James Marshall – Marshall Meditation Method – Week 1
MMM is a comprehensive 6-week online course designed to help you stay relaxed in stressful situations, become more confident, positive, and easily experience flow and “power now” through practical and simple meditation tools. TNL’s most popular home curriculum is finally back with all new materials.
Let’s face it,
if you are reading this, you are probably the guy who is stuck in his head too much. You think too much, you have negative thoughts that never seem to go away, rethink yourself and find that stress is constantly increasing in your life.
All this together makes it almost impossible to consistently approach a beautiful woman walking down the street.
You are probably already familiar with the concept of meditation. It went mainstream, popular with books like Force Now. It seems pretty simple at first, doesn’t it?
Sit on a comfortable pillow, relax with soothing music and focus on your breathing. Or set a timer in your meditation app and follow the digital guru. Once you’re done, all this mental noise will disappear, you will feel calm and ready to take on the whole day.
Until you see this beautiful woman, and suddenly your chest does not curl up like a block of ice. Your heart is pounding in your ears because you know you have to go to her.
But you just can’t take this step towards her. The next thing you know, your mind is racing with a stream of excuses.
She must be very busy.
I bet she has a boyfriend.
She would never date a guy like me.
And in the end the final verdict collapses …
– I’m having an anxiety attack !!
Defeated, you leave with your tail between your legs, cursed by this disease that never seems to pass. You return home giving yourself enough time to calm down and pray that things will be different tomorrow.
Or maybe you find the courage to say hello from time to time, but as soon as there is an awkward pause in the conversation or it shows the slightest sign of disinterest, you quickly apologize.
You may find that this social anxiety spreads to other areas of your life as you feel stressed and unable to speak and communicate freely with people at parties, work events, or social situations where you are not in your comfort zone.
If any of this sounds familiar, you need to sit down and pay attention right now, because I’m about to share something incredibly important with you …
Approach anxiety is not some kind of biological response that is programmed into our DNA, traced back to the time of the caveman. This is not some kind of genetic defect, which means that every time you want to get close to a girl, you are fighting against the very forces of nature.
Despite what some pseudoscientific theorists say, A.A. is not inevitable; it is a choice.
The reality is that “approaching anxiety” is a myth created by the seduction community to justify the restrictions that people place on themselves and sell snake oil products to desperate men.
You may have already tried learning meditation. A lot of guys get lost in books filled with spiritual hippie gibberish of the new age, or follow some video course that promises to make you a Zen monk in 5 minutes, complete with bells and weird singing.
Or maybe you’ve tried quick fix apps that promise to bring you inner peace in just a few minutes after guided meditation, which can provide short-term relief, but don’t go below the surface to actually help you dig up tough problems.
The problem is that there has never been an easy-to-learn, no-nonsense rational meditation.
..it is specially designed for men who do not want to leave the modern world and live in a cave, but who have a busy life and who want to achieve a sense of inner peace so that they can be more efficient, relaxed and in flow, especially when meeting women …
So let me ask you this:
Do you want to keep spending the hours and hours of your life on the streets trying to hopelessly approach women, only to fall prey to your anxiety? Are you satisfied that you only date women when they are in your social circle?
Are you willing to continue to invest hundreds (or even thousands!) Of dollars in “anxiety treatments,” which are basically tricks, magic pills that don’t work?
Do you want to delve into mountains of confusing and often conflicting advice floating around the Internet, or do you want to learn a simple proven system for self-transformation and attaining peace with yourself?
Are you ready to finally stop trying to rationalize your exit from the “anxious approach” and admit what is really going on?
You see, “proximity anxiety” is just a shortcut that you put on a series of sensations within your body that are activated when you want to approach a woman. These sensations react to your psychology and emotions when you interpret them as fear.
In terms of feeling “nervous”, “anxiety” and “fear” around women, it is important to understand that these are not real fears. There is no danger to life. This is not a primary reaction to an existential threat. These are just labels that your mind uses to describe these sensations to protect your ego and encourage you to step back from the source of “fear.”
I watch so many men who fall into the seduction community fall flat on their faces, never breaking through approach anxiety.
Even those who build muscle with sheer willpower often end up quitting because it always feels like a battle to build confidence and momentum to keep going.
Effective meditation practice resolves the inner conflict that separates most men from their true potential.
