Andrew Weiss – Beginning Mindfulness: Learning the Way of Awareness
This book began as a series of handouts for an eight week (now ten week) class called “Living the Way of Awareness: Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday Life.” Like the course from which it grew, this book is divided into ten short sections. Over ten weeks, you will develop a steady sitting and walking meditation practice, one that integrates meditation and mindfulness with your life. Each section includes some basic instruction in mindfulness meditation practice and some “home play” assignments. If you want the full benefit of this book, I suggest you approach it sequentially.Meditation is not just something you do on a cushion or chair. Anything you do is an occasion to engageyourself mindfully in the present moment. When you engage mindfulness meditation in the present moment, it makes everything you do in your daily life sacred and full of meaning, even washing the dishes or turning on an electric light.Ultimately, the path of mindfulness will lead you to a place within yourself where you may encounter the world without ideas or preconceptions, where you can disengage from your habitual narrative and free yourself from mental constructs. Here you will see yourself and the world as we all really are, in our great, infinite radiance and tenderness, and in our most awful delusions. Mindfulness allows us to experience the delight of touching life deeply and authentically. It gives us a way through suffering to joy. It encourages us to do all of this every moment in our daily lives.
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