Dr. William Horton – Habits For Success using Neuro Restructuring Techniques
Dr. William Horton – Habits For Success using Neuro Restructuring Techniques [Video – 6 MP4, Audios – 2 M4A]
Not much details on this as was only offered through a video. There is no sales letter for this one. what habits are (and how habits form); why bad habits never really extinguish what can you do to reshape a habit (and get the life that you want); how to develop good habits; why is it so hard to break a bad habit (and so hard to make a good habit and keep it) the habit loop; how to mold success for your own lifestyle how to retrain the “habit cue” to change bad habits the physical response necessary for a habit to form how habits tie in to identity and why it will strenghten both how to develop willpower (and why self discipline is not needed)About 45% of your life is habit. You think you’re making a decision, but you’re on an routine basis. Even when you find a better route to somewhere, you’re still want to take the old route (habit loop).
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