10 Weeks to Freedom by David Tian
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This revolutionary new program is for any guy who is single and wants to attract women to and by his authentic self, and its for any guy interested in a relationship or currently in a relationship who desires to learn how to ignite, rekindle, or grow the sexual and emotional passion in his relationships with women.
Just a sample of what youll learn in this Program includes how to:
Build your self-esteem while you are learning. this step-by-step method makes you become stronger and stronger as you get better and better
Finally get off of your ass and start living life in the best and most fulfilling way possible, with the help of a supportive, brotherly community
Identify and CRUSH the big excuses you are making for yourself with women and in life and become your TRUE self
Ignite attraction in amazing women without having to rely on techniques (Ill show you my proven method to draw women into your life without having to try or even think about it!)
Develop rapport with a woman quickly, so it feels natural for her to be with you (This isnt about a rapport technique this is about how to REALLY connect with a woman on a profoundly instinctual level)
Navigate a womans emotional waves or EXTREME emotions not fun for almost any man, but it can be stress-free and even enjoyable if you know this simple secret
Connect with your woman on a deep emotional level, so that she FEELS that you are with her (This is something all women unconsciously look for when choosing a mate, so its important that you learn this, so you are ready when you meet a woman you are really into or when youre in a relationship you want to keep)
Control your emotions when you are with a woman (Do this in the moment when you are feeling flustered to quickly regain your composure and make the right move)
Master conflict and remain calm no matter how much the people around you are freaking out (This quality lets every woman around you know that you are a LEADER that can be depended on in a crisis situation a quality that woman are biologically hardwired to look for in a man)
Become a leader of yourself, your family, your social group, and your society. Heres how to cultivate your inner leader and use this new quality to improve every aspect of your life. making yourself incredibly attractive to women in the process
all of this and much more in the brand new
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