Dissolving “anxiety” is just one benefit, and as you follow this course deeper, you will see that meditation allows you to slide into creative flow states, consciously relax your body and emotions, and clear all noisy thoughts in your head. allowing you to have a powerful presence and charisma. More on these benefits later …
Without studying meditation, it is so easy to fall into the trap of these fear labels and think that they are real. But the question is, which of the countless schools and gurus is right for you? The truth is that meditation doesn’t have to be some kind of complex esoteric technique, available only to a Buddhist monk who sits under a waterfall in the mountains of China for decades.
You don’t have to be enlightened and listen to some old Indian singing in a dead language to discover the secrets of being “in the present.” With the right meditation techniques, you can integrate mindfulness into your daily routine and even learn to meditate while interacting with girls!
When you are trapped in your thoughts and fears, it can be frustrating to realize that you are constantly trapped in this cycle of overthinking and negative thoughts, not knowing how to break this cycle. Trust me, I used to be the same …
Before I started studying meditation, I was a bitter and evil nihilist, proudly cynical towards everything and everyone in the world.
I grew up in a very restless family. My father was never there, and my mother was so overworked and nervous that she constantly had breakdowns, and no one but me could help her and then take on all her anger.
It didn’t help that I was a sensitive, artistic child who played the flute and sang opera, which in the rough Australian school I attended led to constant beatings and bullying. Girls weren’t interested in me, and I found myself enduring intense social anxiety and physical stress at an early age, and I developed a set of very rigid worldviews to try to figure it all out.
– The world is in complete shit ”
“Hot girls are idiots.”
“Life is a meaningless struggle, and every man for himself”
I was an outcast and sank deeper and deeper into my negativity, preventing myself from communicating with those who did not feel the same. The only girls I ever got were regular hippie chicks who happily listened to my rant about how the world “wants to get me.”
Since all my high school friends were going to university, I decided to find out why I was so angry and nihilistic and try to find a solution.
I got a job as an orange picker on a plantation in rural Australia, eventually saving enough money to travel Asia with a friend of mine to find some answers.
We ended up taking a whole bunch of magic mushrooms in Bali one night, stumbling hard for two days. While I was floating in the psychedelic space, I looked into another part of myself, into that version of myself that did not possess all negativity and narcissism. My ego and fears disappeared, I was free, light-hearted and in perfect creative flow.
A few hours later, when I collapsed to the ground after the ride, I immediately felt all my old worries and worries reappear. I could see my ego, pride and negativity rebuild, and I was back to square one. – I thought to myself .;
There must be some way …
do it without drugs.
I went to India where my spiritual journey took me to the Dharamsala temple, home of the Dalai Lama, where I attended my first Vipassana course, a 10-day meditation retreat that changed my life. It was there that I first learned the tools that will help me change my destiny.
The basic practice of Vipassana involves using your awareness to scan your body, noting both good and bad feelings, while accepting that they are in a constant state of flow.
With this key understanding, I realized that I have the power to change my awareness and focus.
That I was not a slave to bizarre character traits that I didn’t like, that I shouldn’t get angry and react, constantly succumbing to bouts of depression …
I walked out feeling light, clear, and perhaps for the first time truly happy. Finally, I have the tools for change, a way out of the constant negative loops in which I have always lived.
Even though I was a broken naive 19-year-old teenager clumsily wading through India, I knew this was the start of a powerful journey.
Now I knew that a person can become aware of their negativity, cynicism, sarcasm and even the paralyzing “anxiety of approaching”, all these things that do not really help you in any way and just show you that you are less capable and connected with people …
I knew that a person can change himself without spending months and years on the couch of a psychologist, retelling his childhood, finding out what everyone else is to blame, and turning himself into a victim. …
I knew that a man could take personal responsibility for his life and gain the confidence he needed to get close to a woman and show who he really was.
Now I was a man on a mission. …
After my first meditation retreat, I did my best to deepen my awareness and understanding of these key tools.
I became a vegetarian, found a Shaolin Kung Fu martial arts teacher, dedicated myself 4-5 hours of training a day, 6 days a week, and spent the rest of the time meditating or working in a cafe to pay bills.
I made my first trip to China where I was received by the world’s greatest masters of Kung Fu and Buddhism at the Shaolin Temple.
I woke up every morning at dawn and climbed the mountain behind the temple with my teacher and worked on ancient forms of kung fu, meditation and philosophy.
While other guys my age were chasing girls, getting drunk and driving fast cars, I essentially became a monk, devoting all my time to spiritual growth.
