V.A. – GMO mini-summit 2013
If you are concerned about the food we eat and feed our children …
Find out how to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of genetically engineered foods
You are probably already well aware that Monsanto and the biotech industry are spending billions of dollars to cover their tracks, mislead the public, and hijack political offices so they can continue to feed the world genetically modified food. Your bottom line is the almighty dollar, regardless of the cost to you and me.
Injected corn
They want to keep you uninformed and confused.
And they won’t be happy with what you’re about to read because it contains 5 powerful truths that they don’t want you to know. You are about to discover the top reasons why you should be concerned about GMOs in our food supply.
More importantly, you will discover what you can do to get the latest and most crucial information to protect yourself and your family from a dangerous attack on your health. And you’ll discover how you can take an even bigger stand against industries that are focused on making a profit, even if they have to leave a path of destruction in their wake.
The last 25 years have seen dangerous changes in our food supply. Most people are not even aware of what happened, and for those who do, most are not sufficiently informed to make a credible difference.
I don’t want it to be you.
What you don’t know could have serious consequences, so read on to learn how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.
Juan & Ocean Robbins
Juan & Ocean Robbins
My name is Ocean Robbins. My father, the best-selling author, John Robbins, and I are the founders of The Food Revolution Network.
My father and I are working together, but most people know of our family history starting a generation earlier still. You see my grandfather, Irvine Robbins, founded the Baskin-Robbins ice cream company, or 31 flavors.
Ice Cream Cone Shaped Pool
Ice Cream Cone Shaped Pool
My father grew up with a pool shaped like an ice cream cone. He was groomed from childhood to take over and run the family business. But when I was in my 20s, my father was offered that opportunity, and he said “no.” He walked away from company and any access to family wealth to, as we joke in my family, go his own “rocky path.”
John and Ocean 1973
John and Ocean, 1973
My mom and dad moved to a small island off the coast of Canada, where they built a one-room log cabin. I was born in that cabin, to parents who lived very simply, growing most of their own food, practicing yoga and meditation for several hours a day, and who named their son “Ocean.”
As I grew older, our family moved to California, and my father ended up becoming a bestselling author on food and health topics.
The media had a lot of fun with my father’s story, calling him the rebel without a cone. His books sold more than 3 million copies.
Irvine Robbins with ice cream 2
Baskin-Robbins co-founder Irvine Robbins
One of his readers ended up being his own father, my grandfather, Irvine Robbins. In 1990, Grandpa Irv, who had always eaten a standard American diet, suffered from serious heart disease, diabetes, and many other health problems.
His doctors gave him only a few years to live.
But then my grandfather decided to follow my father’s advice. He began to eat a lot less processed foods and a lot more vegetables. He even gave up ice cream.
Ocean-John and Irvine RobbinsAnd in no time they had gotten off all their blood pressure and diabetes medications, they had lost 30 pounds, their golf game had improved by 7 strokes, and they ended up living another 15 healthy years.
Around that same time, my father and I were running marathons together.
So we’ve seen in our own family the powerful impact that food can have on your life and your health. I started quite early, and in 1990, at the age of 16, I founded a non-profit organization called YES! (Youth for Environmental Health), which I directed for 20 years. We conduct workshops and seminars for more than 650,000 young leaders from 65 nations.
One of the things I learned while working with diverse people from all over the planet is that everyone eats. And what we eat has a huge impact on our own health, the health of our communities, and even the health of our world.
So a few years ago, I went from directing YES! to join forces with my father directly, and we launched The Food Revolution Network.
Today we have more than 450,000 members, and we are organizing leaders from around the world to advocate for foods that are healthy for people and for our planet.
We have studied the impact of GMOs extensively and consulted with the world’s leading experts on the subject. We have determined this to be one of the critical food problems of our time, and we are passionate about giving you the knowledge you need to stay informed and protect yourself and your loved ones.
Before getting into the 5 critical facts you need to know about GMOs it is helpful for you to understand how this technology differs from traditional plant alterations.
