Ecstasy Twins by Richard Bandler
NLP Ecstacy twins – NLP CD (128 kbps MP3)
This set of 3 CD’s addresses what Richard Bandler considers one of the main problems with human beings: The sheer lack of ecstasy in most areas of their lives. If you find you spend too much time worrying, planning, or plodding through life, then the Ecstasy Twins will take you to new highs of vigor for living and fill your mind and body with passion using NLP.
CD 1 – The Ecstasy Machine. Hypnotically install a strategy which continually adds more ecstasy to your life.
CD 2 – Spreading Ecstasy. Once you have some, learn how to pass some on to others. They’ll like it, too.
This set was recorded live and has some music overlaying the voices at times.
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So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results
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