As my focus on oriental practices increased, I took up healing, studying Chinese medicine, oriental massage and acupressure. This intense period of focus and discipline had so many positive effects, including helping me dissolve more layers of my childhood conditioning, learn to consciously relax, and have peace and satisfaction.
But while being so tense and tough in my practice, I also missed a lot, especially the worldly pleasures that life has to offer. I was torn between my calling to be a full-fledged spiritual warrior and my desire to chase girls and achieve worldly success.
So after my first trip to China, I decided that before moving to China permanently and becoming a real monk, I would like to experience everything the world has to offer. To immerse yourself in pleasure, sex and satisfy all your desires. So for a while, I swung in the exact opposite direction, becoming a complete hedonist.
Although I studied at the Shaolin Temple, the birthplace of art that I was obsessed with, I returned home wanting to get rid of all my worldly desires. I moved to Melbourne, started funk badly, got into wild parties and drugs, eventually getting seduced so I could fuck more.
Now I’ve always been a man of extremes
wanting to test your limits and push your boundaries …
As soon as I started approaching women, I found that my progress was incredibly rapid.
Over the course of several months, I went from zero cold approach experience to being able to pick up hot women every time I went out.
Although I quickly learned a lot about the mechanics and techniques of natural style seduction, what caused my progress to accelerate so quickly was my experience in meditation. All these hours of practicing inner peace, without realizing it, taught me how to become very real, relaxed the moment you meet women.
Even though I still felt a surge of physical sensations that most people would call anxiety, with the help of my meditation tools I was able to dissolve these feelings, get through them, and ultimately realign my mind so that these feelings become arousing and positive. expectation, not fear.
I became so effective in seduction that within 2 years I started teaching guys I met how to naturally date women.
When I first started living a natural lifestyle and started teaching men the art of seduction, I was able to get some basic results by showing guys how to approach and flirt.
But it didn’t take long to realize that deeper issues of dignity, self-worth, and logic were at stake. Like me before the meditation, the average person was so lost in thought that he couldn’t think of what to say to the girls he approached!
Very soon I realized that I needed to develop a way for these people to learn what I had learned in my years of devotion to meditation. A way for them to integrate these critical teachings without having to spend their days practicing kung fu and meditating while living the aesthetic lifestyle in a temple in China.
A method that can be integrated into all kinds of lifestyles, be it a balanced lifestyle of work and play, or a swing between two extremes.
A way to integrate your meditation practice into real life.
The Marshall Meditation Method is not some run-of-the-mill meditation course put together by a smart marketer jumping on the power of the Now bandwagon. It is also not a religious cult, there is no worship of the master or consent to give up one’s autonomy in order to blindly follow some vague esoteric teaching.
I have spent over 15 years researching and developing this system, which is specifically designed to integrate into a life that includes hard work and making money as well as Sex and Fun.
I have traveled to the ends of the world looking for the best teachers and methods, going down countless dead ends with intricate systems that are not applicable to the modern world, and getting scammed by fraudulent teachers along the way.
I have brought together the methods that are easiest to learn and integrate on a typical day, and which have the most positive effect. The Marshall Meditation Method, once learned, can be practiced with as little as 20 minutes of focused practice a day, along with 1 minute “micro-meditations” all day long.
Throughout this course, you will learn:
Fundamental Basic Meditation to improve your awareness is the key principle I teach for the anti-anxiety approach. This allows you to be more relaxed and deal with high pressure social situations.
Posture fundamentals that counteract today’s “computer hump” help you minimize neck, shoulder, back and knee pain and be sexier and more confident when standing and moving.
My personal stretching routine, learned from Shaolin monks, allows you to become more aware of your body by counteracting stiffness, quickly isolating where you hold stress, and helping you become a conscious body so you can regulate how you stand and move to take off tension and stiffness.
Qi Gong: An ancient movement meditation to focus strength, control your condition, and learn the grace and fluidity of movement and expression.
Abdominal breathing techniques, which empower you to transform neural energy into effective force, are the key to controlling your emotional and arousal states when you feel overwhelmed and developing a solid foundation for eternal bedroom living and learning tantric sex.
Ancient massage practices are easily used to energize your internal organs, relieve stress and make you feel refreshed and relaxed.
Daily routines that create huge personal changes in just 20 minutes, plus the secrets of “micro-meditations” that give you the opportunity to take a break from the chatter in your head, re-target and relax many times a day.
You see, the problem with most meditation courses is that they don’t apply to everyday life. In today’s world, most men do not have time to spend hours and hours of their day in meditation. Despite the fact that I have attended several Vipassana courses and followed their methods, they offer at least 2 hours of meditation a day, which is simply unrealistic in the modern world.