Why genetic engineering is unprecedented
FRS-poster-Andrew-Kimbrell The main difference, and it is huge, is that hybridization and selective reproduction use sexual reproduction. That is the natural process responsible for billions of years of evolution on the planet. And we have been using hybridization and selective breeding to alter our plants and animals for thousands of years.
But with genetic engineering, scientists take genes from an organism like a virus, bacteria, or even a pig or fish, and force those genes into the DNA of another species. They literally splice genes across the species barrier and create new life forms that, in turn, will reproduce forever. Selective breeding is the product of farms. GMOs are the product of laboratories.
Now, let’s get into the 5 facts that I promised you about GMOs.
Fact # 1: GMOs are taking over our food supply
GMOs are now in more than 70% of the foods on restaurant menus and supermarket shelves in the United States.
The 6 main GMO crops are soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets and also alfalfa, which is used as hay for animals.
And chances are, even if you think you’re not, you’re probably eating some of them almost every day. Corn and soybeans in particular are used as raw ingredients for a wide variety of additives and processing agents. I’ll tell you more about some of the hidden GMOs later.
Fact # 2: Some GMOs are registered as pesticides
The reason some GMO crops don’t require pesticides to protect them from insects is because they ARE pesticides. These plants have been designed to produce the Bt insecticide in every cell of the plant. When certain insects eat any part of a Bt. Plant, their stomachs rupture, and they die.
These Bt. Plants are living pesticide factories. They are literally registered with the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, as pesticides. Monsanto, of course, says they are completely safe for humans. But there are many, many scientists who have serious concerns about the safety for humans, and even livestock, of eating the Bt crop.
Fact # 3: Americans want GMO labeling
91% of the American public supports the labeling of foods that contain genetically modified ingredients.
There are 64 nations that require GMO labeling, including the entire European Union. But the United States and Canada are not among those countries. At least not yet.
GMO labeling around the world
On the one hand, the Deputy Commissioner for Food of the United States Food and Drug Administration, Michael Taylor, the man ultimately responsible for regulating GMOs, also happens to be a former Vice President of Public Policy at Monsanto. Taylor served as a food safety administrator at USDA, and prior to that, he was an attorney for Monsanto.
For whatever reason, I have a hard time believing that a man can go from being a vice president of Monsanto to a guardian of the public trust when it comes to regulating a company that has previously paid him millions of dollars.
When it comes to the government looking out for the interests of the American public, it is as if we have a fox that has been put in charge of protecting the chicken coop. That is why we are asking you to join the campaign to ask the FDA to label genetically modified foods. Because we want them to know that we, the people, have a voice and we care.
In the meantime, since we don’t have any labeling yet, and since GMOs are so widespread, the onus is on people like you and me to inform us so that we can make our own decisions. Otherwise, you’ll essentially let Monsanto and government policy set … say your family’s choices.
Fact # 4: GMOs INCREASE pesticide use
Genetically engineered crops have increased the overall use of pesticides by hundreds of millions of pounds.
Monsanto claims that genetically modified crops use fewer chemicals and are safer. But according to USDA data, these crops have actually increased total pesticide use by more than 527 million pounds. More than 85 percent of the engineered crops planted in the world today have been genetically modified by agricultural companies like Monsanto to withstand spraying of the companies’ proprietary herbicides – most prominently, Monsanto’s Roundup. This means that for the first time in history, humans today eat plants that were directly sprayed with herbicides.
Fact # 5: The weed killer in Roundup is now on your body
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in American agriculture. And glyphosate is increasingly widespread in our water, our air, and our bodies. It is even found in umbilical cord blood.
And … in addition to being a herbicide, it has also been patented by Monsanto as an antibiotic. This is because it can kill certain bacteria. Many scientists fear that the rampant increase in the use of glyphosate and other herbicides could be having an impact on increasing rates of digestive problems, gluten intolerance, food allergies, leaky gut syndrome, and perhaps even autism.
