Alan Weiss – The Self-Esteem Workshop
What is this?
There are thousands of books,monographs, columns, and articles written about self-esteem. This number tells us that it is essential for our mental health and the effectiveness of our relationships.
This figure also tells us that there is no royal road or simple answer.
My experience in coaching managers and entrepreneurs for decades is that the basic belief in our own worth and”kindness”(lack of a more scientific term) is in our ability to help ourselves and thus help others although I used to think that lack of capital is the cause of most entrepreneurial failures, I quickly understood that the real quicksand is poor self-esteem.
This workshop is neither a group T meeting nor a walk on hot coals. It is not intended to be therapeutic,as long as deep emotional problems are not resolved,nor is it an attempt to solve deep-rooted problems in relationships with the past or present.
It’s a frank and honest attempt to deal with a lack of trust in one’s own judgment, a lack of faith in one’s own worth, and a lack of discipline for one’s own merits. It is not for”damaged”individuals, but for smart, talented people who do not allow their talents to be fully utilized, and their own contributions to be fully utilized by others.
What will it accomplish?
The purpose is simple. On the basis of my cooperation with individuals around the world, I want to help you:
Identify uncertainties,perceived vulnerabilities, and situations that cause you to perform in a way that is less than optimal capacity.
Understand the reasons for these dynamics and get timely and non-threatening feedback on how to address them.
Master and apply techniques that will help you maintain and embody a high level of self-esteem”at the moment”when it is most needed.
Avoid debris and debris in your life that tend to damage self-esteem and focus on the route of minimal resistance to self-worth and its performance.
In short, personal and professional, you will be able to deal with daily and special situations;have different, often difficult personalities in your life;and overcome problems caused by stress, unfamiliar and perceived threats.
You will lead a more productive and healthy life,and will help those around you through your example.
What do we do in a day?
I want to create a”safe environment”for feedback and sharing. (If you plan to come with a partner or group, I’ll arrange you together and you’ll work in that setup. Keep in mind that sometimes strangers are more useful than friends to solicit feedback!) We will then deal with some common and common sources of inferiority. We will gradually turn to more personalized issues.
We will describe the situations, events, and personalities that cause our self-esteem problems. We will practice with volunteers in front of the room. We will practice in groups at the table and we will develop a plan of action privately for immediate use. It will all be based on personal preparations that will not be shared, but it will be very helpful to keep you focused on practical issues during our time together.
In addition, two identical meetings will be held for two different groups the next day, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. In this environment, I will facilitate very intimate discussions on specific issues and topics. This will provide more personal, but also very intimate exploration. If you are ready for this experience in the”round table”setup, you can get more from the time you invest. But it may not be for everyone and requires that you are willing to share and say it, not just listen and absorb. I’ll call everyone in this group of 20 people.
What does it take to maximize value?
You have to be prepared to come with an open mind, be honest, and try your prospects, reactions, and language. You must care enough for others to provide honest and caring feedback. You should be ready to accept this feedback with an open mind and an receptive heart. As with all such experiences,the more you participate,the more you will gain.
What else to consider?
The conference was created explicitly because of the huge demand for this topic. It is healthy people who seek to continue to improve their effectiveness.
Do you have self-esteem attending self-esteem seminars?
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