Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Experiential Course – BONNIE GROSSMAN (Digital Seminar)
When clients are struggling, it can feel like progress is impossible, especially when you’ve tried everything you know and are still spending most of the session trying to convince your client to meet you halfway. You and your clients are frustrated by the lack of progress, and you need something with lasting results that will also be effective in the short term.
Join EFT Master Practitioner Bonnie Grossman, LPC, in this recording, and you’ll learn how to apply effective, evidence-based, mind-body EFT (tapping) techniques in your practice to help your clients find relief from their struggles with PTSD, anxiety, depression, or chronic pain.
You’ll learn how to go beyond cognitive methods and standard relaxation techniques by integrating a fresh set of skills to calm sensations in the body and address negative thoughts and distressing emotions. Full of practical strategies and helpful tips for in-session application, you’ll obtain more than just an overview of how EFT works.
With guided practice opportunities to apply these new techniques, upon completion of this program, you’ll feel confident in your ability to use EFT with your clients.
The EFT Model: Step-by-Step
- Tapping acupoints
- How to perform a tapping sequence
- Effective use of setup statements
- Choose & use a reminder phrase
- How & why EFT is effective
- Limitations of the research & potential risks
Let’s Start Tapping!
- Tapping session demonstrations
- EFT group practice sessions
- How to increase focus & effectiveness
- Troubleshooting difficulties
Assessment of Clinical Outcomes & Cognitive Shifts
- Use the SUDs scale to evaluate progress
- What if the distress level isn’t decreasing?
- Recognize cognitive shifts
- How to respond to a cognitive shift
Wrapping up a Tapping Session
- What to expect after a powerful session
- Temporary closure at the end of a session
- Evaluate need for continued work on an issue
- Client homework to enhance EFT effectiveness
Modify EFT for Use with Distinct Disorder & Clinical Populations
- Adjust tapping techniques to address PTSD
- When the client is not ready to address a traumatic event
- Trauma-informed EFT techniques
- Strategies for flight/fight situations
Anxiety & Panic Disorder
- Decrease the power of external triggers
- Diminish internal fears & worries
- Identify & resolve anxiety-inducing emotions
- Address past events that contribute to anxiety
- Identify & confront specific adverse events
- Minimize feelings of shame & abandonment
- Address resistance
- Create a new positive belief system
Chronic & Acute Pain
- EFT for aches & pains
- The emotional root to many physical symptoms
- ”Dig deep” to find the core of an issue
- Address hidden wounds & sudden intense emotions
- How diagnosis impacts a client’s ability to heal
Other Clinical Situations
- Considerations for groups
- Modifications for children & teens
NLP online course
So what is NLP?
Firstly, NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Secondly neuro refers to your neurology;
Thirdly linguistic refers to language however, programming refers to how that neural language functions.
As a result,In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
Moreover, NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
In conclusion, It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.
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