Billions of dollars to hide the truth
FDA-MonsantoMonsanto and the other biotech companies spend billions of dollars on advertising, marketing, lobbying, and opposing ballot initiatives that would require genetically modified foods to be labeled.
This massive spending has perpetrated myths that are completely false. For example, we are told that the scientific community has made a decision, and GMOs have been shown to be safe. The truth is that many credible scientists have significant concerns about the safety of these crops for human and animal consumption, and that the environmental impacts are documented and alarming.
This is just the tip of the iceberg
You may have already known some of these important facts about GMOs, or they may be new information for you. Either way, what I just shared is just the tip of the iceberg.
The top way to avoid GMOs is to eat only organic or certified non-GMO corn, soybeans, canola, and sugar. But the problem is that corn and soybeans are used in all kinds of products, from lecithin to citric acid to certain “natural flavors.” And they even feed livestock. So being truly non-GMO can take a lot of attention and learning.
Why you need to be informed
If you are not deeply educated on the subject, the reality is, you are eating GMOs whether you like it or not, and whether you know it or not.
It’s crucial to educate yourself with the real facts on this topic, so that you can learn the truth about something that has a profound impact on our food supply and is likely having an impact on your health. And being informed is not just for you, it is also for the well-being and education of the people you love.
Even if you think you are pretty up to date on GMOs, do you feel able to hold your own in a discussion with your friends, co-workers or relatives? Do you feel like you really understand what critical changes to the genetic code of our food supply mean for your health and the health of your loved ones and the planet? How about the future of agriculture? And do you have an understanding of the alternatives, and what it’s really going to take to feed the growing human population?
Time to get empowered
Our OGM empowerment package gives you the critical information you need to educate yourself and proprotect yourself and your family.
For starters, at the GMO Mini-Summit, host 11 interviews that my father and bestselling author and GMO educator Jeffrey Smith personally conduct with some of the world’s leading GMO experts.
Starts now!
Here’s just a small sample of what you’ll get from these amazing presentations:
You will hear from Dr. Thierry Vrain, the former GMO professional scientist who spent decades being paid for using his scientific credentials to reassure the public that GMOs were completely safe. In the past 10 years, Dr. Vrain has changed course, and is now one of the voices the biotech industry fears the most. Dr. Vrain will blow the lid off the dangerous revolving door links between industry and government officials. He will explain how scientists are being manipulated to serve business agendas, and why this is important to you and the health and safety of your loved ones.
Thierry Vrain, Ph.D – Former Pro GMO Scientist Speaks Out
Thierry-VrainIn his 35 years as lead research scientist for the Canadian government, Dr. Thierry Vrain was paid to assure the public that genetically modified foods were safe to eat. But now, this insider information will lift the veil and expose the truth that Monsanto doesn’t want you to know.
As the former chief of biotechnology at Agriculture Canada’s Summerland Research Station, Thierry knows the science of GMOs inside and out … and he’s sounding the alarm.
Get Thierry’s thoughtful, credible and deeply informed insight into the real health and environmental impact of genetically modified foods. This is a presentation that you will want to share with everyone you know.
You’ll discover how food and financial industry analyst Robyn O’Brien turned his life upside down overnight because of his daughter’s life-threatening food allergies. Robyn’s mom’s instincts led her to wonder why food allergies have tripled in the last 15 years and why autism has increased five times in the last generation. What she discovered will enrage you, and empower you.
Robyn O’Brien – Fighting Food Allergies
Robyn-O’BrienRobyn O’Brien was a food and financial industry analyst whose life was turned upside down by her daughters’ sudden allergy-induced illness. Robyn’s love for her children led her to take an honest look at our food system. What she discovered changed her life forever. She went on to found AllergyKids, and became one of the most formidable forces in the food movement today.
With her wildly popular TED talks, books, magazine columns, and her online advocacy, Robyn has become what the New York Times called “Erin Brockovich of food.” What you’ve discovered about food allergies, and GMOs, will rock your world!
