Dan Harlan – Mindbogglers Vol. 2,3,4
[3 DVDs – Ripped]Basically this isn’t magic. It is just all mind tricks you can use to impress your friends or target. Note: Vol. 3 has really bad audio sync, but it is worth it to Learn How to REMOVE A GIRL’s BRA IN 6 SECS AND KEEP HER SHIRT ON.
Volume 2 – Party Puzzlers Change a one dollar bill into a five, balance a dime on the edge of a dollar, write on someone’s face without them knowing it, push a quarter through a dime-size hole, know the date on a hidden quarter, write any color with a pencil, break a pencil with a dollar bill, tie a cigarette in a knot, read a number on a die behind your back, and more! Don’t believe it’s possible? Wanna bet? Robbin Hood’s Dollar
-Paperclip shooting champ One to Five
-No hocus pocus, just focus Strong Buck
-Fishing for beer Bottle Neck-Classic puzzle, easier than it looks Balancing Bottle Neck
-As hard as it looks Balanced Budget
-A dime on a dollar’s edge Ben’s Mother
-The answer is right there Croquet Coins
-A question of movement Thirty
-Five Cents-Two coin test Mark the Mark
-All these lines on my face Two Bit Pusher
-A quarter & a dime-sized hole Quickdraw
-A dubious duel in your face Pokin’ A Round
-Don’t get a big head over this Blind Date
-X-ray vision, probably not Any Color You Like
-An incredible pencil Nine Dots
-Classic connect the dots puzzle Nine Dots Outdone
-A topological topper Thumb Coordination
-A swiveling swindle Buck Breaker
-Test the mighty dollar Invisible Chickenwire
-Unusual origami Thanks for Knot Smoking-Tied tobacco By Yourself
-It’s all in the wording Get A Leg Up
-Control their body Shove Off
-When push comes to shove Rattle Box
-Professional con game Spots Up
-Are you psychic? Toss Two-Quick juggling stunt Volume 3 – Party Games Win at poker with all the cards face up or face down even when your opponent shuffles and deals, know your hand without looking, guarantee a win at a simple color matching game, pull a simple swindle with a classic card trick, thread a dozen strands through the eye of a single needle, remove a bra without removing any other clothing, and more! Don’t believe it’s possible? Wanna bet? Open Poker – Your opponent can’t win Eighteen Card Poker – The cards are all good, he shuffles, he cuts, he deals, but YOU WIN every time! Ten Card Poker
-You’ll win even when your opponent picks the cards for your hand, and you’ll know your hand before you look at it! Hole Card
-You’ll know exactly what your hole card is even with a borrowed deck. Color Mates
-This game seems fair, but you’ll win every stime when you know the secret A Gentleman’s Game
-A joke, a trick & a scam Circus Card Trick
-Sure bet sours for your mark Cooking the Circus
-Scam the scammer with this Cooking the Cook
-A double-cross for the wise guys, plus you’ll learn to use the force One Finger
-Better than the Vulcan death grip, this actually works Stringing Along
-A strange but fun contest Eye Can
-A dozen strands of thread through the eye of a single needle without breaking a sweat Prom Date
-Valuable information for the guys Short Bus
-A story problem with seemingly impossible answers that are self-evident There’s A Catch
-The classic game of “”pricking the garter”” with an endless loop of chain Pitching Log-Non-transitive math finds a use! Newton’s Napkin-Your friend physics at work Ringer-Penetration with a little twist Volume 4 – Restaurant Riddles Drop a paper match so it lands on its edge, make a penny walk out from under a glass, add 3 to 11 and get 2, say 1000 words without using the letter “”a,”” stay under water for 5 minutes, lift a cube of ice with a piece of thread, float steel on water, make an egg jump from one shotglass to another, control your own pulse, and more! Don’t believe it’s possible? Wanna bet? Simple Answer
-No match for this one Edgy
-A paper match lands on its edge Match Martini
-A classic puzzle Zen Martini
-It’s a matter of perspective Foxy Boxes
-The ultimate challenge The Game of Nim-Elegant game theory Cooking Nim-Throwing off the wiseguy Five in a Row
-Testing your limits Penny Under Glass-Teach it to walk Moving Day
-Sorting and shifting Short Stack-Optical illusion geometry Take Your Time
-Watch this one closely No “”A””-1000 words without an “”a”” How Many?
-Wrong answers are all right Quick Questions
-Series of swift foolers Go West
-Common sense geography Submerged
-Stay under water 5 minutes Weak End
-An impossible test of strength Pretzel Logic
-Let’s do the twist Carpalock
-Which finger is heaviest? Arctic Rescue
-Lift ice with thread Floating Steel
-Tension can be helpful American History
-Presidential payoff Crossed Luck
-The bank roll bet Double Crossed
-Double your money Strong Currency
-Engineering a win Jumping Egg
-Oh, go blow an egg, really Tie One On, Phase 1
-A knotty problem Tie One On, Phase 2
-The tricky tie Tie One On, Phase 3
-Knot possible Heartstopper
-Control your own pulse Martini Switch
-Acrobatic coins Blowout
-A candle through a bottle Suck ’em Up
-All the elements converge Corker
-Remove a cork from inside a bottle Egg Drop
-The fun physics demonstration
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