Conversational Hypnosis Videos by Igor Ledochowski
From the Desk of:
Igor Ledochowski
Master Hypnotist and Trainer
(Foremost authority on conversational hypnosis.)
Dear Friend,
I finally cracked the code…
Over the past decade, I’ve toiled away on a very important project.
My mission was to develop a speed-training system.
One that ingrains the basics of conversational hypnosis right into the unconscious mind.
So anyone exposed to my secrets can become proficient…very rapidly indeed!
You know, some people think hypnosis is hard and will say things like:
“You need years of studying!”
“You gotta bust your brains to remember techniques and scripts.”
“You have to fight tooth and nail to induce trance.”
What baloney!
I’ll reveal why in a moment.
Fact is, I’ve created a process that shaves years off the learning curve. It requires no rote memorization and you’ll retain everything necessary for any covert hypnotic encounter.
No figuring out how to make hypnosis work. No guessing what to say and when to say it. The right words and gestures flow out with ease. Like water from a spout. At just the right time.
Which means, this is the perfect fast-track to covert hypnosis mastery so you can…
- Drop people into waking trances anywhere at any time!
- Charm others into following your “hidden” suggestions!
- Sell like a superstar to more customers at higher prices!
- Rid people of fears, phobias and a slew of bad habits!
- Motivate “slackers” to get their act together at work or home!
- Sway rigid minds to accept your point of view with no resistance!
- And finally be in total control of your life from now on!
After exposure to this process, hypnotizing people during conversations is second nature. Automatic. It will happen in a “nice-and-easy” spontaneous manner.
No thinking involved. Kind of like riding a bike or tying your shoelaces.
Get Started Today Here
Let me tell you all about…
The Secret To Becoming A Conversational Hypnosis Expert
In No Time With The Power To
Influence Anyone
You’re going to love this!
A friend told me about this secret while I attended Exeter University. I was studying for a law degree. The workload professors dished out was “insane”.
I had to cram an enormous amount of information into my head. And at warp-speed. Time was of the essence.
So I took his advice and began using this secret. I used it before sitting down to study. I used it before reading. I used it during tests. Basically, I used it all the time hoping to gain an edge.
Did I ever!
Before discovering this secret, school frustrated me to no end. I dreaded study time. Reading bored me to tears. Taking tests made me break out in a cold sweat.
After applying this secret, everything changed. I finished twice the work in half the time.
My grades shot up. My confidence exploded. I graduated with ease… and… landed a dream job at a prestigious law firm.
This secret saved me from disaster. And helped me accomplish a big goal.
A few years later, I switched careers and entered the hypnotherapy field.
But, that’s when I ran into trouble again…
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Why Hypnosis Students Hit Their
Heads Against A Brick Wall
Conversational hypnosis is a wonderful skill to possess.
It hands you the tools to be a force for good in the world. Influence people to turn their lives around on a dime. Help them make profound changes fast.
Convince, influence and motivate others to comply with your requests… while… they get what they want too.
Which reminds of me of the amazing stories three of my students recently shared…
I just love it when my students take the secrets I teach them and improve their lives. One of those students was broke with no prospects. He was couch-surfing to put a roof over his head. Then he ran across my conversational hypnosis system. The first major improvement for him took place while he was working as a waiter. Customers loved him so much they showered him with big tips. He was making 100% more in tips than waiters with years of seniority on him. One customer even gave him $700. Which blew everybody away. He simply applied a few covert techniques. People starting eating out of the palm of his hand. Needless to say, he no longer had to couch-surf. Later, he opened a successful hypnotherapy practice. Get Started Today HereThere’s more… Years ago, my brother got into a fender bender. The lady in front of him (the one whose car he hit) was livid. She flew out of her car spitting fire as they say. Pure rage flushed across her face. My brother knew this could get ugly. Really ugly. Without thinking, a simple conversational hypnosis technique came to mind. He said a few words. Nothing earth-shattering. The “mad-as-hell” woman stopped in her tracks. Her anger diffused like a time-bomb seconds before blowing up. They exchanged details and… a potential nasty scene… simmered to a semi-pleasant interaction. All due to a couple choice words. That’s the power of conversational hypnosis in action. One more example… Another student wanted prime shelf-space for a product in the fastest-growing supermarket chain in Europe. The executive in charge decided to give the space to someone else. My student got on the phone with the decision-maker. He had to save this deal. His job and livelihood was on the line. In a matter of minutes, he turned a multi-million dollar loss into a multi-million dollar gain. He convinced the executive to change his mind and give him the coveted shelf-space. Amazing? Yes! But not at all unusual when you know my conversational hypnosis secrets. They are practical and apply in the real world. You can use them to increase your income. You can use them to turn a dreadful situation into peaceful resolution. You can use them to land a much-needed sale or dream client. Or anything else you want. Keep reading to find out how… |
Sounds great, doesn’t it?