Molecular scientist and genetic engineer Dr. Michael Antoniou will help you understand how genetic engineering really works and why this is such a powerful technology with immense potential to help or harm. She will show you with alarming clarity why it is so deeply dangerous to place this technology in the hands of corporations whose ultimate goal is their own profits.
Michael Antoniou, Ph.D – OGM: Separating the myth from the truth
Michael-AntoniouWith all the information and misinformation out there on the GMO topic, it can be difficult to figure out what the scientifically proven facts really are. That is why you will appreciate the presentation of Dr. Michael Antoniou. Michael is a molecular scientist and genetic engineer, and the co-author of GMO Myths and Truths, which is one of the most extensively researched and comprehensive books on GMOs ever written.
He will shed light on the vast misconceptions that genetically modified foods are increasing yield, reducing pesticide use, and offering a solution to climate change. After this presentation, you will be able to decipher the facts of the misinformation, and learn the real story.
Vandana Shiva How GMO Agriculture Has Been Linked To Over 250,000 Farmer Suicides In India. Millions of farmers have signed contracts with Monsanto based on promises of extraordinary crop yields and reduced costs. When promises turned out false, and with their debt continuing to pile up, these farmers have been taking their lives by drinking pesticides in an attempt to escape their misery and free their families from their debt burdens. I’m talking about 250,000 farmers in the last 20 years.
Vandana Shiva, Ph.D. – Food security in a global community
Vandana ShivaDr. Vandana Shiva is the founder of Navdanya (“nine seeds”), a movement of thousands of Indian farmers promoting biodiversity and the use of native seeds. Vandana has received the Right Livelihood Award, often called “The Alternative Nobel Prize,” and is director of the Science, Technology and Ecology Research Foundation.
She is the author of many best-selling books, including Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply. Forbes named Vandana “one of the 7 most influential feminists in the world,” and Time selected her as an “environmental hero. Vandana will inform you about the real global impact of GMOs and inspire you to consider the deeper implications of seed patenting and property.
You’ll get cutting edge, nonsensical information from Dr. Michael Hansen, a senior staff scientist at Consumers Union, the organization that publishes Consumer Reports. Dr. Hansen’s job is to separate the truth from the rhetoric and provide unbiased and reliable sources of information to the public. He will reveal exactly why studies funded by the biotech industry always find GMOs to be safe, while a growing body of studies by independent scientists tell a very different story.
Michael Hansen, Ph.D. – What does science tell us?
Data Encoding Method: Michael Hansen is a senior staff scientist at the Consumers Union (CU), the publisher of Consumer Reports. Dr. Hansen has served on the USDA Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology, and on the California Department of Food and Agriculture Advisory Committee on Food Biotechnology.
He represents Consumers International, a federation of more than 250 organizations in 110 countries, at the Codex Alimentarius and other international forums, and has testified in dozens of hearings. As a globally recognized scientist who values published peer-reviewed data, and with a responsibility to stay independent of special interest agendas, Dr. Hansen will give you fact-based information on the science of GMOs.
Not only will you get all of this, but you’ll also get 6 more amazing 30 minute presentations from Center for Food Safety Director Andrew Kimbrell; farmer Howard Vlieger; the co-founder of the Environmental Working Group Ken Cook; OMG Myths and Truths co-author Claire Robinson; Agroecology professor at the University of California at Berkeley Miguel Altieri; and a presentation
Andrew Kimbrell – Your Right to Know
Andrew Kimbrell Andrew Kimbrell is a prominent public interest attorney and founder and director of the Center for Food Safety. Fight to protect people and the environment from the threats of chemical-dependent industrialized agriculture.
Andrew is often called to testify before the United States Congress, and his work has been featured in numerous publications and documentaries.
His most recent book is Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and Secret Diet Changes. The Guardian named Andrew as one of 50 people who could change the planet. We believe it will change your life!
