Abracadabra by Arash Dibazar
Are you the creator or the created?
At some point in our life all of us had a vision of what our profession should be, how our relationship should look like and what kind of lifestyle we wanted.
Years later many people wake up and find themselves unfortunately in a completly different condition. They don’t like their job, the person they’re with and the lifestyle they have.
They didn’t create the life they wanted, but were created by their environment and the standards of society.
The worst thing is: They are not aware of the process they went through.
Let me explain…
How can I create my life?
You won’t be able to create the life you want, until you understand the first and most important law of creation: Your current condition was not created by accident. It was created by YOU.
You created it with every action you took, with every opportunity you took, with every opportunity you let go and with every decision you made.
It took years of repeating the same actions over and over again, until it became who you are.
This might be uncomfortable to confront and yet knowing this is also your saving grace, because this also means: You can recreate your life at any moment
It is possible to create the change you desire, you are not stuck to your current condition. Wherever you are right now, whether you are in a relationship or not, whether you make a lot of money or not and whether you are old or young, you can always change and create a completly new and better version of yourself. All it requires is having a strong determination, following the right steps and creating the change in your mind. Abracadabra, I create what I speak.
Change happens in an instant
There are many people, that want to change something about themselves. Some strive to become healthier and loose weight, some want to make more money, some seek happiness and others desire to have more women in their life. No matter which change you want to create, it all can happen in an instant. Start by answering the following questions:
Are you truly willing to create a new life?
Are you truly seeking betterment and change? Everybody has something about themselves, that they want to change, but not everybody has what it takes to go through the process. Do you qualify to get the new life you desire? What is the #1 reason, that will drive you to keep going, no matter how many stones are thrown your way? If you can’t answer this question, than no product and no lecture can help you. If you have an answer, than you have met the requirements to apply the principles revealed in
Abracadabra, I create what I speak.
You cannot create change and take your old life with you to your new life
More information about Self Help:
Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvement—economically, intellectually, or emotionally—often with a substantial psychological basis.
Many different self-help group programs exist, each with its own focus, techniques, associated beliefs, proponents and in some cases, leaders.
Concepts and terms originating in self-help culture and Twelve-Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and codependency have become firmly integrated in mainstream language.
Self-help often utilizes publicly available information or support groups, on the Internet as well as in person, where people in similar situations join together.
From early examples in self-driven legal practice and home-spun advice, the connotations of the word have spread and often apply particularly to education, business,
psychology and psychotherapy, commonly distributed through the popular genre of self-help books.
According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, potential benefits of self-help groups that professionals may not be able to provide include friendship,
emotional support, experiential knowledge, identity, meaningful roles, and a sense of belonging.
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