Energy Medicine Yoga to Embody Joy With Lauren Walker
New 10-week live video training begins
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
What you will discover in these 10 weeks
In this 10-week transformation intensive, Lauren will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies of the body, mind, and energy you’ll need to eliminate unhealthy patterns that aren’t serving you, as you progress toward luminosity, healing, and an extraordinary life.
Module 1: The Divine path of satisfaction, joy and unity: an introduction to the healing energies within us (June 17)
In this first class, Lauren will present the energies of joy and healing. Called the radiant circuits, these energies, and how they develop in the body, will be the underlying template for the next 10 weeks.
You will experience the first Radiant circuit that appears in your body, the fundamental energy path that feeds your life force and connects you to your purpose.
You will learn how these energies work and how they connect you to your root experience on Earth. This is the divine way of satisfaction and joy, and the recognition of yourself as the drop and the ocean.
And, Lauren will introduce you to the concept of one – the beginning of the sacred geometry of the human body-and how it begins in the body and expands to include everything else.
You will also discover:
How to perform an autoenergy test to deepen and trust your intuition and get a clear ” yes ” or ” no ” around food choices, or what Energy Medicine Yoga techniques to do
The first Radiant Circuit to appear in the uterus and how to activate it
The first bandha to activate in the body
May his sanctuary of healing and comfort live within
Module 2: nothing exists without its opposite (June 24)
In this second session, you will begin to see yourself as a separate being. You will explore how you and the world exist as two different things. Until you see the other, you do not understand your own primacy in your life.
You will see how the opposing forces exist in everything, and you will experience the second Radiant Circuit, the Central meridian that divides you in two. Lauren will introduce you to your warrior energy (half of your immune system)… that governs your fight / flight / freeze response and your usual patterns.
You will also work with the yin companion of that warrior energy, The Guardian of your inner self, to calm hypervigilance.
And you will discover:
How to activate your feed channel – your central channel
The Circulation-Sex Meridian( CX), the yin partner of warrior energy
A simple practice to calm CX, allowing you to relax deeply in your hips and legs-opening your chakra channels and calming your inner resistance
How the opposing forces work in your body at the most basic level
The second bandha to activate in the body
A breathing pattern to balance the brain
Module 3: Creating a distinct boundary between the body and the universe (July 1)
In this session, you will explore how adding a third element brings transformation.
The radiant circuit this week is ruler, which opens the third eye. This energy plan to turn inward provides tools for conflict resolution … and an understanding of his being a witness, one of the drivers of spiritual practice.
This is also the week you will explore the boundaries that make gout, which is separated from the ocean, and how these boundaries are key to your health.
You will also discover:
How to release and erase any unwanted habits and emotions
How to activate the ruling Meridian
Its ability to activate the microcosmic orbit
The power of meditation as well as the challenges
How the number 3 is the minimum number required for ” knitting into a whole”
The third bandha to activate in the body
Module 4: regulating your systems and creating stability in your physical structure (July 8)
This week, you will explore the radiant circuit known as Yin Regulator Flow, and how it regulates all your systems, improving the stability of your physical structure, allowing you to move forward in your life.
You will explore how activating the yin regulatory flow helps you develop your ability to expand into space and expand your earthly capabilities.
You will also discover:
A tool to help you sleep better
How to turn on yin regulator flow
The power of creativity and how to go out of your own way to be creative
A technique to help you when you feel revolted
The 3 Ayurvedic pillars of Health
Module 5: How to manage your internal responses to external events (July 15)
Emotions are your internal response system to external (and internal) events. The Yang regulatory flow helps you regulate yourself, including your emotions, in relation to the outside world.
You will take a quick dive into the 5-element theory of Chinese medicine, working with water, wood, fire, earth and metal, and learn how each of your emotions includes a yin and yang energy.
You’ll discover why energy (including your emotions) moves in spiral patterns, mimicking the flow of nature, and you’ll recognize how patterns in nature replicate within you, and vice versa.
