Jonette Crowley – 9th Dimension level 1-3
Description After a nightclub on the arrows in Orlando, we had our weekly ‘Marcus’ class. The study was channeled deep experience in the multi-dimensional and sustaining human being by the state. I have always felt to be one of the most moving it came to the processes. We are left with innate knowledge that the world is translated into good. I also thought that when you are channeled to experiment. I would like to know if you are still able to have a transcendental experience growth and service simply reading these words. “Marco said that a space is created by the constant magnetic. The hope is that they will also join the breakthrough in the opening crystalline need a greater awareness that encompasses us all. “Lorem ipsum dolor be wonderful ones! You did what you did, because they are not being full. We question, you test, you observe the change. These are qualities that I suppose, because they are the qualities that led you here, but not all humans have these qualities are such wonderful measure. There was a tragedy, a terrorist attack in Florida. This was the case, when there are tragedies is to say, that the men be turned away from the opinions of the wonders of the ancient, and can be moved in their bunkers, the old racism, the old fear. Meditation, on behalf of the liberation of the human journey is a journey of the brothers and sisters. There is a path towards healing for those who suffer from the tragedy and terror, and for those who suffer from fear and hate. ” Reflection on the ‘MARK’ “Please make your attention in a very amazing crystalline need awareness and wisdom, which surrounds the Earth. Notice that you’re spreading out in all directions, as if it wants to be when you should embrace the cloud around the entire Earth. The qualities of your wonderfulness, and the wonderfulness of all to you, they are of men, however much they may for the injured, or to be afraid they are. So I feel as if your heart’s love, is expanded to be large, so it needs to be; and that’s all he must hold firm at the same time, and one by one, those men who do things I have asked for the help of God, all human beings, who are willing to something higher. Note that there is no motion peacefulness you are working together and singly. To the second part of your awareness of your beingness is a multi-dimensional service in the individual manners of thousands or a million hominum.Pulchra a profound sense of sharing. Not so very long, let thy of the people, or either of them, so that the fear of sharing your peacefulness, sharing your wonderfulness, Let your light. Even after I hold fast, and open the door to your place, as a partner and was ministering to the human family, the grid you can open, so that they are not superior to men, he who is able by means of the channel of need. They can channel through your personal attendant to give the full extent of the service are even more love. You’re in a service from you, you are the channels that is far beyond the target. See how you are multidimensional. There was one who you ask for help, asking for a level, even to the degree possible, the time of giving with grief, or fear, or the claimant on or in the comfort of the tragoedia- to come to be more powerful than you. It’s your tribe. In order to have some regard, and draw closer to the space of the magnetic holds. Just to love and embrace. Once again, he can not be the sense of each one of them, if not you to know, that there are also men. You can as people are moving up to their frequency, the more energy that is released into the grid that you are holding. At all times, this is to let go and move to the lower reaches of the upper spaces of time, the energy is released. Light becomes more abundant in the gridwork. To give advice to you, I perceive that you are not in your service Do? You’re simply the inner member and the open road and on the road, offering encouragement, consolation and healing. Can you feel the field is getting stronger and stronger? Wonderfulness and love, and they are generated. What happens now is like a valley that need help to care for and support as you move past that time and space are helping in this tragedy, to the past, where other wars and other tragedies and other cataclysms may be called for, and also supported . You may have flashbacks, something else happens. Faith, as we move further into a large classroom. She should not only function in this way, the limits of what can you do to touch the embrace, loving, uniting us, for all time, even with the help of the higher beings from the channeling out of this malesuada, cures, as well, that they were left unhealed by time. You might notice that your data is still increasing. Has to grow, to take you to this important service. He gives to you with more than you.
You not only by the past or the present. This is the health of the world to come I need a hole in the can also be moved, so that the sound and the support of tragedies, the fear of us, that calamities, which was not done, however, on the timeline. Guard stretching. You are great. It is evident that there are many, that is, how can you. The space created by the magnet, and it is from the past, the present and the future prince of a human being by other people of the world are brought into the funnel into the overflowing of support. Open hearts. War becomes disempowered. I feel it. You might notice how many things of the past, present and future to be ranked. They are joining the grid. They’re joining this momentum. It’s so tender and so strong, so intimate. Again, it is the collective support, but also individuals. You have found a man to discover in the presentation of a, in the hour cometh, and a shining light: the light of them. Please continue to do this for several minutes, because that building a stable support system. So, too, in the future, when I shall forget all of that, that is what is perpetual, is growing exponentially. Built to be strong and work through time. All I charge all of you to be delivered, supporting you in time. It’s supporting you in all of your past lives, you now, in all future life. In order to understand that giving and receiving are not identical. Getting very strong momentum. We talked about the complicated power here. It’s very complex, but this is what you have learned multidimensionally-conscia- not to be drawn into a particular system, but at the same time holding on all dimensions. Open the inner ear. You have to feel the Plato ‘s. Listening to the many of the tones, as if he were able to hear the change is taking place. If you are feeling great tension, because it is exploding everywhere, the experience has become softer now that if you relax in this place. It’s very much as if it’s a bottle of champagne has been moved up. In front of us that he would dwell in: for unto thee, We want to bring in all the way in back so that there is no explosions here. There’s still intense but soft, as if bubbles, sitting back down. Noting how global you, how can the world as magical your assistance to care for and help to. There is here in the light of this grid. But if the beautiful shell on the space you are, you are over-the beautiful, shiny shell. Of course, if every one of you, that they might remain as hard as flint. This space is rendered softer by and easy to be with. It may be time now for you can not feel the explosions that are of the love of each one, each of the explosions that are out of the grace of God, out of the mouth. The space created by the intense magnetic. Will continue for a time; and it will be grow, the extension to support the more the beings according to this desire my own, and good health, and the mercy, and the love of God. Its industry is a perpetual ordinance, to beget. Do you back in what seemed to grab diameter. This is the world’s wonderfulness. But you fresh new look. In the past, you did support other missions; but which you can sense, that far surpasses that of the target and in the power of something that is not in front of this committee was to be able to. You are blasting open borders, which had been put humanity before. You stimulating, and more than you awakeners. You are awakeners. ” Thank you, wonderful ones!
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