Bernadette Pleasant – Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy
Embody healing somatic movements as a powerful and easy way to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self.
What if you could just let go… and open to the wisdom and guidance of your emotions?
Many of us are too emotionally on guard these days to open to the life-affirming messages of support, encouragement, and love that can flow from our hearts and authentic feelings.
That’s where dance mage Bernadette Pleasant can meet you, see you, and guide you…
Through a gentle, and, at times, exhilarating form of somatic dance, she can help you touch into difficult feelings you may be experiencing — including fear, grief, anger, shame… or joy that’s stirring beneath the surface.
Our emotions are meant to be experienced, expressed, and released. Whether we deem them good or bad, it’s their nature to “move” us, and, for our own wellbeing, they should move through and out of us as well.
Scientific research shows that stress caused by pent-up emotions can contribute to many health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and even a suppressed immune system.
Bernadette’s own life challenges triggered a deep emotional shutdown and overwhelming sense of shame and discomfort around her body. It wasn’t until her daughter was born that she found the courage to turn things around and start the long and difficult journey back to her Self.
Bernadette followed the groove of her own drumbeat to reach the indwelling place of her truest passion: primal, natural, emotional movement through dance.
She’s a spirited, energetic, and fiery teacher, and the creator of the popular mind-body wellness program Femme! And it’s no wonder… she comes from a long line of natural healers who use touch and movement to help others find peace, empowerment, and wellness.
— Bernadette Pleasant
In this 7-step emotional tour with Bernadette, you’ll be welcomed without judgment, and receive compassionate, loving support.
You’ll be guided in simple somatic movements to honor and safely express your emotions so you can open to the authentic you — the key to living a vital and healthy life.
Studies of the psychotherapeutic use of dance show that dance promotes emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration, and can significantly improve your health and wellbeing.
During these turbulent times, we’re all bound to be holding strong feelings… perhaps some we’re not even aware of. And if you’re like many, you may even feel guilty about feeling joy in the midst of all the suffering around the globe.
Feeling joy is what you MOST need to be doing right now!
In her own journey of self-exploration and healing through movement, Bernadette discovered that this ancient form of self-expression can help break patterns of soul-stifling behaviors and valuing others’ expectations above your own.
Bernadette’s specific innovations in somatic movement and dance therapy can help you rediscover your primal self — perhaps the most essential and potentially most minimized factor in your personal freedom. Primal wildness doesn’t mean lack of control and unaccountable behavior; it means actually feeling alive — in a world that prefers tameness and sameness.
This is a form of dance anyone can do… drawing from your own inner rhythm — your Higher Self — as a catalyst for expressing and releasing your feelings that need to be released.
And Bernadette is a vibrant example of what’s possible for you. Her high-energy teaching style — using sound, beat, rhythm, and emotion — is inspiring and intoxicating. You’ll want to know her secret… to feel the abandon and joy she exudes… to jump right in and learn to better recognize and express your emotions.
In this physically and spiritually invigorating and transformative course, you’ll:
- Come to understand that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to move — everyone knows how to feel emotions… anyone can do this
- Experience how dance can help you reclaim childlike spontaneity, curiosity, playfulness, and joy
- Discover the ultimate femme experience — beginning with slow, soothing, and grounding movements… then creating a safe container, stepping into a womb-like ritual space… and finally stepping into a nesting space for nurturing future realized dreams
- Realize the importance — to your health and wellbeing — of honoring and expressing your feelings
- Explore how movement and dance can open you to your full range of emotions and be a powerful means for expressing difficult feelings during these chaotic times
- Give yourself permission to acknowledge, name, feel, and fully express your emotions in a safe way that enhances, rather than disrupts, your life and relationships
- Learn how healing sexuality through dance means freeing yourself from fear of sexuality
- Take an emotional tour through your body — where do you feel grief or a sense of injustice/anger/rage? What about lust/desire? Confidence… where do you feel that in your body?
- Put your body in positions that make you feel confident — so you can feel full and right with yourself
- Discover that you can choose joy, and learn how movement can help you access this pleasurable feeling — even through any pain you may be experiencing
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Bernadette will show you how to embody healing somatic dance movements as a powerful and easy way to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self.
This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Bernadette. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to work with dance and movement for emotional freedom.
Module 1: Living Emotionally Stifled
It’s not that we intentionally live emotionally stifled — it’s just that early on in life we learned lessons about emotions that aren’t actually true. We’re told we’re “too much” when we’re bubbling over with joy or exploding with anger… we’re told that “good girls don’t do that” and “boys don’t cry.”
We learn to suppress our emotions and contort ourselves to fit within the “acceptable” emotional range. We miss out on the full range of emotions and the gifts they have to offer us. That’s why this course begins with unlearning what we learned about emotions as young people.
In this module, you’ll begin with emotional literacy, and:
- Explore the differences between emotions, feelings, and moods
- Consider the words that describe emotions (e.g., joy, grief, jealousy, anger, etc.)
- Understand how your discomfort with emotions may be holding you back in every area of your life
- Come to terms with how shame keeps you on an inner “lockdown”
- Discover the increased quality of life that’s available to you when you release shame
How You’ll Move…
You’ll somatically experience what stifled has felt like in your life. Then you’ll be guided through a full emotional tour (including joy, grief, anger, lust, confidence, flirt) so you can begin to explore the fuller range of emotions available to you.
Module 2: Relationships & Emotions
When our emotions are repressed or suppressed, we move through life trying to hold everything in as tightly as we can. All of this constriction creates a kind of armor that blocks us from experiencing true intimacy with ourselves and others.