You’ll also discover:
A quick variation of the 5 Element Flow
How to activate the Yang Regulator Flow
Why spirals in nature replicate themselves in you, and vice versa
The yin/yang partners of every meridian and how they work together and apart
An understanding of the 5 Element Theory — that everything in the universe exists as one of five things
Module 6: Everything Is Sacred — Our Innate Connection to Nature (July 22)
As you enter the second half of this program, you’ll start to explore how we’re all interconnected… even to the stars, the sun, the Earth, and the cycles of nature.
You’ll examine the power of fractals, which is how nature uses geometry to grow. Self-similar structures at all levels affect the way biological structures — including humans — grow.
With the understanding that your repetitive actions make up your life, you’ll begin to see yourself as a pattern of nature — giving you insight into how to change those patterns that no longer serve you.
This week’s Radiant Circuit — the Yin Bridge Flow — helps you bridge oppositional forces within you, so you can have greater internal harmony.
You’ll discover:
How to activate the Yin Bridge Flow
How the profound knowing that we’re all connected brings greater joy and inner peace
That the breath is connected to timekeeping
How the math of your body connects you to the math of the cosmos
The basis of Morphic Resonance
Module 7: Heaven Lives Within & All Around You (July 29)
This week you’ll learn to bridge into the outer world. You’ll see that heaven is both inside and outside of you. Lauren will introduce you to the proverbial day of rest, the seventh day, when you can relax and take pleasure in your simple existence.
You’ll explore the number seven, which teaches you about the ancient pathways of enlightenment… reflected most clearly for yogis in the chakra system.
You’ll also discover:
A practice for deeply renewing your brain
How to activate the Yang Bridge Flow
A technique to weave all your chakras together for better communication between all their energies
How harmony and sequentiality appear in music, prismatic light… and you!
Module 8: You Are Limitless & Infinite by Nature (August 5)
In this module, you’ll tap into the infinite. You’ll dive deep into the understanding that the shapes of ALL organisms — including humans — rely on similar patterns of movement and expression in their growth and development.
Starting from the spiral — the pattern in which all energy moves — and working with the shape of the figure eight — the symbol of infinity, you’ll experience how the body mirrors the actions of the universe… connecting you even more deeply to the power of your inclusion in the natural world.
The Radiant Circuit for this week, The Belt Flow, helps you energetically connect the above and the below — and understand the teaching of the number eight.
You’ll also discover:
How to activate the Belt Flow
A technique to activate and integrate your endocrine system
A meridian hold technique that helps keep you youthful
How pranayama is one of the main keys to longevity
Module 9: Reflecting on Your Patterns & Reshaping What Doesn’t Serve You (August 12)
In this class, you’ll receive the wisdom of the number nine — a triple replication of the number three. At three, you dive into the interior self and discover the “braid” — how it takes a third thing to move beyond conflict toward resolution. The energy of number nine shows you how your patterns continually repeat, weaving together your life.
This week holds the promise of a reset. You’ll reflect back on the patterns of your life and see which threads or patterns you want to keep and grow, and which ones are ready to be completed or even eradicated.
You’ll also discover:
The Seated Sacred 10 Vinyasa
How to take stock, reflect, and reshape your patterns
Techniques for activating ALL your Radiant Circuits at once
The traps of repetition, which can lead to boredom or disillusionment
How to appreciate the repetition of life and celebrate its peak moments
Module 10: The Cyclical Nature of Life — An Opportunity for Constant Renewal & Growth (August 19)
In the final week of this program, you’ll return full circle to the start. You’ll discover how the cycle, the spiral, continues… giving you the opportunity time and again to come back to the start.
You’ll revisit the cycle of seeing yourself as a unique individual, separate from everyone else… then as a deeply interior being… then connected to the world… then able to affect the world and be affected by it… then bridged and united with the world…
You’ll also discover:
The Standing Sacred 10 Vinyasa
How to replicate your pattern of living among all the other patterns
A practice for activating the Taiji pole — the central source of illumination and divine connection
How your quantum nature enables you to make huge shifts and growth changes — in a moment …
NLP online course
So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
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NLP is the study of excellent communicationñboth with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results
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