But one problem stops people dead in their tracks.
This problem stifles the learning process, curbs natural creativity, baffles the heck out of hypnosis students… and… prevents them from reaching a high level of proficiency.
Let me explain what I mean…
Scientists Reveal The Fastest Way For The Human Brain To Grasp Even The Most Difficult Of Skills
A large body of scientific study suggests the mind learns unconsciously.
Afterwards, the conscious mind catches up. This, of course, flies in the face of “common” knowledge and practice.
The entire educational system is based on consciously acquiring information and technical expertise.
The inaccurate assumption is that the mind retains by thinking. You “drill” facts and figures into the brain. As a result, all the stuff you studied sticks in the memory banks.
Learning anything this way is painful… boring… and… a god-awful experience!
Most of us hated school because of the way “they” forced us to learn.
I’m happy to say, there’s an easier (much easier) way.
Consider this: You’re driving around town with the radio on. The sun is shining. Birds singing. You feel relaxed while the new “song-of-the-month” plays every so often.
Without trying… after hearing it a few times… you retain the words and start singing along.
You never consciously sat down with the lyrics to memorize them. You probably never even heard the entire song from beginning to end.
Yet, within a few effortless exposures to the music… next thing you know… well, you know the song.
This is called… implicit learning.
Scientists David Shanks and Mark St. John (in Behavioral and Brain Sciences) define it as:
“… learning without awareness, regardless of what
sort of knowledge is being acquired.”
The way implicit learning works is like this: You perform a series of small, seemingly unrelated tasks. Each task builds on the previous. You add other more complicated tasks.
Suddenly, you develop a certain skill. Without trying. Without forcing things.
This happens all by itself. The exciting thing is you by-pass the conscious mind. You remove it out of the way. The skill ingrains in your unconscious.
Available in a split second. No need to remember anything. No need to get things right. No labor-intensive study.
The learning curve shortens dramatically too.
Hundreds of studies exist on the subject.
If you’re interested, read more about it in the Handbook Of Implicit Learning (from SAGE Publications, Inc.) by Michael A. Stadler and Peter A. Frensch.
As I said above… while this “sounds” great… one big problem looms.
Our modern society does not use this process to teach. The school system is set up in the exact opposite manner.
You’re forced to memorize dry boring material. Sitting down. Mouth shut. No moving allowed. Eyes on your own paper.
If you as much as budge or look the other way… the teacher calls you out! Ridicules you in front of the class. Sends you to the back of the room or (god forbid) the principal’s office.
You’re scared into studying like your life depends on it. Which, by the way, causes all sorts of resistance and stress. Compulsions. Obsessions. You name it.
The entire unpleasant experience is based on explicit learning. Where you consciously focus on new and hard-to-understand material. And all the fun is taken out of it.
And they wonder why grades keep falling and kids are dropping out of school in droves.
From my experience, this is how hypnosis is taught too.
Industry “Experts” Are ALL Wrong
Because they teach hypnosis just like traditional schools.
Students complain to me all the time.
They say things like…
- “There are so many techniques to recall.”
- “It takes waaay too much time.”
- “Lots of trial and error to find what works.”
- “I’m not sure which of the many approaches is right.”
- “My lack of confidence gets in the way.”
- “I have a hard time grasping the basics.”
- “How can I remember all this information?”
- “I get so confused.”
Who can blame them?
I know how they feel.
For years, I felt the same way.
Struggling to understand basic hypnosis techniques myself.
Not making much headway.
The traditional approach to learning was well-ingrained in me. I had gone through 12 years of school. Then another four years at a university.