You’ll learn how to express your emotions, and:
- Sense how emotions show up in your body through sounds and storytelling
- Release the armor that creates separation with yourself and others
- Cultivate intimacy with your own emotions — because quality relationships with others begin with the quality of your relationship with yourself
- Express your emotions with others (your partner, children, loved ones, and beyond) in honest, truthful, constructive ways that create greater intimacy and understanding
How You’ll Move…
Together we’ll do a deeper dive into the emotions of “flirt” and “confidence.” You’ll get to move these emotions in your body, exploring what they awaken for you in relationship with yourself first, before exploring them with others.
Module 3: Sex & Emotions
Your fears and blocks around sex must be honored. But, do not hide from your own vitality — the potential power you will reclaim for yourself when you confront your fears and own your sexual nature is immeasurable. Just as we learn lessons early on in life about our emotions, we also learn distorted lessons about sex…
We’re taught that it’s not okay to have, let alone feel, our desires. We’re taught to be ashamed of lust. Living in a narrow margin of life prevents us from fully enjoying our own sensual pleasure and sexuality.
In this module, you’ll learn how to experience true sexual freedom, and:
- Identify the stories about sex that have stopped you from enjoying it
- Open to your sexuality through your emotions
- Recognize the gift of connection through vulnerability
- Uncover the hidden gifts in lust, desire, and flirting
How You’ll Move…
Explore the somatics of sex, emotion, and sensuality through touch. When was the last time you caressed your own face? Or allowed yourself to enjoy the touch of a rose petal on your palm or an ice cube on your stomach? You’ll be guided through these experiences in a way that allows you to honor your own pace, sensations, and sexuality.
Module 4: Racism & Emotions
There is an awakening occurring right now in our country and on the planet. There is both a lot of pain and tremendous potential for growth. If we feel called to participate in this growth, it’s important that we look within to explore the ways we may be contributing to the perpetuation of racism.
In this module, you’ll explore the regenerative power of interbeing between all people, and:
- Learn how shame begins as a healthy response but can turn into an unproductive preoccupation
- Explore how shame can hold you back from doing the real work to contribute to the healing you wish to see in the world
- Tap into the courage required to transform your judgments about people of other races than your own
How You’ll Move…
You’ll be guided to explore, somatically, the shame, guilt, fear, and anger that we’ve too often buried in our depths. We’ll also use movement to dream into a different way of being in emotion around racism.
Module 5: Health & Emotions
Our emotions are like the weather. Sometimes there are gloriously sunny days and our face is raised up to the sky. Sometimes there’s a storm coming. Sometimes it’s an earthquake. But none of it lasts forever… except when we suppress and repress our emotions. Then our bodies begin to experience health issues such as physical pain and chronic illness.
In this module, you’ll discover how to practice emotional self-care, and:
- Embrace your body (and any physical symptoms) as a barometer of your inner weather
- Tap into compassion for yourself and your body
- Pay attention to your body and listen for what it needs
- Honor the importance of rest for your mind, body, and spirit
How You’ll Move…
You’ll strengthen your health and wellbeing beginning with your foundation — your feet. Through a combination of somatic exercises and affirmations, we’ll explore what “healthy” looks, feels, and moves like.
Module 6: Aging & Emotions
As we age, our fascia tightens. This is what causes the stiffness and tightness we feel. All the emotions we’ve locked into our bodies contribute to that contraction and limitation. One of the secrets of aging gracefully that most people aren’t aware of is how our emotions can serve as a fountain of youth.
In this module you’ll discover the real fountain of youth, and:
- Redefine “gray”
- Find out how to make the essential act of stretching a sensual experience
- Discover how sensuality stretches the fascia and can open you up to increased flexibility and enjoyment of your body
- Explore how you can receive with self-compassion the gifts that fear and anxiety around aging can produce, how you can get to the core of what fear and anxiety really mean, and how to step fully into the courage to age with grace
How You’ll Move…
You’ll be guided, somatically, to connect with the elements to raise your vibration and fall in love (again, or maybe for the first time) with your body, and with all of its many changes. You’ll explore, through movement, how aging is inviting you to grow into yourself even more.
Module 7: Living With Emotional Expansion
There is so much wisdom available to you when you know how to let your emotions move you and move through you… rather than remain buried. Your courage to take on your deepest issues through somatic movement will pay off!
In this final class, you’ll celebrate your sensual vitality, and explore:
- How to “sssstir”Wise Hips — for deep insights and longevity
- How being in your pleasure heals the world
- Tapping into the primary emotion of love for calm, clear guidance through challenges and important moments
- Dancing to the beat of NOW … so you don’t step on the toes of your future!
How You’ll Move…
You’ll be guided on another full emotional tour in a fun and exciting way — you’ll get to discover and explore how your relationship with your emotions has changed. You’ll also move like an emotional warrior… allowing that part of you to come out, play, and inhabit your body and life!
More information about Medical:
Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease,
typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others.
Medicine has been around for thousands of years, during most of which it was an art (an area of skill and knowledge) frequently having connections to the religious and philosophical beliefs of local culture.
For example, a medicine man would apply herbs and say prayers for healing, or an ancient philosopher and physician would apply bloodletting according to the theories of humorism.
In recent centuries, since the advent of modern science, most medicine has become a combination of art and science (both basic and applied, under the umbrella of medical science).
While stitching technique for sutures is an art learned through practice.
The knowledge of what happens at the cellular and molecular level in the tissues being stitched arises through science.
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