished. Telling someone the only way to keep weight off is to eat less is like telling someone that the only way to avoid allergies is to breathe less. Eating isn’t optional. Hungry isn’t healthy. We must eat a certain quantity of food or we can’t function. See how understanding this simple truth will forever change the way you see fat loss. Hint: Quality Is The Only Viable Option.
7. It IS All About Balance, But Not In the Way You’ve Been ToldCalories exist. If they are out of balance, we will gain or lose weight. So, calories do need to be balanced. However, the idea that you need to think about calorie balancing, and that a “balanced” diet include substances that didn’t exist for over 95% of human history, has been proven wrong. See how unbalanced the current approach to “balanced” eating is. Hint: Homeostasis and Who Came Up with the Criteria for a “Balanced” Breakfast?
8. You’ve Been Lied to About “The Law of Thermodynamics”We know the traditional approach to fat loss fails 95% of the time, yet common sense seems to tell us: “If you eat less and exercise more, you must burn body fat. Anything else violates the law of thermodynamics.” There are four laws of thermodynamics. The two that apply to burning body fat do not prove that reducing the number of calories eaten makes the fat metabolism system burn body fat. They tell us energy cannot be created nor destroyed; energy can only change forms. See how an accurate understanding of thermodynamics proves that eating less and exercising more causes fat gain. Hint: Biology Doesn’t Work Like Physics, It Works Like Biology
9. It’s About Quality, Not QuantityWe’ve automatically avoided 98 percent of the weight we “should” have gained according to calorie counting because our body is designed to balance us out automatically. It doesn’t “want” to be heavy and diabetic any more than it “wants” lung cancer. And just like we can more easily avoid lung cancer by avoiding smoking, we can more easily avoid obesity, diabetes, and heart disease by avoiding low-quality food. When we eat a lot of high-quality food, our set-point takes care of everything else automatically, just as it has successfully done for every other generation that has ever lived. See how food quality changes your basic biology in a scrumptious, satisfying, sustainable, and slimming way. Hint: Eat More—Smarter
10. Quality is About SANEityThe quality of calories is determined by four factors: Satiety, Aggression, Nutrition, and Efficiency. Satiety is how quickly calories fill us up. Aggression is how likely calories are to be stored as body fat. Nutrition is how many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc., calories provide. Efficiency is how easily calories are converted into body fat. Whether a calorie is high-quality or low-quality depends on where it fits on the SANEity spectrum. See which foods are SANE, which are inSANE, and how you can maximize your SANEity easily.
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