When the hypnosis “bug” bit me, I searched for the best teachers in the world. And ran into the same issues people complain about before discovering my secrets.
The “experts” teach hypnosis in the conventional way.
The result: Their students grapple with the hypnotic process. Many drop out. Others strive for years without much progress.
A handful succeed despite themselves, their education… and… the well-meaning but incorrect “experts” they trusted.
So what’s the solution?
I’m sure I’ve discovered it. Remember the secret I told you about earlier? The one I used to become a star student while attending university?
You can use that secret to speed-learn anything. What is it, you ask? It’s…Using Hypnosis For Automatic Unconscious Learning!
My contention is, you can and should…
Use Hypnosis To Teach Hypnosis
Think about it: Conversational hypnosis is a tool to influence the mind. Right? So why not use conversational hypnosis to teach conversational hypnosis?
But in a specific way. By giving the conscious mind enough “fodder” to stay active. So students don’t go into a deep trance.
And they remain in total control.
I figured out how to apply the implicit learning model to conversational hypnosis.
Which means…
- Instead of trying to concentrate… you have fun participating!
- Instead of hog-tied to a desk… you move around like in a real conversation!
- Instead of memorizing… you practice simple exercises!
- Instead of studying… you engage in real-world simulations!
- Instead of dying of boredom… you enjoy an exciting experience!
Meanwhile, my conversational hypnosis secrets seep into the unconscious. They await for recall at a moment’s notice. Just when you need them.
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I tested this process with over 5000 students during live training seminars. The results floored me. People with little to no formal training mastered the basics within hours.
After taking my class, mesmerizing complete strangers while chatting with them was easy as pie.
Over the years, students who learned conversational hypnosis from me improved all sorts of areas in their lives. Like…
Make More Sales: Bryan Westra was a sales person from Kentucky. He began using conversational hypnosis to close deals. Soon his closing ratio shot off the charts. He was promoted to the top of the organization. He later left and started his own successful company.
Raise Prices and Fees: Peter Foggin is a hypnotist from the UK. He used to see 5 clients a week. After learning conversational hypnosis from me things changed. He now sees 5 clients A DAY four days a week. And he doubled his fees without a hitch. Help People: David Blender helped a client quit smoking after 45 years on a two-pack-a-day habit. Rita New helped her 7-year-old grand daughter beat anxiety attacks. Ralph Stephens helped his office manager start exercising and losing weight. David Sanders helped his daughter find her “happy place” and an unshakable inner confidence. I have tons of these stories and testimonials. Stop Procrastinating: My style of conversational hypnosis is often the motivational key to success. Renee Jones used a mind bending language technique on a writer who was stuck. Two days later the client wrote 28,000 words at a writing retreat. Relieve Pain: Ron Soderstrom, a physical therapist from Hawaii, has applied these secrets to lower and eliminate pain in his patients. David Pendleton, a consultant, used my covert techniques to help a young lady overcome a deep depression. And the list goes on and on… |
I could post hundreds of examples like the ones above.
Regular people, service professionals, business owners, sales reps, coaches, parents, hypnotists and hypnotherapists… you name it… report fantastic results after speed-learning my conversational hypnosis secrets.
Which leads me to an important question…
What Is The Best Way To Learn
The Art Of Covert Influence In The
Least Amount Of Time Possible?
Hands down, the best strategy, is to apprentice under an expert.
If you can pull it off, direct mentorship has no equal.
You’ll see, hear and experience conversational hypnosis at the highest levels.
But let’s get real. Because it’s probably not gonna happen.
I can’t offer individual access to me any more, as I simply don’t have the time.
The next best way is to attend a live event or watch the recordings of one. My seminars attract people from all walks of life. These folks want to train their personal influence muscles.
A key concept that supports implicit learning is… participation.
That’s why I include dozens of interactive exercises during seminars. The exercises hone your ability to perform covert hypnosis in any situation.
The exercises are fun, jolt you out of your comfort zone… and have the side benefit of… boosting your powers of influence.
All of this happens under the radar. Below the conscious level. While you have fun, the unconscious mind acts like a sponge.
Soaking up the training without conscious interference.
Now, the last live conversational hypnosis training was held in London, England. 175 people attended from all over the world.