Howard Vlieger – Shocking Discovery of a Farmer
Howard VliegerHoward Vlieger is a third generation family farmer. He coordinated and co-authored the only scientific study of its kind, in which identical groups of pigs were fed GMO and non-GMO grain for their entire lives. The results of his study have shaken the agricultural world.
Howard is an internationally recognized speaker on the subject of agriculture and GMOs, and serves on the board of directors of the Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance and the Council for Healthy Food Systems. Get a first-hand, real-life account straight from the farmer’s mouth. If you’ve ever wondered what is really happening on the front lines with GMOs and agriculture, this interview is a must!
Ken Cook – Sustainable Agriculture for a Hungry World
Ken CookKen Cook is chairman and co-founder of the 1.3 million-member Environmental Working Group (EWG). He is one of the most prominent and effective experts in the environmental community on chemicals, pesticides, and agricultural and food policy in the United States. Ken’s work helped catalyze the landmark Food Quality Protection Act that required the EPA to consider the dietary risks of pesticides to children’s health. EWG researchers later discovered hundreds of industrial chemicals in umbilical cord blood.
By showing that the contamination started in utero, they changed the debate about chemical exposures. Ken will show you how to protect your family and take informed action on the issues that matter most to you.
Claire Robinson, MPhil – The Science, The Spin, & The Truth
Claire-RobinsonClaire Robinson is Director of Research at Earth Open Source and editor of GMWatch. She is the former managing editor of SpinProfiles (now Powerbase.org), and has a background in research reporting on public health, science, and environmental issues.
Not only is Claire up to date on global GMO events, but she is often the root source from which many in the movement get their information. If you want to know the political, socioeconomic, scientifically proven, historically accurate, and up-to-date facts about GMOs, this interview is not to be missed.
Miguel Altieri, Ph.D – What is the environmental impact of GMOs?
Miguel-AltieriGMOs have been touted as an answer to everything from pesticide use to droughts and topsoil erosion. But are these claims justified? Find out from one of the world’s best experts in sustainable agriculture, Dr. Miguel Aliteri.
Miguel has been a professor of Agroecology at UC Berkeley for more than three decades, and has served as General Coordinator of the Sustainable Agriculture Networking and Outreach Program of the United Nations Development Program. He is the author of more than 200 publications and books, including Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity. If you care about the planet and want the facts about sustainable agriculture, then this is for you.
And another bonus: John & Jeffrey – Protect your family and make a difference
John-Jeffrey-Final Join John Robbins and Jeffrey Smith, world-renowned experts and best-selling authors on food, health and GMOs, for a special one-hour presentation hosted by Ocean Robbins.
You will be inspired and galvanized with the ideas and inspiration you need to put everything you have learned into action for your health and the health of those you love.
This is a unique opportunity to hear from these two leaders of the non-conformist food movement at the same time as they share their experience and best ideas.
You will be able to own all these presentations for life, and listen to them on the computer, in your car or anywhere else you like, and share them with friends. You will also get the complete transcript of each of these presentations, which will allow you to have all the information at your fingertips and do it so you do not have to worry about forgetting important parts or having to take long notes.
To complete your OMG Empowerment Pack, we’ve added some bonuses to your collection of powerful presentations.
Your bonuses
Bonus # 1
You’ll get a 90-minute workshop with Jeffrey Smith, my father, John Robbins, and myself as we answer 20 burning questions that have come from our GMO summit participants.
Bonus # 2
You’ll get a special training with Nutritional Coach and Mom Laurie Cohen Peters on “How to Shop Non-GMO.” She will teach you about the best ways to avoid buying GMOs, that brands are committed to non-GMO production, how to navigate non-GMO on a budget, what to watch out for in restaurants, and much more.
Bonus # 3
And you’ll get a non-GMO shopping guide, a non-GMO shopping app, and a collection of GMO e-books and training videos to help you stay as informed as possible and dig into specific areas of interest or concern.
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