Let’s say you are a working professional or a student working 40-50 hours a week. Plus, I’m sure you have fitness goals to strive for, not to mention approaching girls and going on dates. Add to that time with friends and family, hobbies, and of course, sleep. How, pray tell, should you add 1-2 hours of meditation every day?
When I was developing the Marshall Meditation Method, I made it a priority to create a course that would be easily embedded into the most stressful lifestyles.
Focus on maximizing the benefits of meditation in just 20 minutes of daily practice, plus brief micro-meditations throughout the day. All the while, you get tangible results in real life in situations that trigger your fears, anxiety and stress responses.
It includes:
* Desire to talk to this gorgeous brunette standing by the bar
* Deal with a domineering boss who shouts in the back of your head
* The need to give a presentation that can make or break your career
* Dealing with new social situations when you really want to make a good impression
The tools you will learn have been tested in practice by me and thousands of my students who have experienced life changes. Instead of being stuck in their head, they were able to relax and be more positive.
Their newfound relaxation meant they could begin to communicate more effectively. Overcoming paralyzing social anxiety enabled them to cope with stressful social situations, such as approaching a girl on the street.
They learned to stop being so tense and finally relax, enjoying the moment as it is.
For many years I have exclusively taught the Marshall Meditation Method as part of my live field workshops. But with all this international travel, doing business, and continuing to develop my own spirituality, I can only train 60-70 men a year.
While it was fantastic for the few men who had the time and money to invest in my very expensive 7 and 10 day workshops, I received countless requests from men around the world to teach them the types of meditation I have used on myself and my living. pupils.
I could see that so many guys are hungry for a bigger picture of true personal change, not just a quick fix by trying to fuck drunk chicks.
Ever since becoming an authority on dating and personal change, I’ve witnessed a worldwide epidemic of men who struggle with anxiety, stress and over-analysis, all the while getting lost chasing wild geese trying to fix it without success.
There must be something I could do to help more guys than I could ever hope to teach in person.
So for the past 2 years, I’ve been breaking down everything I’ve taught over the past 10+ years and put it together in a simple, easy-to-use format that would give men the opportunity to start the same transformation that began for me all these years ago in India.
Tools they could learn without spending thousands of dollars sitting for a month in meditation retreats or traveling to Tibet to learn from wise old gurus.
This 6-week online course will teach you not only to develop a calm mind and inner awareness, but also to transfer these feelings into your day and trigger them in stressful situations.
If you’ve ever tried meditation and were frustrated with a bunch of nonsense about “going beyond your chakras” or “aligning your theta brain waves”, know that this course has none of these. This is not a mystical ritual that makes no rational sense, nor is it a quick fix app that promises to fix all the problems in your head by connecting electrodes to your skull.
I first launched MMM online last year, with incredible results reported by the guys on the course.
Here’s what they had to say about the course:
This is a men’s guide to meditation.
A linear, well-crafted program that cuts out all New Age talk, giving you an easy-to-follow, easy-to-follow, step-by-step practice to help you reduce stress, manage your social anxiety, and get out of your head.
Every week you will receive a new module to view on our user-friendly private membership site, which is optimized for mobile phones and tablets so you can practice anywhere you have an internet connection.
The module will contain an introduction to the exercises as well as a simple and practical video tutorial, just like attending a real-life lesson. You also get a video that you can watch in real time with me once you learn the techniques. These course videos are released weekly, and once the course is over, you will have lifetime access to all of the materials so you can come back and use the methods over and over.
In addition, you will be given access to my personal Facebook group, where you can join a discussion with like-minded people, document your journey, and ask me any questions about the course content. I will be in this group Online every day for 6 weeks, being your personal mentor to help you through the learning and integration stages, addressing any problems that arise and maintaining your motivation and responsibility so that you develop meditation into a powerful lifelong habit.
I saw other online courses there and watched guys download a bunch of videos to their hard drive, follow them for the first two days, and forget about it after a week.
I personally make sure that the Marshall Meditation Method is not one of these courses.
I will be with you throughout the entire process, acting as your mentor for the entire 6 weeks.
During exclusive webinars (more on this in the bonus section), I will personally keep you updated on the course content to make sure you implement it in your life.
Here’s a rundown of what you will learn in the course week after week:
Mindfulness is the first and deepest step in learning meditation, without which you can never be in the present moment. In fact, this is the first principle of the five principles of natural seduction, the basis of my teaching on seduction.
