Mindvalley – Extraordinary U | Become Limitless and Consciousness Engineering
Why Extraordinary Mind Code is the Best Book to Read Year-round
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Mind Valley is a global school of over 3 million people, offering online training to maximize human performance. They claim that the Mindvalley curriculum is designed to bring out the full potential of the mind, body and spirit. They work with top writers and teachers to create classroom learning experiences in all areas of life.
I first met Vishen Lakhiani and Mind Valley Academy after the destructive collapse. It wasn’t my longest or strongest relationship, but I was fundamentally broken and needed absolute and immediate change.
It wasn’t so good-bye to shatter me because it was a repetitive pattern in my life that was stuck. I realized that I couldn’t make the same choice or make the same mistake again, or that might be my end. I couldn’t live anymore. I had to change everything. all.
So, like all the other hopeless and confusing people with a lack of information take me to Google for an answer. I found Vishen’s podcast “How to Challenge the Convention” by chance and it became really endless.
When I listened to this podcast, the light bulb seemed to go out. It was a moment when it all came together. The darkness that engulfed me and the negative energy that was trying to permeate me disappeared. Clouds opened and sunlight started to come in. I believe the universe showed you things when you were ready to hear them, and at that moment I was ready. Everything started to click.
The message he was delivering was not earth-shaking and I had never heard it before changing a new mindset. But that was the message I desperately needed to hear, and I was open to hearing it.
What I really like about Vishen’s message isn’t exactly what he says (because many others have said the same before), but what he does What he says, and provides tools to help him accomplish the task of change. The book The Code of Extraordinary Mind, written a few years after the podcast, is basically an extension of all the ideas expressed during the speech.
Let’s begin by understanding who you are, what you believe in, why you believe it, and how those beliefs serve you today.
1. Transcend the cultural landscape
In this chapter, we define how we are who we are based on our cultural identity, and often these definitions limit us and limit our ability to grow, which is what we truly mean. He argues that it prevents what has been done.
For example, he grew up in a culture that you really value only if you become a doctor, engineer, lawyer, or something that requires higher education. The problem with this cultural perspective is that he had nothing to do with the person he really wanted to be. Until I got my first job as an engineer at Microsoft, I knew how disastrous the path would be if he continued.
Define a cultural landscape
2. Ask Brules
Bruhl is what he considers to be a haphazard rule that he inherits from generation to generation, often unknowingly. Brules leads us to live a life we really don’t want to live and to believe in what we believe in habits rather than choices. Brules leaves us trapped in the belief system of others.
Did your parents say that success means starting a business, working from 9 to 5, becoming a slave to a company or boss, saving until the day you die and giving it to your child? ? I knew it. Is it the life you want? Is it your dream?
I didn’t really believe in reading this book that I could change my financial situation or really control my life. I thought I would always have to struggle because of the random rules I lived in. My parents taught me, “Success means working for someone else. I call bullshit.
Did you say that the struggle you live in involves happily getting up with your house and your car, your 2.5 kids and your dog, working, going home, having dinner, watching TV and sleeping? ? If you enjoy this life and this makes you happy, then great! But many of us want something different or more than we have, but it’s unusual to want something else to keep living an unfulfilled life. I was told.
I will ask your brul.
3. Practice conscious engineering
This chapter focuses on how to consciously determine and design life’s direction by questioning and ignoring parts of the cultural landscape and fights that are no longer useful.
Part of this chapter focuses on learning to follow your intuition. This means that you actually follow what you know about yourself, but mostly because you have lived following the rules They said.
I will ask you a question.
3. Protect the Consciousness of Engineering
In this chapter, a part of the cultural scene, and a question of opening an open question to an inconsistent fight are invisible. Aa aa aa aa aa aa aa ni a ni a ni a ni a ni
One of these chapters focuses on learning to follow your intuition. This means that you really know what you are about yourself and what you follow.
More information about Self Help:
Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvement—economically, intellectually, or emotionally—often with a substantial psychological basis.
Many different self-help group programs exist, each with its own focus, techniques, associated beliefs, proponents and in some cases, leaders.
Concepts and terms originating in self-help culture and Twelve-Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and codependency have become firmly integrated in mainstream language.
Self-help often utilizes publicly available information or support groups, on the Internet as well as in person, where people in similar situations join together.
From early examples in self-driven legal practice and home-spun advice, the connotations of the word have spread and often apply particularly to education, business,
psychology and psychotherapy, commonly distributed through the popular genre of self-help books.
According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, potential benefits of self-help groups that professionals may not be able to provide include friendship,
emotional support, experiential knowledge, identity, meaningful roles, and a sense of belonging.
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