People came from: Poland, Portugal, England, Holland, Ireland, United States, Hungary and many other countries. It was like a hypnosis “melting pot” of sorts.
Lucky for you, I had a camera crew tape the event.
Every single second. Because I knew thousands of people would love to have the information I presented. But they could not attend for one reason or another.
There’s more good news…
When you watch these videos, it’s just like being in the audience. Unlike listening to audios, the videos let you see me in action.
You can follow along with the training as if you’re right there in person. Plus… and this is huge… you’ll hear audience members ask me questions.
The same ones you may consider. And, you’ll also hear me answering them.
Would you like to start mastering covert conversational hypnosis just by watching a few videos?
If so, I’d like to introduce…
The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis
Video Training Program
I designed the training for complete novices and for traditional “direct” hypnotists keen to learn my conversational hypnosis secrets.
In other words, I could pick someone off the street, sit them down in front of their TV, have them watch, listen and do the exercises… and… in half-a-day… they will put anyone in a trance during a conversation.
There’s over 14 hours of mesmerizing instruction. I dare you to not be able to hypnotically influence anyone after going through this training program. It’s impossible.
Why? Because I give you 60 exercises that will transform you into a powerhouse of influence. Each exercise plants a specific hypnotic process into the unconscious.
By the time you’re through, no one will resist your suggestions.
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Take a look at a few of the secrets revealed in the videos…
Module 1: Conversational Hypnosis Foundations
- How to harness the principle of confusion for rapid retention of simple and advanced covert hypnotic principles! (You’ll finally remove the number one obstacle to becoming good fast!)
- The first “law of learning” any new skill or body of knowledge! (If you don’t do this first, you’ll be fighting an up-hill battle to understand hypnosis.)
- The real secret of effortless hypnosis that works when it counts!
- How to “catch” the mind trying to sabotage your best efforts! I’ll show you how to beat the bad habits (rooted by years of traditional education) hampering your natural ability to perform covert hypnosis like a pro!
- A big mistake people make when developing their conversational hypnosis abilities. (Easy to correct when you know what it is.)
- My secret process for helping the unconscious mind soak up hypnosis training automatically. (Nothing… and I mean nothing… will speed up your progress faster.)
- Why “beating” yourself up stunts progress and prevents you from unleashing the built-in persuasive potential you already possess!
- Two quick ways to take the difficulty out of practicing hypnotic exercises!
- How role playing as a great hypnotist allows that image to become reality… without… you doing much of anything at all. (Kids do this all the time because it’s so much fun. Now you’ll use it with purpose and direction to plant the seeds of hypnosis success deep in the psyche.)
- How to command the total cooperation of a roomful of strangers! (You’ll see how I trained over 200 people in a matter of minutes to pay attention to me on cue.)
- How “stealing” enhances your self-image as a great hypnotist!
- A perfect example of how experienced hypnotists let prior knowledge and training prevent them from acquiring new and better skills! And the easy solution no one ever talks about.
- A rule about touching people during a hypnotic encounter never to break!
- Which thoughts enhance and which ones diminish your influence!
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Module 2: How To Be Naturally Hypnotic In All Your Interactions
- The secret to “sweeping” people into a covert trance induction!
- How to stop people from sabotaging a hypnotic experience before they get away with it! (Never tip them off about this and everything should be okay.)
- How to set the right hypnotic context so you’re in charge every time! Follow my instructions here… and… whenever you meet anyone you’ll be in control.
- Why using “language softeners” increases compliance! (And 7 language softeners proven to melt anyone’s resistance, uncertainty and fear. For instance, using the word “why” puts people on alert but an alternative phrase relaxes them instantly.)
- Why it’s impossible to make scripts work during covert hypnosis!
- A simple way to eliminate “performance anxiety”… while… getting more compliance to your suggestions at the same time!
- Two big mistakes which kill your chances of hypnotizing anyone! (And how to cultivate the hypnosis mindset so you can influence anyone you choose in any setting!)
- How to speak in a smooth-as-silk conversational manner while dropping people into trance! (No one – not the subject nor the onlookers – will know hypnosis is happening right under their nose.)
