Criss Angel Presents Kinetica by Sean Fields
Taken from the bookPrefaceThe purpose of this book is to get results from your INTERNAL POWER training. After years of study, practice, and bouncing from one system to another, you may find yourself BURNT OUT, UNINTERESTED, or just plain BORED. Most of the reason people decide to do QiGong (Chi Kung), Nei Kung (Internal Work) or Yoga (Yo-Ga) is to relax and become STRONG, POWERFUL and “GET THE EDGE” that western exercises do NOT offer.What this author and many of his teachers agree in, is that, your practice could be MUCH more powerful if you have a clear picture of what you’re really doing, and WHO is teaching you!In the Western World, teachers have come from all around to show their skills. Some of them have been honest! Many of them are in the category of “don’t know” or “don’t show”. Either they HAVE the power (Qi, Prana, Internal Energy), and they won’t show YOU how to get it, OR they have nothing, and are wasting your time.WARNING: THIS BOOK MAY OFFEND YOU!IF YOU ARE A STUDENT/TEACHER/”MASTER” OR JUST A FAN, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. NOTHING IN THIS BOOK IS HYPED-UP. THIS IS THE CLEAREST UNDERSTANDING GIVEN THE MANY YEARS OF WISDOM FROM GOOD TEACHING AND PRACTICE. This is an EASY read, full of training tips and little known taboos.Make this a gift to yourself, your clients or your student.(send digitally same day)Train WellYadi
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