Product includes: Dimensions 15 × 20 × 05 cm | Weight 0.150g
Language: English
Delivery: Digital Download
You will get : Dimensions 15 × 20 × 05 cm
In this DVD, Al focuses exclusively on the act of preemptively attacking an opponent.In this DVD, Al focuses exclusively on the act of preemptively attacking an opponent.Following on from the acclaimed Fence Concepts DVD and book, the Effective Pre-Emptive DVD examines the last resort option of having to physically strike an intruder to avoid injury or injury to yourself.
As always, Al is a firm believer that physical action should be a last resort in any confrontation. Avoidance should always be your main goal, but sometimes that just isn’t possible and you have no option but to get “physical”.
When that happens, the most important factor is being first. However, being first is not always a guarantee that you will be effective.
In this DVD, Al shows you how to be devastatingly effective with your initial preemptive strike.
The DVD features a number of techniques that Al and his contemporaries have tried and tested in real-life situations.
Learn how to hit hard, fast, accurately, with explosive power and an intent that will give any preemptive strike maximum results.
Learn body mechanics, target and technique selection, padwork and bagwork training, and much more.
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