There is a lot of confusion as to what it means to be in the “now” or to be actually present. Can you always be in the moment? Is this reality or just an illusion? Am I not always in the present because I am alive? Do I just need to mentally remind myself to be present? How does meditation actually help?
You don’t need to become a Buddhist monk or spend decades in meditation to experience the present moment. It’s really about deliberately redirecting your attention away from your thoughts back to what’s happening right now. With the simple yet powerful mindfulness tools you learn in this module, you can experience the relaxed flow of the now as a real thing, not just a concept. By being in the present moment, you can appreciate what is really happening to you and not waste time worrying about the future or reliving the past.
So, here’s what you get from the first week:
A basic introduction that explains exactly how to use the course.
You will know the exact steps you need to take each day of the course to get the most out of your meditations.
An explanation of what meditation really is and why it is important.
I cut through all the myths and hype about meditation and explain how it works and why meditation should be the cornerstone of your daily life.
A simple, easy to follow meditation to get you into the present moment.
I will guide you through a practice that will raise your self-awareness, bring you back to the present moment and out of your head.
The basics of good posture.
Most men spend their days sitting in front of a computer and have terrible posture. I will show you how to naturally and intuitively adjust your posture to move with more grace and confidence.
Most men in the modern world sit at the computer all day at work. Instead of standing on their feet and moving their bodies, they hunched over the keyboard, sometimes sitting for hours on end. You are probably hunched over as you read this right now!
Over time, this leads to chronic pain in the neck, shoulders and back. Most of the clients I train have rigidity well beyond their age and limited flexibility.
Even worse, it also means that the entire sex center is locked up. If your hips are tight, you will look funny when you walk, have no groove on the dance floor, and are likely to be terrible in bed.
In the second week we will discuss everything:
The principles of body awareness
helps you determine where you are holding tension and stiffness.
Simple and fast stretching procedure,
suitable for all fitness levels, designed to stretch you from head to toe in just 7 minutes, even if you haven’t been to the gym in months!
Key exercises to help you relieve chronic pain in the neck, back and shoulders, areas associated with stiff and stiff movements.
‘Floating Dragon Rolling a Ball’, a moving meditation.
This is my all-time favorite technique to help loosen your hips, massage your joints and put you into a relaxed graceful physical trance.
Much of the anxiety and stress you experience is the result of your fight or flight reflexes constantly triggering, completely unbalancing your emotional state.
While mindfulness meditation is all about observing your experience and letting it be what it is without reacting, abdominal breathing meditation teaches you to turn nervousness into concentrated power.
Instead of becoming a victim of your emotional state, being captured by a wave of feelings, you will be able to control your emotions, as well as hone your focus and strength into a tangible strength that will allow you to communicate much more directly.
Week 3 is all about:
Mastering Abdominal Breathing,
a powerful practice that allows you to build inner strength and focus by slowing your heart rate as you convert nerve energy into stable strength.
Building on the foundation of awareness meditation,
using your newfound awareness to hone your breathing and have conscious control over your emotions and physical reactions
Developing a basic understanding of sexual control,
improving your sexual stamina, your ability to control your arousal state, and laying the foundation for tantric sexual practices. This is the technique I used to go from being a 3 minute man to literally starring in porn and being able to last forever.
Do-In is an ancient form of Japanese self-massage. Doing this practice on a daily basis will help activate the organ systems of the body and make your blood flow, especially effective in helping you wake up in the morning.
Self-massage is not only the perfect way to relax and get more contact with your body, it can also help you realize how to relax others through touch. It is much easier to massage a woman if you have a deeper understanding of the intricacies of touch and make someone feel good.
During the 4th week you will learn:
An introduction to Do-In self-massage that covers the key points of this ancient yet powerful process
A simple 10 minute treatment designed to activate your body by progressing through a series of acupressure points
In our 5th week, we will strengthen your meditation training by exploring the advanced art of Qi Gong (energy cultivation), a moving meditation like Tai Chi.
This practice involves aligning the breath, mental focus, and body in motion to develop deep calmness and a sense of embodiment.
5 week to be revealed:
Meditation “Raising the Little Pillar of Heaven”
A simple yet powerful Shaolin Temple Qi Gong exercise that aligns your mental, emotional, physical, and breathing states into one harmonious movement.
Techniques for embodying your breathing, allowing you to
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This is Digital Download service, the course is available at Coursecui.com and Email download delivery.