- One subtle reason subjects refuse to respond to your suggestions… even when… it seems you’ve set things up perfectly! (HINT: WHO you are in a particular situation has more impact on subjects than what you say or what you do! I’ll explain what I mean.)
- How to position yourself as a trusted authority figure others follow! (It’s an easy way to gain celebrity status and wide-eyed admiration with almost anyone you meet! Ever wonder how pop icons, movie stars and high-profile politicians feel? Now you’ll know!)
- How your body language, speech and mannerisms tell others to respond to you! Plus… the uncanny way your mind supplies just the right thing to say or do at just the right time!
- A neat exercise to relax yourself in the blink of an eye!
- How to introduce riveting trance themes into conversations using power words! You’ll be amazed as people hang on to your every word with rapt attention… regardless… of what you’re talking about!
- How to present an “illogical sequence of ideas” that lead to a hypnotic state!
- How to stop the Law of Reverse Effect from screwing up your intentions!
- Why hypnotists get stuck during an induction… and… two easy “fixes” that keep you in the flow no matter what! Plus… a salesman’s trick that prevents you from losing control of an interaction!
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Module 3: Hypnotically Leading Others And The Power Of “Yes Sets”
- Why inducing trance in yourself makes you a better covert hypnotist!
- How to “cherry-pick” empowering experiences from the menu of your mind… so… every hypnotic encounter ends on a positive note!
- How to never run out of things to say whether you’re talking to a friend or a stranger off the street! This is perfect for shy, reserved types who freeze up and or get tongue-tied. It’ll never happen to you again after discovering this technique for keeping conversations going as long as you want.
- Why mindset trumps everything else and is your most important asset!
- How to construct a “room” within your mind to store the hypnotic skills, abilities and attitudes you’ll need for conversational hypnosis success!
- The fundamental “building block” of how your unconscious mind reasons!
- How to link a smooth chain of hypnotic ideas that compel subjects to follow your commands! (Here’s a secret way to infuse your words with meaning and captivate the minds of everyone within hearing distance.)
- Why “truth” is mostly relative and how to use this insight to change… or at least direct… human behavior in any direction you choose!
- The only thing that inhibits the hypnotic process and how to deal with it!
- Why you must step inside a subject’s shoes and truly understand how they feel during a hypnotic induction! (Practice this exercise and you’ll develop a “sixth sense” about what’s going on in a subject’s mind during every phase of hypnosis.)
- How to “hijack” someone’s resistance so they trance out on the spot!
- How people convince themselves of ideas and notions they’d otherwise never believe! (Do you think knowing this little tidbit will make you a better hypnotist? You betcha!)
- The psychological reason diets don’t work, never have and never will… and… how to really lose weight and stay healthy and fit for life!. (By the way, the same underlying principle that guarantees diets don’t work seems to help during conversational hypnosis.)
- How to get total strangers into the mental habit of agreeing with you!
- How to “manipulate” reality using the Law of Association!
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Module 4: How To Use Strategic Hypnosis To Get People To
Adopt New “Truths”
- How to dissolve long-held beliefs… and… create new beliefs that were never true for someone before!
- How to get people to reveal their deepest personal secrets!
- How to present false ideas in a way that makes them seem plausible… and… how to nudge people to accept bizarre suggestions that don’t make sense!
- Ethical Influence: The true story of how an entire industry lost credibility due to underhanded tactics… and… why ethical behavior is the surest path to long-term success in life!
- A simple formula for becoming wealthy! I’ll give you the title of the book from where I read this secret. It just might be the most profound way to riches you’ll ever read about!
- How to apply your new conversational hypnosis skills with purpose from now on! (No more “hit-or-miss” hypnosis. You’ll know how to deliberately hypnotize people in everyday situations at work, home, school, etc.!)
- Why people destroy relationships and can’t fix the problem!
- The Piggyback Principle: Your key to making unbelievable claims and suggestions perfectly acceptable even to the most critical of subjects!
- How to “spoon-feed” suggestions to someone until they believe every word you say hook, line and sinker! (HINT: Think baby-steps!)
- How to talk to the conscious and the unconscious mind at the same time!
- How to cause physical sensations in a subject’s body just by choosing the right mood and words!
- How to “dial-up” a person’s desire for a specific outcome without their a
- So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get resultsPreview Information:
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